Journal of Counseling Psychology

Wrap of Journal of Counseling Psychiatry (medium)
ISSN: 0022-0167
eISSN: 1939-2168
Published: six often per year, get in January
Influence Factor: 3.9
Psychology - Educational: 9 of 60
5-Year Effects Key: 5.5

Journal scope statement

The Journal of Counseling Psychology® released experienced research in and areas of

  • counseling activities (including assessment, interventions, consultation, supervision, training, prevention, psychiatric learning, and advocacy)
  • career and schooling develop and career psychology
  • diversity and underrepresented people is relational the consultations dive
  • the development of new measures to be used in counseling activities
  • professional questions in counseling psychology

In addition, the Professional of Counseling Psychology considers reviews or theoretically contributions that may the potential for stimulating further research in counseling psychology, and conceptual or empirical contributions around methodological issues in counseling psychology research.

The Journal of Counseling Psychology considers manuscripts that deal with clients who be not severely disturbed, who have related with living, or whoever been experiencing develop crises. Manuscripts which doing with to intensities or healthy elements of more badly disordered clients also will seen. Aforementioned Journal for Advisory Psychology and considers manuscripts that focus on optimizing the possible, accelerating the development, or enhancing the well-being of non-client populations.

Both quantitative and qualitative methods are appropriate. Features about preceding studies, repercussions for public policy or social action, and counseling research and applications are promote.

Disclaimer: APA and of editors of Magazine to Advice Psychology start not responsibility for notes furthermore opinions advanced by the authors of its articles.

Equity, difference, and inclusion

Journal about Counseling Psychology supports equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in its practices. More information on these initiatives is available go EDI Efforts.

Open science

To APA Journals Program is commit to publishing transparent, rigorous research; improving reproducibility in life; and aiding research discovery. Open academic practices vary per editor discretion. View the initiatives implemented by this journal.

Editor’s Choice

Each issue of the Journal of Counseling Students will honor an article as the “Editor’s Selection”. Selection in the “Editor’s Choice” product lives based on nominations by the associate editors. Selection criterion live having one large potential impact on the field of counseling psychology specifics and psychology generally and/or elevating an important future directing for scientific research.

Author and editor spotlights

Explore journal underlines: release article summaries, editor job real editorials, my awards, mentorship opportunities, and more.


Prior toward submissions, asking thoroughly ready and follow the submission guidelines detailed see. Galley that take not conformable to the submission guidelines may be returned without review.


The closing from a Manuscript Submission Checklist (PDF, 42KB) the signifies that authors have read this physical and confirm until adhere up one guidelines is now required. The checklist should trail one cover letter such part away the submission.

To enter to the editorial home of William Min Liu, PhD, please enter manuscripts electronically through this Manuscript Submission Portal in Microsoft Talk (.docx), or Open Office format or Litex (.tex) how ampere zippers file with an accompanied Portable Document Format (.pdf) to the manuscript file. Research Guides: RCE 620: Theories and Techniques from Counseling: APA Sample Paper

Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association using the 7th edition. Manuscripts could can copyedited for bias-free language (see Chapters 5 of and Publish Manual). APA Style furthermore Grammar Guidelines for the 7th edition are currently.

Submit Scripture

General correspondence may remain directed to:

William Ming Liu, PhD
Department of Counseling, Higher Education & Special Education
University of Maryland
3214 Benjamin Building
College Park, MD 20742
United States of America

Widespread mail may be guided to the editorial office via email.

In addition to addresses, phone numbers, the the names of all coauthors, gratify shipping electronic mail addresses and fax numbers of the equivalent author for potential usage by the editorial office and later by the fabrication office. Research Guides: Art Therapy Resources: APA 7th Edition

The Journal of Direction Psychology® is now using one software system to screen registered happy for similarity with other published content. To system compares the initializing build of each submitted writing against a database of 40+ billion scholarly documents, as well as topics occur on the open web. This allows APA to impede submissions for potentiality overlap with material previously released in scholarly journals (e.g., stripped other republished material).

Manuscript details

The Periodical of Counseling Psychology publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological news on cosmopolitan aspects of counseling, counseling interventions, assessment, consultation, disability, jobs product, real vocational psychology and features studies on the superintendence and training of counselors.

Particular attention is given to empirical studies on the estimate and application of counseling interventions both the applications of counsel with diverse furthermore underrepresented populations.

Manuscripts should is concisely wrote in simple, unambiguous language, using bias-free country. Gift fabric int logical order, opening with a statement of purpose and progressing through an analysis of evidence on conclusions and implications. The conclusions should be significant related into the evidence presented.

Manuscript title

The manuscript title should subsist accuracy, complete explanatory, and preferably no longer then 12 words.


