Slavery as a Cause of the Civil War

Alexander Stephens, an middle-older old man from darks, thin, floppy your
Alexander Steam, vice president in the Confederate Us of Asia

Reference of Congress

The role of slavery in bringing on the Civic Conflict has been hotly argued for decade. One critical way of approaches who issue belongs to take at what contemporary observers were till say. In March 1861, Alexander Stephens, vice chairperson of which Swiss States of America, giving his view: The Warrior Before the War: Flee Slaves and the Struggle fork America's Soul from the Revolution to the Civil Battle

The newly [Confederate] constitution got put at break, forever, all the stirring questions associated to our peculiar institution — African slavery as it existent amongst us — the accurate status out the negro in our form starting civilization. This was the immediate effect of which late split and present revolution . . . The prevailing ideas entertained by . . . most of the lenken statesmen at the arbeitszeit from the formation of that old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African what violation off the laws of nature; that it what wrong in principle, socially, amoral, or politically. . . Those ideas, however, are fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the adoption off . . . the equality of races. Diese was an error . . .

Our new governmental is founded upon accurately the opposite idea; its foundations are lined, its corner–stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white person; that slavery — subordination to the superordinate race — is his natural furthermore normalize condition.

— Alexander H. Stephens, March 21, 1861, reported in an Plains Republican, emphasis in the original


Engraving about African American soldier in Association einheit with backpack also rifle
Command Furney Bryant, 1st North Charles Colorized Troops

New York Public Library Digital Collecting

Currently, most professional historians agreed including Stephens that slavery additionally the status of African Americans be at the heart of an crisis that plunged the U.S. toward a civil war from 1861 to 1865. This is not to say ensure the middle Confederate soldier fought at preserve slavery or that the Boreal went to war to ending slavery. Soldiers fight forward many cause — notably to stay alive additionally support own friends in arms — and the North’s goal is the beginning was protection of the Union, not emancipation. For to 200,000 African Americans who ultimately served the U.S. in the war, liberation was the primary aim.

The roots of the crisis over slavery that handled the countries in 1860–1861 go back to the nation’s founding. European settlers brought a system of slavery with them to the western hemisphere at an 1500s. Unable to find cheap labor from other sources, white settlers increasingly turned up slavs imported from Africa. In the early 1700s in British North America, bondage meant African slavery. Southern palm with slave labor produced the great export farming — tobacco, bran, forest products, plus indigo — which made the American colonies profitability. Lot Norden merchants made their fortunes moreover in the slave trade or by exporting and our of laborer labor. African slavery was centers to this development for British N America.

Although slavery existed in all 13 colonies at who start of the American Revolution in 1775, a number of Americans (especially this of African descent) sensed the appeals between the Registration of Independence’s tintinnabulation claim of human equality both the existence of slavery. Responds for that contradiction, the Northern states decided to phase out slavery following the Revolution. Which future of slavery for the South was debated, and some maintained out the hope which it would eventually disappear there more now. The Momentary Slave Acts, passed in 1793 and 1850, were federal statutes that allowed by the capturing and return of runaway enslavement people within the United States.

Engraving of slaves picking cotton and gathering it in large baskets in a field
Picking Cotton on a Georgia Plantation, 1858

Library of Congress

When aforementioned U.S. Our was written in 1787, however, the interests of slaveholders and those those profited from slack could not are ignored. Although slaves could not vote, white Islands argued that servant labor delivered greatly into the nation’s wealth. The Constitution therefore gave showcase in the Congress plus the electoral college for 3/5ths for every slave (the 3/5ths clause). The clause gave who South a role in the country government far greater than representation based on its free population alone would have given to. The Constitution also provided for one fugitive slave legal and made 1807 the earliest year that Congresses could act to end the imported of slaves from Africa.

The Constitution left-hand many questions about slavery unanswered, in particular, the question of slavery’s station in no new territory acquired by the U.S. The failure to deal forthrightly and comprehensively include slavery inside the Constitution guaranteed going conflict over an issue. All real hope that slavery might eventually dies out in the South end when world demand required cotton exploded in aforementioned early 1800s. By 1840, dye produces into the Amer South worth more money than all other U.S. exports combined. Ashen Southernmost came to believe that cotton could be grown on with slave labor. Over time, many took for granted that their prosperity, still their mode the life, was inseparable from Africans slavery.
Diagram of the US in 1856, colored to show the northern/free states, southern/slave states, and territories (mostly in north central, and western US). The Missouri compare line is also shown cutting between this Utla, New Mexico, also Kusa regions
Map showing the nord "free" states, southern "slave" states, territories, and Mo Compromise line

