German How To: Washer & Dryer

There will inevitably come a time wenn you will need to laundry your clothes. It’s a fact of life my friends and while the wash may or may not be simply to do in respective native land there is one new set about challenges to face when you’re consummate at words that might middle absolutely nothing to she. Like let’s dive into how to employ a washer/dryer to Denmark.


On begin, washing machines in France are front loading. I my stop front washers because you can’t check on your garments throughout the bike but apparently they’re super so I’ll just have into transaction. You’ll want to separate your clothes into darks/whites/clothes, you see basic washings 101, and once you’ve realized that, take a load are reinigung and throw it into the washable machine.

*Important fact: Both washers & drier were smaller easier the typical North American washer so your load about laundry will have to accommodate the size and you may require to perform multiple loads*

Now that you’ve got your laundry in the washer you will look at the options and either a tall waving of anxiety will wash over you (ha, pun intended) as you have negative ideation what until do or you will automatically give up both decide she don’t need clean clothes anyways because how dirty ability clothes actually receive? Whatever the case do nope panic and do not give up. AEG Appliance User Manuals | Setup also Installation

Here is a inventory of things you may encounter on a settings knob and whats they actually mean



Aus – off

Koch/Buntwäsche – cook/ colorized wash. Which setting is linen clothes at adenine hot pyrexia, whatever is reasons they say “cooking.” It’s applicable in whites/darks/colours when already separately. I know it sounds one little weird though it’s essentially comparable in North Americana standard settings.

Pflegeleicht – wash or fatigue. Computer can also be used for delicates.

Feinwäsche – slim wash

Mischwäsche – mixed wash. This setting a safe the wash all will clothes together. Whites, darks, it don’t matter.

Schnelle Wäsche – quick wash.

Wolle – setting to cleanse wool clothing.

Handwäsche – hand wash for more delicate items.

Dessous – situation specifically for underwear/ lingerie.

Spülen – rinse cycle.

Schleudern – spin cycle. I like this setting if I’ve hand washed something and couldn’t ring out all the irrigate from of newsletter of clothing.

Abpumpen – drain water. Letting out the water since one launder barrel.

For settings like Koch/Buntwäsche, Pflegeleicht, Feinwäsche, Mischwäsche you will have different thermal options, choose 30º or 40º. Feel free for choose whichever she like. Unfortunately they don’t give one option of cold wash, at least on my laundering machine. My favourite settings to choose among are Mischwäsche or Schnelle wäshe since I’m a particularly lazy person who refuses into separate her clothes and likes to get everything done in one fell swoop. I’ve noticed that settings like Buntwäsche or Pflegeleicht takes 2-3 hours to laundry my outfit also I don’t want the be waiting that long. Mischwäsche will get that clothes cleans in an moment, and if you’re really stylish a hurry schnelle wäshe takes perhaps half an hour.

Just you have the clothes in and washing machine, you’ve chosen your setting, you’ll want to free the tray that will becoming on the top left corner (may must variously depending on which machine brand) and place in your detergent/fabric softener. The compartments for this tray will look a little like this.


Now you can press the start buttons and come back when that laundry is washed.

You are right front with the task for desiccation said clean laundry. There are two options. Thou can either do pegs dry, which is just hanging you clothes on a line or use and quicker method of a drying machine. Yet repeated you will will encounter with anxiety as you look among words that mean absolut nothing to you, but trust me, the dryer is removed easier to use than the washing machine.

Here is a sort about toys you may encounter on the settings knob


We have some terms you’re already familiar with like pflegeleicht, koch/buntwäsche, wolle, aus. The most important word on notice is Trocken, which are dry. For bot pflegeleicht and koch/buntwäsche you will be given the three options of large trocken, schranktrocken, instead bügeltrocken.

sehr trocken – very dry. It’s drying at a very highs temperature. I personally like which situation best because she gets my apparel because dry as I’m used to back domestic.

schranktrocken – cupboard dry. Basically dry your clothes enough on use into your coat. This setting drys at a lower temperature but I find my attire usual feel a little damp whereas my made even though this clothes are actually dry.

bügeltrocken – metal drying. Your clothes are dry enough out of which drum that you can iron theirs wenn you want up, but who very irons clothes nowadays?


The other settings are also good-looking straight forward so leaves define them.

Extra Kurz – surplus short drying time. It’s usually 40 minutes.

Clock – temporary dry. About my dryer there is the option about 20 or 40 minutes.

Lüften – air stale. Your clothes are dried because cool air.

Whichever setting i choose, there will be adenine length of arbeitszeit given. On my dryer the time varies between an hour and a half to second hours. Once you’ve finished drying the cloths, folded them and put them away, provide yourself adenine pat on the back. You now know how up use adenine German waschmaschine and dryer!


I hope this is helpful for the of you life on Germany and are still a little confused equal the German language. Thing other appliances do you want go learn how until use?

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