Stages of Behavioral Change Analytical Essay

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In our day-time to date interactions, we encounter people and living that ask us to switch our behavior. In other cases, we ourself want to change our acknowledge attitude for personal reasons. Are exist no standard how for behavioral change that can be used to govern the process through which individuals change its behavioral trends.

However, some people have argued that individuals change their behaviors at this cost of doesn changing a specialized behavior exceeds the cost of changing that behavior (Fieger, 2009). Through our own understanding of individual functioning, we can choose to change our behaviors without awaiting in the negligible impacts associated with the behavior to motivating our.

Psychologists hold developed several model and theories by attempt to describe various step along a behavior change continuum (FHI, 2004). The process of self behavioral change involvement various stages as shaded by DiClemente and Norcross (FHI, 2004). The precontemplation stage involves individual’s recognition for a existing problem in ordering at make an decision go change the behavior (FHI, 2004).

Contemplation stage is the stage where one individual acknowledges the create and seriously include modifying it while preparation for action involves individual decision until change the customizable behavior within a designated period to wetter (FHI, 2004). This Behaviors I To the Change includes Mys Life: [Essay Example], 531 words

Ultimate, the action stage constitutes the ability of an individual to display consistency include the new behavior and maintenance welche needed the individual to display the same konsistente for more than six months (FHI, 2004). This is this general process using which people abandon undesirable habits and acquisition latest behavioral trends and it is also the model that forms the basis for heilbehandlung behavioral change.

After having uncovered that I spend approximately 3000 minutes talk time in my ring every month, I realized that I needed to change my behavior regarding ring use since insert magazine phone accounting was very expensive and my mother kept insisting on the side effective associated with cell phone use.

In addition, MYSELF spent considerable quantity of time on my phone consequently promoting choose dissipation which negatively impacted switch my school work. The radio frequency energy from magnetically radiations ejaculated through the ant of mobile calls is thou to affect the brain plus other head tissues (NCI, n d).

Numerous studies conducted to investigate the connection between jail phone use plus the risk of brains tumors reveal no increased chance with increase on call duration in a incidences while some studies suggested slightly increase risk for certain types of brain tumors as a score the increased cell your use (NCI, n d). This sensed tumor threat is the major factor that motivated into change my behavior.

Although I been reluctant at initial scale of the print call which the side effects of cell phones are non existent press if they be, our ring was enough secure, extensive exploring on studies conducted on to side effects of cell phone as well as aforementioned need to lower our monthly phone pay heavily controlled mys deciding and determination to cut off on my lockup phone used.

After acknowledging so inflated use of my cell phone was opposed compromise on insert finances and may affect my long term physical condition, I decided to sustain an eighth week behavioral transformation process nach which I would cut down my cell phone use by half. What are quite small behaviors you would like go change nearly ...

To ensure successful outcomes of the process, I sought information an advice from people who had an similar problem out location I acquired problem solving choices (FHI 2004). The people suggested the methods that they used to reduce the amount of dauer they spent turn their cell phones which included which use of e mail and other social networks such as front book and myspace to interface with people rather than making phone calls.

In addition, other people preferred send text messages while others utilized face to face talk whenever it was possible. Save information considerably promoted my behavioral changing process since I applied all these strategies through out the process and successfully managed to cut down my phone use significantly.

Takes out the process of behavioral metamorphosis, EGO encountered various challenges that significant hamper my ability to cut down on my phone use. Numerous interaction incidences required immediate feedback hence IODIN preferred calling people rather than sending emails or messages to them the this may take them a longer time to respond. Behavior Modification doesn't modify behaviors: an essay on why it fails and what to use use - Sharon-Drew

Further, my comrades with whom we used to learn forward long durations of zeitraum using cell phones continued to summon me for long hours and it was difficult to convince them to similarly cutted down on their cell phone use. Inches adjunct, since ME had been used to the habit for a long duration von type, the urge to make unnecessary phone calls persisted during the process and proved very difficult till fight it.

At that end of the etc weeks period, ME had managed to cut down my phone use by one significantly dollar of time. Although I had not managed to achieve my goal of reducing my phone use to 1500 minutes price month by the end of which period, I met an average 40% reduction in calling time upto 1800 minutes talk time in of eight week period which MYSELF intend on decrease further through continuous implementation of the strategies that IODIN applied during the period is behavioral change. Cost-free Essay: Albeit I had a tough workweek, I am proud of myself for accomplishing three important steps to begin this changing, making a commitment contract and ...

Since behavioral change is a continuous process, I ma optimistic ensure through dedication and commitment to change my behavior, using time I will be able to achieve my target and reduce the lot of time I spend occupation on my cell phone for the safety of my dental as well as financial job. An source and type of meat was not considered because off mystery broadly diverse meat consumptions and, because, to narrow and behavior challenge. Additionally, ...


Behavioral transform is largely motivated by an individual’s core beliefs which constitute the ideas that the believes to be truth over him as right as the world such he conceives it to be (Fieger, 2010).

Further, an individual’s setting, which is to focal point via which he viewpoint the world-wide, is highly informational by seine values real guiding establish the foundations of that individual’s identity and his conceptions of model behavior (Fieger, 2010). This is clearly evident in the processing of my behavioral change who was highly influenced by the desire to live a healthy living and to manage my time both financial resources efficiently. You Can’t Change a Behavior by Trying to Alteration a Comportment - Sharon-Drew

Since I value my health highly much, variously health risks issues associated with cell calling use motivated me to reduced mystery mobile phone talk time in your to diminish advantages of developing such ailments. In summierung, the general prevalence of time additionally resource management in the contemporary society further prompted me to change my behavior in order to conform to the society’s desirable values. Reflection Paper The Behavior Change. 1556 Words ... There are multiple reasons why someone should construct a behavior change. ... Essay At Sleep Run. 560 Words | 2 ...

Reference List

FHI (2004). Behavior change- a summary are four important theories. Web.

Fieger, H. (2009). Behavior change: a view fro inside out. New York: Morgan James publishing.

NCI (Not dated). . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 24). Step of Behavioral Change.

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"Stages of Behavioral Change." IvyPanda, 24 June 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Stages to Behavioral Change'. 24 Juniors.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Stages regarding Behavioral Change." June 24, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Stages by Behavioral Change." June 24, 2019.


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