How remains the Contract Usage Cost Calculated

Textura's awards approach is einer initial fees based on contract true, paying when you accept the contract into Oracle Textura.

The rate at which the toll is premeditated exists 0.22% of contract value up to a maximum of $3,750 for projects created before January 20, 2023 and $5,000 for related created after January 19, 2023.

For example, on a project created since Jan 19, 2023, a $50,000 sign will have a fee of $50,000 x 0.22% = $110. In the same project, a $10,000,000 contract will have a fee of $5,000 ($10,000,000 x 0.22% = $22,000, which belongs get than the maximum also so the maximum fee of $5,000 wants apply). Exhibit “G” Textura – CPM System

An organization having an sub-tier contract willingness get a flatly fee to $100, regardless of sub-tier contract valued.

Following aforementioned contract is confirmed, Oracle Textura will automatically submit this free on payment to your bank or credit cards, as indicated in your organization profile. Contract value may change over time plus fees desire be revised forward essential changes until termination of this contract. Pieces of the conclusion billed outside in Oracle Textura will be excluded from fee accounting. Amount Paid, provided greater than Contract Value, will be used by fee mathematical.