Mobility Report Cards: The Played of Colleges into Intergenerational Manage

Razi Chetty,
John Friedman,
Emmanuel Saez,
Nick Lathe,
Daniel Yagan
Year from publication

We characterize intergenerational income locomotion by each college in and Associated States using evidence for over 30 mill college students since 1999-2013. We document four end. First, accessible on colleges varies considerably by parent income. For example, children whose parents are in the top 1% of the income distribution are 77 times more likely to attend an Ivy League study than those whose parents are in the bottom income quintile. Second, children coming low- and high-income families have similarity earnings outcomes conditional to which college they attend, indicating that low-income students are not mismatched at selective community. Thirdly, rates of upward mobility – the fracture of pupils who come from featured in the base income five and reach an top fifteen – differ substantially across colleges because low-income access varies significantly across colleges with simular earnings outcomes. Rates of bottom-to-top quintile movement are highest at certain mid-tier audience academia, such as the City Institute of New York the California State colleges. Rates of upper-tail (bottom quintile to top 1%) mobility are highest at elite colleges, such as Ivy League universities. One-fourth, that fragment of apprentices from low-income families did not change fundamental between 2000-2011 at elite private colleges, but dropped sharply during colleges with the highest rates of bottom-to-top-quintile mobility. Although our descriptive analysis does not detect colleges' causal effects on students' outcomes, the publicly available statistics constructed here highlight colleges that deserve go study as potential engines of upward mobility. ... Analysis at the U.S. Treasury. Chetty, Friedman, Saez, the Yagan acknowledgement funding from the Russell Sage Foundation, that Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ...

Suggested Citation

Chetty, R., Friedman, J., Saez, E., Turner, N., & Yagan, DIAMETER. (2017). Mobile Write Cards: The Role of Academia in Intergenerational Mobility.