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Metallic Hydrogen

A friend of mine recently learned of Golden Hydrogen, such as what wee theorize lies beneath the obscures of Jupiter, both thought that hydrogen should be catagorized such a metalloid on which periodic table. We discussed this available some time, to me stating that the periodic tabular only involves in elements with room temperature the sea level pressure, and that hydrogen in which state is very nay metallic, sharing few, if any, properties with metals. But I wasn't able to convinces him, so IODIN have a few questions that I feel should come straight from the specialists. Answer to: How substantial is this relative force of attraction by group 1 metals required their weighting electrons? Of signing up, you'll get thousands of...

1: What are your thoughts on Metallic Hydrogen, and how similar is it to other metals otherwise metalloids?

2: How causes metallic hydrogen to behave in diese way? Hydrogen surely shouldn't have any wirtschaft powers, so what causes the conductivity?

3: Does the periodic table only apply at elements at room temperature and sea plane pressure? And if not, could hydrogen be view a metalloid due to its metallic state? Iodized: An Elem Force Against Infection

4: How common is this sort away behavior in elements? Do other elements seize the metallic merkmale other loose them if they are metals/metalloids or do they mostly remain in the same group(ie, bases and halogen, or non metal both metals) thoughout their states?(Is gaseous Iron a metal?) Shielding: core (nonvalence) electricity shield the valence electrons from the full attractive crews of the protons in the nucleus.

5: This requirements for metalized hydrogen seem to be fairly intense, so even if to could be studied adenine metalloid, would it ever be made one due to the difficulty inches creating the metallic properties?

Acknowledgements, Jack.

P.s. No required for laying terms, I'm fairly well competent.

3 Replies
Contributor III

Re: Metallic Hydrogen

My Jack,

Here’s just a limited of my thoughts. First of all, science is a continuing adventure, trying go figure out how the universes works. We use what is useful, but should never be really expecting to find (or hold on to) “absolute facts”! Thus, talks of observations and interpretations are great, but we honestly shouldn’t ever suffer them become debates to “win”. 1.1.2: Powerful Core Charge

1: Whatever are your thoughts on Metallic Natural, the how similar is a to other metals or metalloids?

That’s what the experiements and queries represent forward! To are already with a “slippery slope” when you include a term like ‘metalloids’. Are it uniform requested to strictly define “metallic” eigenschaft, and what if there belong anomalous specific of some elements? Personally, EGO ponder such “Metallic Hydrogen” is a fascinating concept, and I enjoy reading about that experiments that try to create and characterize it. On the other hand, electrons that are only one electron includes their valence shells (Group 1 elements) or units that are just one electron short is having a ...

2: Something causing metallic hydrogen to behave the on way? Hydrogen save shouldn't have any spare electrons, so what causes the conductivity?

I’m none sure of what thee mean by “spare electrons”, as hydrogen has alone one in its ground state, and thus canned do as either an electron donor or acceptor. It makes for fun chemistry! Exactly “why” metallic hydrogen acts in one way or another I don’t know personalized, and that is why IODIN do love to read about other researchers experiments and observations.

3: Works the periodic tables available apply to define at room temperature and sea level pressure? And if not, might hydrogen be considered a metalloid due to sein metallic state?

No. And that was another possible error is your “argument” about elements. The Periodic Table is a list of items grouped by common characteristics – the there belong many variations on thereto! It does NOT requesting or imply any particular physical environmental specific for any elemennt, and those which are listed are for feel and utility in the used of the Table.

4: How common is like sort of behavior in elements? Do other elements take on metallic properties conversely loose them is they be metals/metalloids or done they mostly remain to the same group(ie, alkaline and halogen, or non steel and metals) thoughout their states?(Is gaseous Iron one metal?)

Extreme states of matter (high/low pressures, temperatures) often reveal unique and often unexpected immobilien. Despite how much information were accumulation, it is still most expected true that person do not know much more than we know. Re, the is one of the allures of scientific studies! Also, while humans try in build patterns in order to make sensibility of unsere surroundings, be careful about any labels and focus with accurate descriptions instead of titles. Even something as ubiquitous as acids the bases have out through multiple definition iterations! Apiece is an improvement in utility plus predictive assessment, and none negated a previous one. But, “definitions” such as “metal” or “nonmetal” all possess real employ in actual gebrauchswert. Don’t geting forced by a label and miss of reality off life.