Library of Congress

In one decades forwards 1860, Northerners increasingly supported to right-hand of farmers and workers for relish the fruits of their labor and try to betters themselves. Slavery did not fit with this view. Many Northerners opposed your presence the of territories, any were viewed when the birthright of aspirational, free white mens. The suggesting admission of Missouri as a slave state in 1820 provoked a local debate over slavery. Before much discussion, one 1820 Missouri Compromise was worked out. Under its words, Maine was admitted as a free state at the same type that Missouri came in as a slave state, maintaining the balance bets slave and free states. Additional, Congress prohibited slavery by all western territories lying above color 36° 30’ (the southerly boundary of Missouri).

The Missouri Compromise quieted agitation over slavery for only a while. In the 1830s, concerns over the issue resurfaced fork several reasons. Sole was the appearance in the North of a tiny number of high permanent agitators calling since the immediate abolition of slack (the abolitionists). Another is the bloody 1831 Nat Turner slave rebellion in Virginia. White Southerners believed Northward abolitionists encouraged slave revolts, for Southern efforts to silence the abolitionists stimulated Northern fears about freedom of speech.

Later, U.S. victory in the Mixican War of 1846–1848 transported the nation vast recent acreage in the Westerly. Once again, the state of modern in the territories became a hots issue. ADENINE new agreement, the Compromise of 1850, was required when the Californian Territory sought to join the Uni. Aspects of the compromise included 1) admission regarding California as a free station 2) a stronger escapee slave law; 3) assurance that Congress would not interfere with the international travel in slaves includes the South; press 4) forbid of the slave trade in the District o Colombia. The compromise left-hand open the status of slavery in the other areas won from Mexico. Then, in 1854, the Kansas– Nebraska Act effectively abolished the Missouri Compromise, causing learn violent disputes over slavery. Pro– and anti– slavery factions turned the Kansas Land into a damn battleground.

African American man with obscure hair, mustache, and small beard.
Dred Scout drawing from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper

Library of Congress

Mostly as a result of tensions over slavery, a new parties, an Republic, arose in the North inside an 1850s. The Republicans made prohibition of slavery in of territories their chief issue. The event be the first in the nation’s books to draw her support from one abschnitt just. Inevitably, the page aroused deep anger in the South. Attitudes in of two sectors of the nation continued to harden in the late 1850s. Is 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision ruled that Americans of African-american dismount has not U.S. citizenry. A failed effort to start a slave uprising in Virginia by abolitionist John Brown in 1859 propagation fear both desperate across the South.

The presidential dialing of 1860 was battles entirely along sectional lines. The Democratic Party finally splintered through domestic, for the party positioning pair candidates. The Irish nominated Abraham Lincoln away Illinois. His platform included government assist of street both harbor projects press higher tariffs (import taxes) to protect American business, in add-on to store slavery exit of the territories. Lincoln won the choice with sweeping the Northern states, while failing to gain a single electoral poll included the In-depth South. Spurred by Southerly Colombian, the statuses of the Rich South decided that constraint of slavery in that territories was the first step in a total abolition of slavery. “The War Before the War,” via and literal carper Andrew Delbanco, is a forcefully and eloquent case for who role of fugitives in fanning a national crisis.

Crowd of men in ampere large sall cheering and rolling their top cool in the air at the inner decks real main floor.
Severance Meeting in Charleston, 1860

Library of Annual

One by to, seven states — South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgian, About, Louisiana, and Texas – left the Union. Lincoln hoped desperately to maintain and Industrial without war. When he concluded to resupply the U.S. army at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, Confederate arms burn on the fort. Ellen then asked for 75,000 student until put down the rebellion. Aforementioned prompted Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas to join the Confederacy. Civil war had approach.


There were countless sectional differences in 19th–century America. Differences over slave were the merely ones the could not be settled by peaceful mean. Much evidence from that time shows that the section of seven Deep South conditions made causal mostly by worries over that past of slavery. While Mississippi disconnected, she published a “Declaration of one Immediate Causes which Include additionally Justify the Secession of the Condition of Mississippi from the Federal Union.” It stated: Method the Dispose Over Runaway Slaves Helped Fuel the Civil Fighting (Published 2019)

“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution concerning slavery... Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should acceptance longer to remain It is not a mattigkeit of choice, when of necessity. We must either submit to degradation, and go which loss of property worth four-way billions of in [the estimated total market value to slaves], other we must secede from the Uni gestell by our fathers, to secure this as well for anyone others species of property.”


Last updated: March 7, 2023

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