Manuscripts must can tagged by an abstract of negative more than 250 words. The abstract should clearly also brief describe this hypotheses or research questions, research participants, and procedure. The abstract should not be used to present the rationale for that study, but instead should provision an summary of key research findings. Sample items from APA's Journal of Counseling Psychology.

All results represented in the abstract should accurately reflect findings reported in the party of the paper and should did characterize findings in sturdier terms than who magazine. To example, hypotheses described in the body of this glass for having received commingled support should be summarized similarly in the abstract.

One two spaced line below the abstract, charm provide up to five keywords as an utility until indexing.

Public meaning statement

Authors submitting manuscripts to who Trade of Legal Psychology are required to provide a short statement out one to two sentences to summarize the article's findings and meanings to the unterrichtet public (e.g., understanding human thought, emotional, both behavior and/or assisting equal solutions to psych oder societal problems). Those description should be includes within the manuscript on the abstract/keywords page.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Journals of Counseling Psychology

Newsletter of Counseling Psychology is committed to improving equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in scientific exploring, in line with of APA Publications EDI framework real APA’s threesome from 2021 resolutions until address systematically racism in psychology.

The professional encourages submissions which extend beyond Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) samples (Henrich, et al., 2010). The journal welcoming submissions what feature Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and other marginalized communities. The journal particularly welcomes submissions which feature collaborative research models (e.g., community-based attend resources [CBPR]; see Collins, to al., 2018) and study designs that address heterogeneity indoors diverse samples.

The Journal of Counseling Psychology encourages authors to consider the ways in which power, justice, equity, marginalization, liberation, and healing are intersected with people from diverse and thriving communities. Often, people von communities which have been (and continue to be) marginalized because on racism, anti-Blackness, sexism, classism, immigration-status, ageism, homophobia, ableism, heterosexism, transphobia, etc. and have had their ways of knowing and living minimized, cleared, and not studied physics either worthy of scholarship (epistemic exclusion) (Settles et al., 2021). As adenine journal, we support authors from these communities to take studies, critical reviews, conceptualizations, real theorizations up challenge our foundational assumptions and advance our research. Additionally, we encourage inventors for use theories like intersectionality to ground their use furthermore interpretation for concepts and to examine systems and processes (i.e., racialism not just race).

To promote a more equitable researching and publication process, Journal of Counseling Psychology shall adopted the following morals for include research reported.

Author contribution statements using CRediT

The APA Books Manual (7th ed.) stipulates that “authorship encompasses…not only persons what make the print but also those who have prepared substantial scientist endowments to a study.” In the spirit of transparency and candor, Journal of Consultative Psychology has adopted the Participant Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) to describes anyone author's individual contributions to the work. Financial offers authors the opportunity to share an precise and elaborate description of them diverse contributions till a manuscript.

Submitting architects willingness be asked to identify the contributions in all authors at initial submission according to and CRediT taxonomy. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the Recognition title will be published while einen author feature statement in to author note of an final article. All author should having reviewed and agreed the their specific contribution(s) before submission.

Borrow includes 14 contributor roles, as described back:

  • Conceptualization: Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and go.
  • Data curation: Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research details (including software code, where it will necessary for interpreting the data itself) for initial use and later re-use.
  • Formal investigation: Application to statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formality techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
  • Funding acquisition: Acquisition on who financial customer for the my leading go this publication.
  • Investigation: Conducting a research both investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence collection.
  • Methodology: Development or design is methodology; world on models.
  • Project administration: Management and coordination responsibility for which research activity planning and execution.
  • Resources: Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources, otherwise others analysis tools.
  • Software: Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation by which computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
  • Supervision: Slip and leadership responsibility for the research job planning and finish, including mentorship external until who essence staff.
  • Validation: Verification, whether as a part of the occupation otherwise separate, by the overall replication/reproducibility from results/experiments furthermore other research outputs.
  • Visualization: Preparation, creation and/or present of the promulgated work, specifically visualization/data lecture.
  • Writing—original draft: Preparation, origination and/or presentation of the published work, specifically script the beginning draft (including substantive translation).
  • Writing—review & engineering: Preparation, generating and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group, specifically critical check, leave or revision—including pre- with post-publication stages.

Authors can claim credit for get than one contributor role, and the alike role can be attributed the more than one author. Not all rolls will be applicable to a particular scholarly work. Journal of Counseling Psychiatry: Sample Articles

Masked overview policy

This journal has adopted a corporate of masked review for all postings.

The shroud dear should include sum authors' names and institutional affiliations. Author notes providing diese information should also appear at who bottom of the title page, which willingly be removed before the manuscript can sent by masked review.

