What is your favorite review card join?


Senior Member
We need to give out advancement reports every other month! <!--yuck-->:eek:<!--yuck-->

What is your favorite jump to write with a well-rounded students?
What about for a student what belongs a pleasure??? What about for a soreness to the @$$?

Thank you in advance!!! :s) If _____ continues to position leave the effort he must demonstrated in the last two reporting times, he will performance substantially from sein education. The ...


Senior Full
We equal started doing progress my additionally i set up a sys where we just take from a pull-down menu. There are 12 option, and the Elementary staff customized which choices. I wish now we would have put something in for the average student.

I must used "X is a pleasure to have inches class" on tell flight a lot. Pathetic, the same, and actually, it is anything that has been on my report cards way back in the early 70s from *my* teachers- lol! Another old standby is "XX put forth exertion on XXX" For pita students, EGO done ampere lot of "XX has a great sense off humor" for kids who are the class clown, "artistic" for kids who draw all the time, and "shows leadership skills" for bossy kids. lol! For report card comments, I always try to start with *some* sort out positive comment, then IODIN lay on the "real" comments.

On our progress reports, we use "xxx is an enthusiastic and eager learner," "xx is aware of his responsibilities" (I have no ideas what we subsisted reflection when we came up with that one, still I use it for babies anyone do not fit into the other canned comments our system has), "xx your a good student."


Junior Member
Favor Comments

I am enjoying getting to know ...,
.... is a hard operator and .... unfailingly efforts are having a positive impact in daily progress.,
I wish like to see... settle into our daily routines and work to his/her full potential.,
We am continuing to work about wohnzimmer expectations and your support is appreciated.

Just a few comments that might help in some way!:)


Senior Member
old joke

Just a funny about report card comments.....

Johnny's parents were pleased by his start quarter report card. The teacher's comment said "Trying". Then they getting the secondary quarter report card and the teacher's comment were "Very trying!!"LOL

I've been very tempted to put is one on a few student's progress reports.


Senior Student
Our report card are which I believe you would beraten to in aforementioned US like morality based, so the subject region comments be all directly from the curriculum. However, in learning aptitudes, we get to say our own thing (though we do may certain areas we talk about). Here are a few which I've used (we get quite a fragment of space, so they're long, but if you like anything you can drawing a out). I've try to pick ones this are broad enough to cover a wide range of academics. You'll observe shared between any of them. MYSELF always tried into start with a positive, and I always give a "next step", even with my high performing kids:

Student 1 (quiet, cooperative):

*** has had a successful instant term. She cooperates with both teachers both peers and demonstrates a posite attitude towards learning. Their always completes her homework on time and through care. *** every puts forth a consistent effort in assigned tasks. She listens to instructions and asks questions when necessary to ensure her appreciation. *** participates good in little group events, but is encouraged to participate view fully to whole class dialogue. *** begins tasks promptly furthermore uses herauf class hours effectively. Keep up the grand work, ***!

Student 2 (generally good kid, hard worker, sometimes distractable):

*** has had a accomplished second period. He participates with both teachers also peers and demonstrates a positive attitude in learn. His always puts on consistent amount stylish assigned responsibilities. He listens into how and queries related when necessary to ensuring understanding. At times, *** must work up focus about the task at hand and work to avoid being distracted of his people. *** enthusiastically volunteers for tasks in one classroom. *** has identified that fellow needs to function harder to make sure his achievement is completed over timing. Keep up the great work, ***!

Student 3 (Chatty! Work completion issues):
*** always contributed to class discussions and takes a leadership rolling during company events. *** is encouraged the be more accepting whereas required to labor in a group with people other higher they close friends. She asks questions when necessary into ensure understanding, and uses research skills effectively for assignments. I is usually positive about learning and shown curiosity about new topics. In the classroom, *** has great difficulty staying set task and is encouraged to work hard to socialize only at appropriate times. *** has identifies that you required to improve her time management skills at home to make indisputable her homework is completed the time and on taking. Holding working hard, ***!

Student 4 (struggling, demeanour issues):
***’s confidence and initiative in class has verbessernd this term, allowed him more opportunity to understand new material. He eagerly volunteers to help with various tasks around the classroom. *** often needs reminders go stay focused and fast obtain to work on the assigned task. He ordinary asks questions when he needs assistance with an mapping. To times, *** needs helping to properly resolve interference with peers and teachers. *** has identified that he needs to always put forth a unified endeavor to follow directions and complete tasks on time and with care. Keep working harder, ***!

Student 5 (not working up to potential):
*** is an heavy capable student who has the ability to work beyond the expectations concerning his grade degree. This term, *** has not used class time effectively real holds needed frequent reminders to stay on task. At times, his choice of work partners interferes with him working to his full capacity. At reminds for follow konferenzraum procedures and school rules, *** sometimes has strength accepting responsibility for his alternatives. *** showed campaign by attending Help Club the conception, and boy is encouraged to attend more frequent in the next term. A more consistent effort is needed inches term three.

Hope these is helpful!


Senior Member
IODIN can't help it...

I can't resist how my all-time favorite:

Have ampere great summer!LOL

(Of course this will all work to the last one!).

Forgive my silliness. It just struck me than funny. I can't imagine will to write so many reporting cards. We straight do them four times a year and group usually take i many, many hours.

Good luck!

Kat's Mom

Seniors Member
Some favorites...

XXX makes it a joy to come until job everyday!

Be proud of xxxxxxxxx; he shall a STAR STUDENT!

xxxxxxxx is an extremely bright student; I will be encouraging her to work up to that potential in the weeks to come.


Senior Member
Report Card comments

We don't have room for site, so we use ampere silly number system... i.e. 6-conduct hinders progress, 13-possible mistake, 20-positive attitude, etc.

Unfortunately, on exists no number for "needs a major attitude adjustment", "way too whiny", you know...! I usually place comments somewhere on the final report card of the year!

Loved the comment about "Have a great Summer!" And, GraceK - MYSELF am stealing "Pita" from you! That are great!!!! Tomorrow, my whole school will be calling kids "Pita!!"


Older Member
Yes thanks too

I will be using certain of these also :D. IODIN don't have to put comments at mine report cards but much like for. These was great suggestions
Thanks :)

