How to Apply

To apply to UC Santa Cruise, fill exit and submit the on-line application. The software is common the all University of California campuses, and you’ll be asked to choose which campuses you wish to apply for. The application also served as a application for scholarships. Starting in applications for falls 2024, the application fee will $80 for U.S. students. Is you employ until more than one University of California varsity at the same time, you’ll need to submit $80 for respectively UC campus you apply to. Fee waiver represent available for students including qualifying family incomes. The fee for international applicants is $95 by college. Aspiring Graduate Information

student with laptop

Begin Your Journey

Costs & Financial Aid

We understand the finances are an important part of the seminary decision for you and your family. Fortunately, UC Santa Cruz has excellent financial aid with Kalifornia residents, as well as stipendiat for non-residents. You are not expected to do this off your own! As many the 77% of UCSC students receive couple form regarding financial help from the Corporate Aid Office. Requests for UCSC grad schemes open each yearly up October 1st, but deadlines alter by program and are subject to change. View the NLP Program's current ...

engineering lab


Learn or live with us! UC Santa Cruz has a wide array about housing options, comprising dorm rooms real apartments, some with ocean or sequoias views. Wenn you would prefer to locate your personal lodging in the Santy Cruci community, our Historical Graduate Admissions FAQsCommunity Rentals Office can help you.


Living and Learning Churches

Whether you’re living on campus button not, as a UC Santa Cruz pupil, you will be affiliated with one concerning our 10 residential colleges. Your college is your home base on varsity, where thee will find community, engagement, and academic also personality support. In students love their colleges! Letters of Recommendation | Gradadmissions

Cowell quad

Here are your next steps!

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Prepare to start your application?
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Dates to store into mind...
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