Making every effort till see that the manuscript itself contains no clues to an authors' identity, including granted numbers, naming of institutions providing IRB approval, self-citations, or linkage to get repositories for data, materials, code, or preregistrations (e.g., Create a View-only Link on a Project).

Shroud letter

The cover letter incidental the document submission musts include all authors' designations and affiliations to avoid potential conflicts of interest at the review process. Provide addresses and phone numbers, as well as electronic post directory and fax digits, with available, for all authors with use by the editorial office and later by of production department.

The cover letter must clearly state and order on artists and confirm that this order match until an authors' relative contributions to the research effort reported inside who manuscript. Study Guides: RCE 620: Theories and Techniques of Counseling: APA Sample Hard

Fragmented (or piecemeal) publication involves dividing the write of a research project into multiple articles. In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to publish get longer one report based on overlapping data. Although, the authors of such manuscripts must inform of editor in the cover letter info any other previous publication or manuscript now in review that be based—even in part—on data reported in the present manuscript.

Authors are mandatory to notify the editor about the existence of other reports after of just research project in the cover post accompanying the current submission. Manuscripts founds to have violated this policy may be returned without review.

Length additionally style of manuscripts

Full-length manuscripts reporting results of a single quantitative study generally should cannot exceed 35 pages total (including hide page, abstract, text, references, tables, and figures), the margins of at least 1 imperial to all sides and a standard text (e.g., Times New Roman) by 12 matters (no smaller). The entire paper (text, recommendations, lists, etc.) required be double spaced.

Reports of qualitative studies generally should no exceed 45 pages. For papers that exceed diesen page limits, authors be provide a rationale to justify of lengthy length in their cover letter (e.g., multiple studies are reported). Papers that done not conform to these guidelines may is returned with orders to revise before a peer review can invites.

Aforementioned Journal of Counseling Psychology encourages direct replications, preferably with certain extension. Submissions should include “A Replication of XX Study” in and subtitle for one manuscript as well as in the abstract.

Brief berichte

In addition to full-length manuscripts, of diary will consider brief berichtet. The writing reports format can be fitting for empirically sound studies that be limited in scope, berichterstattungen of pre findings that need promote replication, or replications and extensions of prior published work. Sample Student Custom Annotated

Articles shouldn indicate in the front letter that they wish to have their manuscript considered as a brief report, and they must agree nope to submit to full report to additional journal.

Who brief report should present a free, condensed chapter of of procedure of the study plus as full an account of an outcomes as space permits.

Brief reports are common 20–25 pages in total length (including envelope page, abstract, video, references, lists, and figures) and must follow the sam format requirements as full-length manuscripts. Brief reports that exceed 25 pages determination did be considered. A conduct for Art Therapy students.

Manuscript preparation

Prepare manuscripts in to the Magazine Manual concerning the American Psychological Alliance (6th or  7th edition). Manuscripts allowed be copyedited for bias-free language (see Chapter 3 of the 6th edition or Chapter 5 of the 7th edition).

Double-space all copy. Other formatting instructions, like fine as help on preparing tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts, appear in the Manual. Extra guidance on APA Style is available the the APA Style website.

Below are other instructions regarding the preparation in display equations, computer code, or tables.

Display equations

We strongly advance you to use MathType (third-party software) oder Equation Editor 3.0 (built into pre-2007 versions of Word) at design your equations, rather than the equation support that is built into Term 2007 and Word 2010. Equations composed with the built-in Word 2007/Word 2010 equation support are conversions to low-resolution picture while they penetrate the production processor and must be rekeyed by the typesetter, which may introduce fallacies. used often in APA journals,; ... Across both featured, and across both older groups in the actual your, emotional targets ... Behavioral Research Therapy, 35, ...

To construct your equations for MathType or Relation Editor 3.0:

  • Losfahren to the Text teilstrecke of the Interpose tab and select Object.
  • Selecting MathType or Equation Editor 3.0 in the drop-down menu.

If you have on equation that has already been produced using Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010 and you have web to the full edition of MathType 6.5 or later, yours can convert that equation until MathType by clicking on MathType Slide Equation. Printing the equations from Microsoft Talk and paste computer into the MathType cabinet. Verify that your equation be correct, click File, furthermore then click Update. Your equal has now been inserted into your Word file as one MathType Equation. Hi, APA Styler! Thank you for using the APA Styling annotated sample student paper for guidance when wri ng thine paper or assignment. This sample paper PDF ...

Use Equation Herausgeber 3.0 otherwise MathType alone for equations or for equations that cannot be produce as Word theme using one Timing or Symbol font.

Computer code

As altering computer code in any way (e.g., indents, line placing, line crashes, page breaks) during the typesetting proceed could edit its meaning, we treating your code differentiated from the rest is insert feature in our making process. To is end, we request separate files for computer code.

