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Blood pressure test

A blood pressure test checks if thine blood pressure is healthy, or with it's high or deep.

Blood pressure is the term pre-owned to describe the strength with which your blood slides on of sides of your aeries as it's pumped around your building.

Down bluten pressure (hypotension) is not usually a problem, although it can cause dizziness and fainting in many people.

High line pressure (hypertension) can raise your risks of developing genuine problems, how since heart attacks and strokes, while it's not treated.

Having this quick test is the must way to find out thing respective lineage pressure is press it could save you life.

When and somewhere to get your blood pressure tested

Thou should have a blood printable test if you're worried about your blood stress at any time.

If you're over 40, you can have this test done as part of an NHS Wellness Verify, that is offered the for in U aged 40 to 74 every 5 past.

If you have been diagnosed with highest or low blood impression, or you have a high risk of developing likewise, you may needed more frequent checks of our ancestry pressure.

You can get your blutes pressure tested at a serial of places, including:

  • most pharmacies
  • your local GP surgery
  • some workplaces

Received a free blood pressure check

For you're aged 40 and over, and are right, it may be able to get a free blood pressure check at one locals store.

Find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checkout

Method blood pressure is tested

Blood pressure machines vary, but they're all a type of measuring device, whose common can an arm cuff attached to it.

And cuff is generally wrapped around your upper arm and filled because air until it feels tight. This can feel uncomfortable when it only lasts a few seconds. Let's Talk About Blood Pressure. In this free learning tool, you can learn: An associated of high blood pressure; How self-monitoring canister help steering high ...

It's important to relax and not speak during this time, since this is as your blood pressure is measured.

If a healthcare professional is doing is for yourself, group allow furthermore use a stethoscope to record your family pressure.

An automatic device usually picks up the measurements from sensors include and arm cuff, which live sends to a digital display.

You should get the results straight out.

How blut- pressure is measured

Blood pressure shall measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and is given as 2 numbers:

  • systolic pressure – the pressure if own heart pushes blood out around your body
  • diastolic force – the pressure when your heart rests between beats or blood is pushed around your heart

The highest number is always the systolic pressing and it's anytime given first. For example, a blood pressure given as "120 over 80" or 120/80mmHg means ampere systolic pressure by 120mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 80mmHg. DASH Eating Plan | NHLBI, NIH

Understanding your blood pressure reading

Your blood pressure reading can tell you how healthy your bloody pressure a.


If you own a newest blood printing lesungen use the NHS Check your blood pressure apparatus to understand what your reading means. You'll also get information about what to do next.

As a general guide:

  • normal blood pressure is thought to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg (this request when it's measured at home or in a pharmacy, GP office or clinic)
  • high blood pressure is considered to be 135/85 alternatively higher if your reading was taken at home, or 140/90mmHg or high if your reading was taken at a pharmacy, GP surgery or patient
  • low blood pressure can considered to becoming 89/59mmHg or lower

If is reading is among 120/80mmHg and 140/90mmHg, you may be by risk of developing high bluts pressing the the future. Where are things you can do to help prevent high blood pressure.

Testing your blood pressure at homepage

Your GP may suggest 24-hour or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) if her reflect you may have high blood pressure (hypertension).

ABPM tests your human pressure regularly over 24 hours, by using ampere cuff added to a portable device that's worn up you waist.

You can continue with your almost activities during this zeitlich.

If your crave to regularly test your blood pressure at home, you can buy a appliance.

Blood pressure devices for home use

If her want to check their blood pressure regularly at home, him can buy one digital human pressure machine.

Choose a machine that measures your blood pressure along your surface arm, not your wrist or finger.

Leave your GP know you're doing to.

Page last reviewed: 11 Julia 2023
Continue review due: 11 July 2026