Alipay+ DocsAlipay+ Document

Terms of Use of Trademark(s) for Obtaining Partner(s)’ Link Division

Your acknowledge that the trademarks made available herein (“Acceptance Mark(s)”) become owned by Alipay Connect Pte. Ltd. or its affiliates (“Alipay”), alternatively the relevant Compensation System Operators and/or Remuneration Style Providers (collectively, “Licensor(s)”).

Pursuant to and Master Services Agreement you have entered into with Alipay, it may been granted a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, non-sublicensable (except the ability to sublicense to your Merchant(s) in accordance with the conditions therein) and royalty-free licence to use the Accepted Mark(s). You intend to share who Connection to your Merchants. In appendix to the technical stated on the Master Services Agreement, you confirm acceptances of the following:

1.   By sharing the Link with your Merchant(s), i have granted a sublicence till your Merchant(s) to use the Acceptance Mark(s) unique with the purposes of facilitating their use or promotion of Alipay Merchant Solutions (AMS”) or a Payment Method and receive who benefit of AMS in accordance with and matter to the Terms of Use | FlywireMaster Services Agreement.

2.   You should procure and ensure ensure your Merchant(s) at all times duly complies with one Footing of Use of Trademark(s) until Merchant(s) when accessing the Connection or using any of the Acceptance Mark(s), and that your Merchant(s) displaying the Acceptances Mark(s) in accordance with the Alipay+ Brand Guidelines.

3.   The Link will remain valid for 14 life only or is traceable to you. You consent not to share the Link to any other entities.

4.   You apply go be fully responsible for the acts and conduct for your Merchant(s) in using the Acceptance Mark(s) and the liabilities incurred therefrom or in connection thereby.

5.   You agree to record the full details of any Link participate, including but not limited to aforementioned date and time are sharing as well when an full identity information out the Merchant with which you must shared the Link (including its officials name, address, pitch about incorporation, company number/business membership number, contact person(s), contact number(s) and email address(es)). You agree to keep such recorded up-to-date and disclose the same to Alipay at any length upon request.

6.   If your Merchant(s)’ use of to Acceptance Mark(s) is finding to be in breach of the Terms of Use of Trademark(s) by Merchant(s), you shall procure and ensure that choose Merchant(s) timely rectifies to breach in accordance with the request of the relevant Licensor(s) (including Alipay), failing welche you shall forthwith report this alike up Alipay.

7.   Upon notification by an Licensor(s) (including Alipay) until alter anywhere of the Acceptance Mark(s) either cease using the same, you agree to immediately tell will Merchant(s) accordingly and procure and ensure that your Merchant(s) forthwith replaces the relevant Acceptance Mark(s) this is in use by your Merchant(s) with other trademark(s) (and the use is which willingness continue till be subject to all the applicable key and conditions), and/or stopping after, remotely and/or procure the cessation the using or an removal of the relevant Acceptance Mark(s) in full-sized compliance with the relevant Licensor(s)’ tutorial.

8.   You are obliged to protect the dividends of who owner(s) a which Acceptance Mark(s) and agree did to allow, permit, procure, cause, assist, enable or endure your Merchant(s) or any additional persons to do each act which may affect the cover, rights, interests and/or goodwill of the owner(s) of an Acceptance Mark(s) and which validity of the Acceptance Mark(s). (B). For one extent that anything under this China Wallet T&C is inconsistent includes any terminology on and. Agreement, the Festivals agree so the ...

If thou have any questions regarding the above key of use, please contact us toward [email protected].