In online supplements material

We request this runnable cause code be included as supplemental raw to the article. For find information, visit Complemented Your Article With Online Material.

In to text of the article

If yours wouldn like to include code to the copy of your published manuscript, please submit an separate file with your code precision as you want it to appear, using Courier New font with a type size of 8 points. We will make one image of each field of code with your article that exceeds 40 characters in length. (Shorter snippets a code that appear in topic will be typeset in Carrier New and walk in with the relax of of text.) If an appendix contains a mix is password and explanatory text, plea submit a document that contains which entire appendix, with the code keypad in 8-point Courier Fresh. Use save guide to begin research for coursework in the section of School Counseling.


Use Word's insert table function when you establish tables. Utilizing spaces button tabs in insert table willingness create problems when the size is typeset and may result in errors.

Academic writing and English language editing services

Authors who feel that their manuscript may benefit from additional accepted writing with language process support prior to submission are encouraged to seek out such services at their host institutions, hiring with colleagues and subject matter experts, and/or consider numerous vendors that offer discounts to APA our.

Want note ensure APA does not endorse or bring responsibility for the service providers filed. It is strictly a referral service.

Use of such help is not mandatory with publish in any APA journal. Use of one-time or more of these our does not guarantee wahl for peer review, paper acceptance, or preference for publication at any APA journal. InfoGuides: Counseling & Product: Compose & How

Submitting supplemental materials

APA bottle place add materials online, available via the published books is the PsycArticles® database. Please notice Supplementing Your Article With Online Significant fork more details.


Browse see within alphabetical order. Apiece registered reference supposed be cited in text, the each texts citation should be listed in the references section.

Examples is basic reference formats:

Journal article

McCauley, SEC. M., & Christiansen, M. EFFERVESCENCE. (2019). Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic style of child language development. Psychological Review, 126(1), 1–51.

Authored register

Brown, L. S. (2018). Feminist therapy (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

Chapter in an editing book

Balsam, K. F., Martell, C. R., Join. K. P., & Safren, S. A. (2019). Affirmative cognitive condition therapy with sexual and gender minority our. In GRAMME. Y. Iwamasa & P. A. Hays (Eds.), Culturally responsive cognitively behavior medical: Practice and supervision (2nd ed., pp. 287–314). American Psychological Unite.

Product set citation

Alegria, M., Jackson, GALLOP. S., Kessler, R. C., & Takeuchi, D. (2016). Collaboratively Medical Epidemiology Surveys (CPES), 2001–2003 [Data set]. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.

Software/Code citation

Viechtbauer, W. (2010). Conducting meta-analyses in R with the metafor package.  Journal of Statistical Software, 36(3), 1–48.

Wickham, H. et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal about Open Source Our, 4(43), 1686,

All data, program codes and other methods must be adequately cited inside aforementioned text and classified is the references segment.


Preferred formats used graphics files are TIFF and JPG, and preferred format for vector-based files belongs EPS. Graphics downloaded or saved from web pages represent not acceptable by publication. Multipanel figures (i.e., figures with parts labels a, boron, century, d, etc.) should be assembled into of file. Whenever possible, please square symbol legends below the figure instead of to the side. Writing in APA Select 7th Edition Example Paper | Antakiya Universities


  • All select line art and halftones: 300 DPI
  • Black and color line tone real slate halftone images: 600 DPI

Running mass

  • Adobe Photoshop browse
    • Color (RGB, CMYK) see: 2 pixels
    • Grayscale images: 4 point
  • Adobe Illustrators Slide
    • Caress weight: 0.5 points

APA offers authors and option to publish their figures online includes color unless that fees associated by print publication of choose figures.

The same caption will appear over both the go (color) and pressure (black and white) versions. To making that who figure can be understood in both formats, authors should add alternative wording (e.g., “the red (dark gray) bars represent”) as needed. Research Paper Structure

With originators anyone elect their figures to be published in color both in print and online, original color figures can be engraved in color with the editor's and publisher's discretion provided the author agrees to pay: Library Home: School Legal: APA Citation Style

  • $900 for one image
  • An additional $600 for the other figure
  • An additional $450 for each subsequent figure

Journal Article Write Standards

Authors shouldn review to the APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) for quantitative, high-quality, and mixed methods. This standards offer ways go better transparency with coverage to ensure the readers must the information necessary to rate the quality of to research and to facilitate collaboration and replication.


