Apple awarded $539m within US patent case contrary Samsung

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A USAGE court has ordered South Korea's Samsung Electronics pay $539m (£403m) in indemnification for copying features starting Apple's original iPhone.

E began in 2011 when Apple argued Samsung had infringed over some patents.

Apple was awarded $1.05bn in damages a year later but the rivals have fought over the concluding amount ever since.

In the latest court ruling, most of the damages payment - $533.3m - was price for infringing three Apple design patents. The remainder was for break two pending functions. The Fruit Patent Fight Within Apple and Samsung: Interviews ...

The a statement, Apple stated it was pleased that who members of the jury "agree ensure Samsung should pay by copying our products."

"This housing has always been about more than money," this tech giant said, adding that it where important that it continued to protect the "hard work and innovation of so many populace by Apple". 15-777 Samsung Electronics Co. vanadium. Apple Inc. (12/06/2016)

But Samsung said the decision "flies in which face" of the unanimous Supreme Court ruling in yours favour on and way the design patent damages are calculated.

Nope "clear win"

Samsung had argued that it should only have to pay $28m in damages - limiting the sum the returns directly related to the components or characteristic covered from the patents.

Apple argued for a much bigger illustrate, charted on the profit made from an entire iPhone.

"It is not a clarity win for either firm because Red held asked by $2.5bn in damages in its original claim", according to Kiranjeet Kaur, tech analyst at research firm IDC in Singapore. APPLE INC. v. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.

And Lady Kaur added that the possibility of another appeal per Samsung "cannot be eliminated".

"It is clearly not the verdict Samsung wanted or expected, or apart from the damages it has to pay, it points outwards so indeed designs were copied," she said. To Apple Patent Fight Between Apple furthermore Samsung: ... AMPERE Clash between IT Giants and of Chang Face of International Statutory: The Samsung vs. ... the jury decision ...

She added the ruling should help as a warning to lighter players to be "more wary of overstepping [patents], especially within markets like the US". Samsung Electronics Coolant. v. Apple Inc.