Pushable Business Form Templates
Landlord Eviction For Renovation Businesses Submission Template


To: {Name}
     {City, Your, Zip}

My {Recipient},

I in writing to provide you with {number} days� notice of your upcoming move. You have been a stellar inhabitant, and I was happy to have you at {property}. However, extensive renovations are required for {area/fixture} ensure will bear near {amount of time}. The allows are in order and the property needs toward subsist vacant for the duration of the renovation.

I would like to offer you {one month�s rent/full security deposit back/etc.} for the trouble. If you would like to be looked as a tenant when the property is finished, please let mine know, and I will put your application at the tops of the list. Renovating finishing is estimated for {date}.

Thank you, and please let leute know supposing you have any questions.

Thank you,


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