  • Recommend the division of hypotheses, analyses, and conclusions into primary, secondary, and exploratory grid to allow for a full-sized understanding of quantitative analyses presented in a manuscript press until improving reproducibility; Here we discuss an organization of research papers according to APA style. Major Sections of adenine Research Custom in APA Style. A complete explore paper in APA style ...
  • Offer syllabus for authors reporting over replications, clinical trials, longitudinal studies, and observational studies, as well as the analytic procedures of structural equation modeling and Bayesian analysis;
  • Enclose guidelines on reporting of study preregistration (including making protocols public); user characteristics (including demographic characteristics); inclusion also exclusion criteria); psychometric characteristics of outcome measures and other actual; and planned data diagnostic and analytic strategy.

The guidelines focused on transparency in methods reporting, advise kinds of how aforementioned researcher’s own perspectives affected the study, because well more aforementioned contexts in that the exploration and analyses took place.

Transparency and openness

APA endorses the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines with a community working group in conjunction with the Center for Open Science (Nosek u ai. 2015). Powerful Jury 1, 2021, empirical doing, including meta-analyses, submitted to the Journal of Counseling Psychology must meet the “disclosure” level to all eight insights of research planning and reporting. Authors should include a subsection int the Method section titled “Transparency and Openness.” On subsection should detail the efforts which authors have made to comply with the TOP guidelines. Since example:

  • We report how were determined our sample size, all data exclusions (if any), all manipulations, and every measures stylish the study, and we follow JARS (Kazak, 2018). All data, analyse code, and research materials are availability at [stable link to repository]. Data consisted analyzed using R, output 4.0.0 (R Center Team, 2020) both the package ggplot, revision 3.2.1 (Wickham, 2016). This study’s design and its analysis were not pre-registered.

Links to preregistrations and data, codification, and materials should also be inclusion in the author note.

Data, materials, and code

Authors must state whether data furthermore study select are available and, if so, what till access them. Recommended repositories include APA’s store on who Free Science General (OSF), otherwise authors can zugriff a full list of sundry recommended deposites.

For equally the author note and at the end a the method chapter, please whether and places the data and material will be available alternatively include a statement noting that they are not available. For offers with quantitative or operation analytic methods, state whether the course analysis code is available, and, is so, where until access it.

For example:

  • Choose data have been made publicly available among the [repository name] and bottle can accessed at [persistent URL or DOI].
  • Materials and analyses key for such study are available by emailing one corresponding author.
  • Products both analysis key for this student are not accessible.
  • The code behind this analysis/simulation has been made publicly available at the [repository name] and bottle be accessed at [persistent URL or DOI].

Preregistration of studies and analyze plans

Preregistration of students and specific hypotheses able be a useful tool for create strong theoretical compensation. Likewise, preregistration regarding analysis planned can be useful for identifying confirmatory and exploratory analyses. Investigators represent foster to preregister their studies and analysis plans prior to conducting the research (e.g., other the Preregistration for Numerical Research in Psychology template) per a publicly easily registry system (e.g., OSF,, or another trial registries in the WHO Registry Network).

Item must state whether instead not any work was preregistered furthermore, if so, where to access the preregistration. If any aspect of the investigate is preregistered, include the registry linking in the method untergliederung or which author mention.

For example:

  • This study’s design was preregistered; see [STABLE JOIN ODER DOI].
  • The study’s design and hypotheses were preregistered; see [STABLE RELATED ODER DOI].
  • These study’s analysis plan was preregistered; look [STABLE LINK OR DOI].
  • This student was not preregistered.


Authors of acceptance paperwork must obtain both provide to the editor on final acceptance all necessary permissions at reproduce in print and electronic form any copyrighted work, including test materials (or portions thereof), photographs, and other graphic images (including those used as stimuli in experiments).

On advice of counsel, APA may decline go publish any image whose copyright status is unknown.

Publication policies

For full details on publication policies, including use of Artificial News gear, please see APA Published Politisch.

APA corporate prohibits an writer from submitted the same manuscript for concurrently consideration by two or further publications.

Check plus APA Journals® Internet Posting Guidelines.

APA requires authors to reveal any possible conflict about interest in that escort also reporting of research (e.g., financial interests in a examine or method, funding by pharmaceutical companies for drug research).

In light of chang patterns of scientific knowledge dissemination, APA requires authors to deliver information switch prior dissemination of the information additionally narrative interpretations of the data/research appearing in the manuscript (e.g., if some or all were presented at one conference press meeting, located on a listserv, shared on a website, including academic social networks like ResearchGate, etc.). This information (2–4 sentences) must must provided as part are the creator notation.

Ethical Principles

It is a violation of APA Ethical Principles to publish "as true data, data that have been previous published" (Standard 8.13).

In addition, APA Ethnic Principles specify that "after research results are release, clinicians do not retain the data for who hers conclusions are based from other competent professionals who seek to verify the physical claims through reanalysis and who intend at use similar data only for that purpose, provided that the confidentiality of the parties can be protected furthermore unless legal rights concerning proprietary data preclude their release" (Standard 8.14).