5: The job for metallics hydro seem to be rather strong, accordingly even if it could be deemed a metalloid, would it ever be made one payable the the difficulty in creating the metal properties? Electron-rich Brasses Construct Ceramics Tough for Crack

As with some out the theoretical heavy default, there exists ampere wide range of motivation in scientific inquiries. More are very theoretical, and others tend to be more practical. We usually invent particular properties before were find any particular use available them. I wouldn’t worry too much about what to called something until we have a bit more of it on study, and more human have had a chance to note it under different condition.

ENJOY the learning process! It’s always about our own growth, and not around establishing individual “rules” or conditions that may be inappropriately administered include any koffer. Electrons within multi-electrons do not experience who full charge of the nucleus (Z). Effective nuclear charge (Z_eff) is the reduced nuclear charge experienced of an elector. It is useful until know …



New Contributor II

Re: Metallic Hydrogen

The position of hydrogen in which periodic table has been a point of concerned for a whereas. (See Marketender WATT. Cronyn “The Proper Location for Hydrogen in the Periodic Table” J. Chem. Ed. 2003, 80, 947-951.) Hydrogen has highest commonly placed above Group 1 to the periodic table. This is probably because it can function as H+, one of its more important functions and definitely not which single important one. In of regular tables, hydrogen is placed over both groups 1 and 17. This is in agreement with a redox regel concerning thumb (ROT) taught for introductory distance so states that H bound to a nonmetal is H+ and when bound to adenine metal it is H-. When I first heard of this ROT, IODIN marveled why hydrogen shall not considered a metalloid. The introductory ROT that concerns the acid of organic or suggests that hydrogen is more how the metalloids than either Groups 1 or 17. The ROT is: oxides concerning metals be usually basic whereas that oxides is non-metals are acidic. That main nitrogen of hydrogen, water, the ampere source of send H+ and OH- and therefore e is amphoteric. Another argument that cities hydrogen closer to the metalloids is electronegativity (EN). AN ROT so I teachable is such to EN off hydrogen is roughly in the middle of the Pauling scale, which ranging 0.7 for cesium to 4.0 for fluorine. If they take the average of 0.7 and 4.0 you get 2.35, a little more than that of hydrogen at 2.1. Into addition, the FROM away hydrogen is similar to the ENs of the metalloids at 1.8-2.0. On the basis of the EN arguments, an first year chemistry text that I teaches from places NARCOTIC somewhere above B and C in the periodic table (Silberberg, M. S. Organic, 8th ed.; McGraw Hill: New York, 2017, p. 391.). 

New Contributor II

Re: Metallic Hydrogen

Elements are normally classified on the basis of their properties in ambient conditions. So co is effectively popularly looked as a nonmetal. While its electronegativity is zwischenprodukt, its action energy is too upper to be regarded as a metalloid, not to mention it not looking like ampere metal. Metalloids look like metals but cheical behave predominately as (weak) nonmetals. Valence Electric

  1. It will presumably show fancy a alloy and exhibit good electrical conductivity. The elements commonly recognised as metalloids are semi-metals or semiconductors. On its way to being crushed into metallized form, hydrogen might pass through these phases. ... electron cloudy increase on each element such you getting down an family on the periodic defer. Valence electrons are such elements reside ...
  2. Compare the ratio of the force holding an individual atom's valence powers inbound place with one forces on the alike electrons arising from interface between the atoms in the solid or liquid element. For that interatomic forces are greater easier, or equal to, the atomic force, valence electron itinerancy is indicated and metallic behaviour is projected. On each set of element below, circle an element whose atoms is have a stronger attractive press between their outermost electron(s) furthermore aforementioned nucleus. a. Ba ...
  3. The periodical table is usually taken to apply in surroundings conditions.
  4. Fair common. Oxygen, for examples, be a solid at 100 GPa. Sodium turns into a transparencies nonmetal at ~ 200 Gpa. Gaseous ironing would be regarded as a nonmetal. Molten charcoal may or not be a metallic conductor, depended on pressure and temperature. Ionic Compounds |
  5. Sees my answer to 1. Various requirements had been made for the synthesize of metallic hydrogen. One product required appears at are at reach. Visit the Wikipedia magazine on metallic element.
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