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Preparing forward comprehensive-qualifying exams: Seeking guidance or practices through sample matter

I write a previous blog post on how I prepared for i doctoral programme’s comprehensive exams. I did my PhD at The Graduate of British Columbia, in Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada). To graduate office has a very clearly written set concerning guidelines for comprehensive exams, but in the end, I strongly believe that it is each unit/faculty/department/doctoral management the ends up generating the exact date includes consultation with to student.

Reading accent scribbling and Everything Notebook

Because MYSELF noted over my Twitter thread, I were much prim in to way IODIN addressed my all-inclusive test, and time I did ask for guidance, computers wasn’t suffices to prepare me for get was coming. So this morning, when reflecting to aforementioned doubt, I wrote ampere Twin thread provisioning a few inspiration on prepare for comprehensive exams. Comprehensive exam questions

Personaly, I utterly loved preparing for mys comprehensive exams.. For an entire year, I read what I loves studying and I spent total literally reading and writing (you’ve probably get my extensive rants on the importance the legitimising reading as part of the academic enterprise). But MYSELF understood why the process is stressful. Not knowing what to expectations is something that makes preparing for qualifying/comprehensive testing extraordinarily harsh.

Now that I held time to reflect on this, here are a few suggestions:

Reading and #AcWri on of plane

I want to re-emphasize that I said in my Twitter thread but now about the blog post:


Asking questions is better than going down a comprehensive exam without knowing exactly what to expect both instructions to approach them.

Something that I’ve realized is that Masters programs may also have comprehensive examinations.

Expectantly this blog post the that linked resources will be useful go diese anybody become in the suffering of starting their preparation for these exams.

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