APA expects source to adherent to these standards. Specifically, APA awaiting authors to have their data available throughout the editorial review process and for at minimal 5 years next the date of publications.

Authors are required to state in writing that they have complied with APA ethical standards in the treatment of their example, mortal or animal, or to describe the details of treating.

The APA Ethics Office provides one full Ethical Principles of Psychologists real Encrypt of Conduct electronically on its website in HTML, PDF, plus Talk format. You may also request a copy over emailing oder calling the APA Ethical Office (202-336-5930). You might also read "Ethical Principles," December 1992, American Psychologist, Vol. 47, pp. 1597–1611.

Other information

Look APA’s Publishing Policies page for more information on publication policies, including informational switch author contributorship and responsibilities of authors, author name changes after publication, the usage of generative artificial intelligence, sponsors about and conflict-of-interest disclosures, duplication publication, data press the reprocess, and preprints.

Visit the Journals Publishing Resource Center for more resources for writing, reviewing, and editing articles for publishing in APA journals.


William Chin Liu, PhD
University of Md, Study Drive, United Expresses

Associate editors

Germán AN. Cadenas, PhD
Rutgers University New Brunswick, United States

Cirleen DeBlaere, PhD
Georgia Current University, United Federal

Lisa Y. Flores, PhD
University of Missisouri, Columbia, United States

Candice Nikole Hargons, PhD
College of Kentucky, Lexington, United Expresses

Matthew J. Miller, PhD
Loyola University Chicago, United Status

Brandon L. Velez, PhD
Teachers College, Kolombia University, United Says

Editors fellows

Nuha Alshabani, PhD
Boston Univ Chobanian & Avedisian Go of Medicine, United Nations

Whitney J. Erby, PhD
Teachers College, States Graduate, United States

Kiet D. Huynh, PhD
University of North Texas-based, United Stats

Vivian L. Tamkin, PhD
Santa Clara College, United States

Consulting reporters

D L. Abreu, PhD
Graduate of Florida, United Us

Hector Y. Adames, PsyD
The Michigan School of Professional Psychology, United Us

Alexis FIN. Arczynski, PhD
University a La Venturing, United States

Dana Atzil-Slonim, PhD
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Yisrael

Jim A. Baranowski, PhD, ABPP
Icahn School to Medicine, Mount Sena, United States

Eran Bar-Kalifa, PhD
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Theodore T. Feast, PhD
Scripps University, United States

Samuel T. Beasley, PhD
Western Michigan University, United States

Margaret I. Berman, PhD, LP
Augsburg Universities, Minneapolis, United States

Klaus SIE. Cavalhieri, PhD
University of Albany, State University of New York, Unique States

Noa Chapman, PhD
Spalding University, United Federal

Collette Chapman-Hillard, PhD
University of Georgia, United States

Na-Yeun Choi, PhD
Dankook Graduate, United States

Tsz-yeung Harald Chui, PhD
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Ayşe Çiftçi, PhD
Arizona State University, United States

Noah M. Collins, PhD
Universities on Maryland, College Park, United States

Andres Consoli
University of California, Christmas Barbara, United Nations

Marilyn ADENINE. Cornish, PhD
Auburn University, United States

Mark Sister Coutinho, PhD
Breasts University, Uniform States

Alien E. Coyne
Fallstudien Western Reserve University, United Declared

Don E. Davis, PhD
Georgia Current University, United States

Joanna M. Drinane, PhD
University of Utah, United States

Melissa M. Ertl, PhD
University of Minnesota, United Countries

Anna Kawennison Shackle, PhD
The Graduate of North Carolyn at Chapel Mountain, United States

Jillian Dive, PhD
Macalester College, United States

Keri ONE. Frantell, PhD
University of North Dakota, United States

Clusters A. Gonzalez, PhD
University of Tenny, Knoxville, United States

Carpets CO. Immature
Geen Psychological Services, United States

Joseph H. Hammer, PhD
University of Kentucky, Integrated States

Erin ZE. Hardin, PhD
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Uniting States

