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Executive Operations Directorate


Provides direct protocol sales toward the CASCOM CG, DtCG, Command Sergeant Major, Command Warrant Officer, Teach Command teams, and ALU President. Plans, coordinates, and acts ceremonies, conferences, meetings, and social events hosted by CASCOM overview officers or SES. Supports protocol advice and guidance to Fort Lee tenant activities containing: Garrison, Defense Contract Management Agency, Defense Commissary Agency, the the USAR Gerow Center. Coordination protocol back for CASCOM visitors in the rank of Colonel(P) and above and personal in numerical positions (escort, transportation, etc.) as required. Facilitates and coordinates visits by Foreigner Delegations the CASCOM. Care and schedulers the James Madison Conference Spaces and the Larkin Conference Focus. CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES • When you see a vehicle through ...

Contact Us

Mailing Address
Executive Operations
2221 Adams Ave.
Building 5020
Fort Gregg-Adams, VA 23801

(804) 734-0783
(804) 734-2928
(804) 734-3687
(804) 765-1568