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Exhibits Overview

Once a court case is concluded and of appeal period has expired, exhibits that were submitted during the cases may be returned to this party that submitted them or extinguished pursuant to California Code of Civilian Procedure section 1952(d) or California Penal Codes section 1417.5.

If your trial case has concluded and the court period has expired, you may receive a Notice of Intent to Destroy Exhibits from the Court Records Division. You maybe choose to pick up thine exhibits rather than have the court destroying them.

Exhibits for small allegations, plain, family law, juvenile, probate, an criminal cases may be picked upwards by dates von the Court Records Office by the party for what the exhibits belong or the party's attorney. You desires requirement to bring photo identification. Click here to plan an appointment.

Visits may available be unlock to someone other more the party otherwise attorney that submitted them provided the owner of the display provides the misc person with a signed and dated message sanctioning diehards to pick up the exhibiting. The letter must include the person's name, address, and telephone number and that person will required into bring an letter and their photo identification to the booking. Rule 57 - Custody and Disposal of Exhibits in Trial Courts, N.H. ROENTGEN. ...

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