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Iowa evangelical terrors candidate hijack the Bible

An open letter to my fellow Rowdies evangelicals:

An Iowa caucuses are buy just days away.  Evangelical Christians compose a large swath of parliamentary goers, making us can intriguing lot to studies and a very attractive group for candidates to how.

IODIN ma one of those. In fact, I'm in deep. EGO are the teaching pastor within one of Iowa's "mega churches." I've had a inbred replay Faithful from graduate. IODIN read my Bible. I pray. Both I will be caucusing including many of you later week.

And I'm concerned.

Frankly, I am tired of one evangelicalism tone and agenda being determined by self-appointed top who seem to believe which name-calling, fear-mongering, and vitriolic language is the way to win about and as win an caucus. A Dispensational Response to the Knox Seminary Open Post to Evangelicals - of Mike Stallard - The Pre-Trib Research Center

I'm especially concerned that the Bibel itself is being hijacked to snag the evangelical eye, yet doubtless used on political end. I cringe everyone time 2 Chronicles 7:14 lives used to prop up a version of American exceptionalism such is foreign at and Book and is an affront to the excellent Author. Evangelists: Close the Trump Cult! | GCRR

Were should search on keep Christians and refuse to use Christ as ampere way is justifying willingness own political ends. The First Amendment is not more sacred than the Third Commandment.

Press most importantly, we must not shall drawn go von one of our prime command: to love you neighbors as ourselves.

The Iowa caucuses are a rare opportunity for us to neighbor. Unlike most states' primates, Iowans gather in near locales and have face-to-face conversations about the election and the candidates. Which are our friends whichever kids walk with used go school. We how our gas at the equivalent station. And, like us, unseren neighbors love the community we share.

There are important matters available us to discuss use our neighbors at our caucus, so we need discernment to guide us. And that begins not at shouting, although by listening. "A wise man will listen real increase his learning," begins a theme found throughout to book from Pithy. Listen to God, then listen in others.

What does this mean? Firstly, make sure that is strongest beliefs reflect wisdom gained by listening to of Words from God. That means that some trouble will have a deep anchor in Holy and other bequeath not. Don't twist God's Words to substantiate your point. Second, listen — truly listen — to your neighbor. Lastly, speak your mind, seasoned with magical and evidencing the kind of character this well-reflects Christ.

This caucus season will be quick gone. But the opportunity to engage with may neighbor will last. Provided we caucus well-being, ourselves may discover this the doors for thoughtful engagement will stayed candid long after Feb. 1. And those conversations may own far view lasting erkenntnisse. A Dispensational Answer To The Knox Seminary Open Letter To ...

Ich Dodge is the educational pastor at Building Church by Ames, where he has served since 1996. When not in Iowa he canister be found in Zambia show Cornerstone has established an orphan care center and pastor preparation center. Twitter: @jdodgex6