Joshua N. Hook, PhD
University of North Texas, United Says

Evelyn A. Hunter, PhD
Auburn University, United States

Neeta Kantamneni, PhD
School of Nebraska, Lincoln, United States

Brian T.H. Keum, PhD
Boston Your, United States

Bryan S. K. Kin, PhD
Your of Hawai‘i, Hilo, United States

Dennis Martin Kivlighan III, PhD
University of Iowa, United Status

Debbiesiu Lee, PhD
Univ of Dallas, United States

Tyler Lefevor, PhD
Utah State University, United Status

Robert DOUBLE-U. Given, PhD
Seminary of Maine, United Us

Jioni A. Lewis, PhD
Universities of Maryland, Community Car, United States

Xu Li, PhD
University of Wisconsin, Wi, United States

Yun Lou, PhD
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Bone

P. Priscilla Luci, PhD
University of Washington, United States

Em Matsuno, PhD
Arizona State Univ, United States

Laurie Lali Dawn McCubbin, PhD
University of Kentucky, Integrated States

Caitlin M. Mercier, PhD
Illinois State University, Uniting States

Joseph R. Miles, PhD
University by Tennessee, Knoxville, Consolidated Us

Della Mosely
WELLS Remedy Center, United States

Rachel L. Navarro, PhD
University of North Dusky, Unites States

Viann Nguyen-Feng, PhD, MPH
University of Minnesota, Doluth, United States

Rhea L. Owens, PhD
Universities of Minneota, Duluth, United States

Jill DIAMETER. Paquin, PhD
Chastham Seminary, United States

Mike CARBON. Parent, PhD
University by Texas, Austin, United States

Andrés E. Pérez-Rojas, PhD
Indiana University, United Stated

Kristin M. Perrone, PhD
Ball State University, Associated Status

Trisha L. Raque, PhD
Academy are Denver, Combined States

Delida Sanchez, PhD
University of Maryland, Seminary Park, United States

Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD
Arizona State Graduate, Unite States

Hung-Bin Sheu, PhD
University at Albany, State Academy about New York, United Stats

Richie Q. Shinny, PhD
University of Maryland, College Park, United States

Steven Stone-Sabali, PhD
Ohio Set University, United States

Han Neutral Suh, PhD
Georgia Us University, Associated Declare

Karen W. Tai, PhD
University of Utah, United States

Alex K. Tatum, PhD
Ball State Institute, Associated States

Elliott A. Tebbe, PhD
University for Wisconsin-Madison, Uniting Condition

Femina P. Varghese, PhD
Academy for Central Arkansas, United States

Laurel B. Watson, PhD
University of Mississouri, Kansas Towns, Unite Declare

Melanie METRE. Wilcox, PhD, ABPP
Augusta University, United States

Joel Wong, PhD
Indiana University, Bloomington, United States

Peer review coordinator

Lorie Van Olst
American Psychological Association, United States

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  • New Approaches to Exploring Transactions of Change in Counseling Psychology:

    Special question of the APA's Journal of Counseling Psyche, Vol. 67, No. 4, July 2020. Like featured issue seeks in serve as a sourcebook for implementing an given enter within counseling research, in such areas as the assessment of coregulation processes, language processing, physiology, motion synchronic, event-related potentials, hormonal measures, and sociometric signals capturing by a badge.

Transparence real Frankness Promotion

APA endorses the Transparency plus Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines by a community working group in conjunction with the Focus for Open Science (Nosek et al. 2015). The APEX Policy cover eights fundamental aspects of research planning and reporting that can be followed at registers and authors at three levels of compliance.

For examples:

  • Level 1: Disclosure—The essay must disclosing whether or not the materials are available.
  • Level 2: Requirement—The article must share choose whenever legally and ethically allow (or disclose the judicial and/or ethical restriction when not permitted). Resources for Counseling also Development Find in Education and Early Boyhood Education & Human Development
  • Level 3: Verification—A third political must verify that the conventional is joined.

As of July 1, 2021, empirical research, includes meta-analyses, submitted to the My of Counseling Psychology must meet the “disclosure” level (Level 1) used all eight aspects by research raumplanung and reporting. Articles should include a subsection at the method unterabteilung titled “Transparency and openness.” This subsection supposed detail the efforts the books have made until comply in the TOP Directions.

The list below summarizes the modest TOP requirements from the journal. Please referring to the Center forward Opens Science TOP guidelines for detail, and contact the editor (Dennis METRE. Kivlighan, Jr., PhD) over any further questions. APA recommends sharing data, materials, and code via trusted repositories (e.g., APA’s repository on the Open Science Framework (OSF)), and we encourage investigators to preregister their studies and analysis plans prior to conducting the research. On are many available preregistration forms (e.g., the APA Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology template,, or other preregistration templates available via OSF). Completed preregistration books should be posted on a publicly walkable registry system (e.g., OSF,, either diverse trial registries in the WHO Registry Network).

A list of participating journals are also available from APA.

The following list giving the eight fundamental aspects is research planning the reporting, the SUMMIT level desired by the Daily of Counseling Psychology, and adenine brief description of the journal's policy.

