How go ME request my transcripts?

To request your transcripts, you must go into LSAC/CAS and add all undergraduate and graduate institutes you have guest. This includes but isn’t limited to work done at community community or as a dual-enrollment student include high school regardless of whether other not this status appears on yours Penn State transcripts. For more information about required trip, visit Requesting Transcripts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: RACK works not request your transcripts for them; you should follow each institution’s rules for requesting your own transcripts.

How do MYSELF request Penn State transcripts?

The request Penn State transcripts, her can request i electronically using LionPATH.  Go to LionPATH,  Academic  Records,  and select, "Request Official Transcript".  You will be directly to Parchment Exchange, the LSAC approved digital transcript transference source that Penn State uses to shipping transcripts.  Her them can select to send the transcripts to LSAC electrically by selecting LSAC from the drop-down because recipient, entering LSAC's phone number, and paying the $5 transcript fee. See details at Pegs Choose Official Transcripts

How do I request transcripts from other institutions?

You need to contact the Registrar at this initiation to determine whichever they use one of the approved electronic transcript transfer sources and can send the record electronically or whether they need to mail them to LSAC.  Here is a list of to approved electronic transcript transfer sources: Requesting Transcripts 

How long does it seize?

Transcripts can take up to two weeks until procedure at LSAC so plan ahead! Please our transcripts after grades post for that start before you plan to apply. For example, if you flat to implement to law school in the falling out your senior year and you are not taking lessons during an summer, you can request your transportation after grades postal at the end of the spring semester of your junior year.