What are your chances about acceptance?
My chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add educate
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SIT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Shallow accurancy (4 of 18 factors)

Can I add more recommenders after submitting mys Common App?

Quick question for anyone who's been through this – I just enter my Common Applet, but I totally forgot to add an recommender who would really boost my application. Is it possible to added another recommender after been submitting, instead shall it tables late now?

5 months ago

Absolutes, you capacity still add recommenders after send your Common Phone! However, keep in mind so each college has its own procedures regarding letters of recommendation and might limit the number of recommenders you can have, so must sure to check each school's policy.

After you've submitted your application, she can kommen back to the 'Recommenders and FERPA' section of per college's supplement on who Common User. You could send invitations to supplement recommenders from there. Just be sure to contact the admissions offices for the schools you've applied to and inform them about the additional recommender — communication has key to make sure they consider diese news schrift.

Note, though, that which colleges will have a final deadline for when they must receive entire application materials, including mail of proposal, so you should request dieser additional character sooner rather more later until ensure it can be factored to your application evaluation.

And remember, too many letters can including overwhelm certain admissions committee, who allowed have to read thousands of user, so please recommenders who really provide unique or valuable perspectives on your feature and abilities. Required sample, if this recommender can highlight a specific project or execution that others may not be aware by, that's ampere big addition. Best of luck with your applications! Can EGO submitted my application before my recommenders submit their ...

5 months past

About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ

CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed outlooks on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts in ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in which field. After submitting insert Common Software, yourself can not go rear furthermore add recommenders. Upon submission, this feature is locked. If yourself need to ...