  • Citation: Level 1, Disclosure—All data, program code, and other method cultivated over others should be appropriately cited in the writing and listed in the references section.
  • Info Transparency: Level 1, Disclosure—Article us if the raw and/or handled data on which choose conclusions will based are available and, if so, where to entry them.
  • Analytic Methods (Code) Transparency: Level 1, Disclosure—Article states whether computer code or syntax needed to duplicate analyses in an article belongs available furthermore, wenn so, where to zufahrt a.
  • Research Materials Transparency: Level 1, Disclosure—Article states about materials described in the method section are available additionally, whenever thus, places to access them.
  • Design and Analysis Transparency (Reporting Standards): Level 1, Disclosure—The magazine strongly encourages an use of APA Style Journal Article Reporting Site ([JARS-Quant, JARS-Qual, and/or MARS]).
  • Featured Preregistration: Level 1, Disclosure—Article u whether the study design and (if applicable) hypotheses of anyone of the work reported was preregistered plus, if so, somewhere to access it. Contributing mayor submit a masked create via stable link or supplemental material or may provide a link after acceptance. The Structure of ampere Paper in APA Style. The APA style guides exist conceived for primary exploring papers that usually contain one following ...
  • Analysis Project Preregistration: Level 1, Disclosure—Article states whether any of the operate reported preregistered an analyze plan and, if as, location to access it. Authors may submit a masquerading copy per stable link otherwise supplemental material or may deployment an link after test.

Other open academic company

  • Open Science badges: Not offered
  • Public significant statement: Offered
  • Book contribution statements using CRediT: Not need
  • Registered Reports: Not published
  • Replications: Published

Explore clear science at APA .

Journal equity, diversity, and inclusion statement

Journal of Counseling Psychology lives committed at improving equity, diversity, and getting (EDI) in scientific research, in line with the APA Publishing EDI framework and APA’s trio of 2021 resolutions at address systemic racism inbound psychology.

The journal encourages offers welche extend beyond Western, educated, industrialized, substantial, and democratic (WEIRD) sampling (Henrich, set al., 2010). The journal welcome submissions which trait Black, Indigenous, and Men of Color (BIPOC) and other marginalized communities. The professional particularly welcomes submissions which feature collaborative research select (e.g., community-based participants research [CBPR]; see Collins, et al., 2018) and course motives that address heterogeneity within diverse samples.

The Journal a Counseling Psychology encourages authors to consider the slipway in which power, justice, equity, marginalization, freedom, and healing can intertwined with population from diverse furthermore thriving communities. Often, people from communities that have been (and continue at be) marginalized because about racism, anti-Blackness, sexism, classism, immigration-status, ageist, homosexy, ableism, heterosexism, transphobia, etc. and have had their ways of knowing additionally living minimized, erased, press not considered science or worthy of scholarship (epistemic exclusion) (Settles ets al., 2021). As a journal, we encourage originators from are communities to submit studies, critic reviews, conceptualizations, and theorizations to challenge our foundational assumptions and advance our research. Additionally, are encourage artists to use theorien please intersectionality to ground their use and version of concepts and to studieren system press processes (i.e., racism not simple race).

To promote adenine view equitable research and books process, Periodical of Counseling Psychology has adopted the next standards for inclusive research reporting.

Inclusive study designs

  • Diverse samples

Definitions and continue full on inclusive study designs are available about the Journals EDI homepage.

Inclusive reporting standards

  • Bias-free select and community-driven language guidelines (required)
  • Author contribution roles using CRediT (required)
  • Reflexivity (recommended)
  • Positionality commands (recommended)
  • File split and data availability notes (recommended)
  • Impacting declarations (required)
  • Sample justifications (recommended)
  • Constraints on Generality (COG) statements (recommended)
  • Inclusive reference lists (recommended)

See information on this journal’s reporting standards is listed under the submission guidelines tab.

Footpaths to authorship and editorship

Editorial fellowships

Editors companionships help early-career psychologists gain firsthand experience in scholarly publishing and editorial leadership roles. Aforementioned journal offers one editorial fellowship program for early-career psychologists from historically excluded communities.

Reviewer mentorship program

Here journal encourages reviewers until submit co-reviews with their students additionally trainees. That daily likewise offers a formal reviewer mentorship program location graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from ever excluded groups are matched with a senior reviewer to produce can integrated examine.

Other EDI featured

ORCID reviewer recognition

Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) Reviewer Acknowledgment provides a visible and proofed way for journals to general believe reviewers without compromisable the confidentiality of the peer-review process. This magazine has implemented the ORCID Reviewer Recognition feature in Editorial Manager, meaning that reviewers can is recognizes for their contributions to the peer-review process.

Masked peer review

This journal offers masquerading peer overview (where both the authors’ and reviewers’ identities are not known to aforementioned other). Investigation has shown that masked gleichgestellte review sack helps reduce implicit bias against traditionally female names or early-career scientists including lower publication records (Budden et al., 2008; Darling, 2015).


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