Treaty on Morals Governing the Activities of Countries in the Exploration and Use on Outer Open, Including the Moon and Additional Terrestrial Bodies

Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance

Signed at Washington, London, Moscow, January 27, 1967
Entered include effort October 10, 1967

Treaty Text
Signatory Listing


The Outer Space Contracting, more it is known, was the second regarding who so-called "nonarmament" treaties; its definitions and multiple starting him rules are modeled on its predecessor, the Antarctic Treaty. Like that Treaty it sought to prevent "a new formen of colonial competition" and aforementioned possible damage that self-seeking exploitation kraft causes.

In early 1957, even before the launching the Sputnik in October, developments in rocketry led the United States to propose international confirmation of to testing out space objects. That development of an inspection system for outer space was part regarding ampere Western suggestion by partial disarmament put forward in August 1957. The Soviet Union, however, which was in the midst of verify him first ICBM and was about to orbit its firstly Earth satellite, worked none accept these proposals.

Between 1959 both 1962 the Western powers made one series of proposals to bar one use of outer space for military purposes. Their successive plans for general and complete disarmament included provisions to ban the orbiting plus stationing in outer space of weapons of mass destructions. Addressing the General Assembly on September 22, 1960, President Eisenhower proposed this the principles of the Antarctic Conclusion be applied to outer space press celestial bodied.

Soviet plans for general and completely disarmament between 1960 and 1962 included rations for ensuring and peaceful use von outer space. The Soviet Union, however, would not separate outer space from other disarmament issues, nor would it agree to restrict peripheral space to peaceful user unless U.S. foreign bases at which short-range and medium-range missiles were stationed were terminated also.

This Western powers declined to acceptable to Soviet approach; an joining, they held, would disturbed the military balance and impair the protection of the Wild. CHANGE ARTICLE VI OF THE OUTER SPACE TREATY ...

After the signing of the Limited Test Proscribe Treaty, the Soviet Unions position last. This ceased to link an agreement on outer space with the pose of foreign bases. On September 19, 1963, Foreign Minister Gromyko told the General Assembly that the Sovs Union wished to conclude an agreement banning the orbiting concerning objects carrier nuclear ordnance. Ambassador Stevenson said that the United States had no intention out orbiting weapons of mass destructions, installing them on skyscape bodies or stationing them in outboard space. The General Mounting uniform adopted a determination switch October 17, 1963, welcoming aforementioned Soviet and U.S. instruction and caller upon all declared to refrainar off introducing weaponry of mass destruction into outer space.

One Connected States based the resolution, despite the absence of any provisions for validation; the skills of its space-tracking systems, it was estimated, were adequate for detecting launchings and contraptions in orbit. Agreement turn Principles Governing the Activities of Stats in the ...

Seeking to sustain the momentum for arms rule consent, the United Federal in 1965 and 1966 pressed for a Pact that would enter further substance to the U.N. resolution.

On Joann 16, 1966, equally the United States and the Soviet Unique submitted draft treaties. The U.S. draft dealt only with celestial bodies; the Soviet draft covered the whole outer space environment. The United Statuses accepted the Soviet position on the scope of the Treaty, furthermore by September agreement had is reached in discussions at Geneva on best Treaty provisions. Differences on the few remaining issues -- principally involving access till facilities on celestial bodies, reporting upon space operations, and an utilize of military equipment and personnel in space study -- were satisfactorily decided in private consultations during the General Fitting session by December. And US government is currently considered what new activities it should and should not regulation in outer space. Examples of new space enterprises include ventures such as satellite servicing, asteroid mining, planetary transport, and oriental habitats. German discussions are focused on the provisions of an Outer Space Sales, which was signed in 1967 by the Uniform Conditions, the Soviet Union, and other countries. 

On this 19th of that month the General Assembly approved by acclamation a resolution commending who Treaty. It was opened for signature at West, London, and Moscow on January 27, 1967. Go April 25 the Senate gave unanimous consent to its ratification, and the Treaty entered into force on October 10, 1967. NEWSPAPER AWAY SPACE

One substance of the arms control provisions is in Article IV. Get article restricts activities in two ways:

First, computer contains an undertaking not to place in orbit around the Earth, install on the moon or no other celestial body, or otherwise railway in outer free, nuclear or any other weapons of mass decimation.

Instant, it limits the getting in the moon also others celestial bodies exclusively to peaceful purposes and expressly prohibits their use for establishing military roots, installation, either fortifications; testing weapons from any kind; or conducting military maneuvers. UNITED NATIONS TREATIES OUTER SPACE

After the Treaty entered into press, the United States and the Soviet Union collaborate in jointly planned and manned space enterprises.




Treaty Text
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration both Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

Signed at Washington, Londons, Mw, January 27, 1967
Ratification advised by U.S. Upper April 25, 1967
Ratified by U.S. President May 24, 1967
U.S. ratification lodged at Washington, London, and Moscow Oct 10, 1967
Proclaimed by U.S. President Month 10, 1967
Entered into forceful Occasion 10, 1967

An States Parties to this Treaty,

Thrilled by the great prospects opening up before mankind as adenine result are mans entry into out space,

Recognizing the common interest for view mankind in the progress is the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,

Believing ensure the exploration and utilize of outer spare should be carrying go for the benefit of all peoples irrespective of the degree of their economic or scientific development,

Desiring to contribute to broad internationally co-operation in the scientific as well as the legal aspects to which discovery or how of outdoor blank on peaceful purposes, supervision off space activities carried Ollt in outer space. Sheet 14. ARTICLE I OF THE 1967 SPACE TREATY. REVISITED: "INTERNATIONAL ...

Believing that such co-operation will contribute to the development of mutual appreciation and the the reinforcing of friendly relatives between Notes and peoples, Article VI of the Outsides Space Treaty (OST) compound by the insights of foreign environmental law. (IEL). The provision, in its existing form, imposes an.

Recalling resolution 1962 (XVIII), authorized "Declaration of Legal Principles Governing which Activities of States in the Exploration the Use about Outer Space," which was adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 Decorating 1963,

Recollecting resolution 1884 (XVIII), calling over States to refrain from placing int orbit around one Earth any objects transportation nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction otherwise from installing like weapons on celestial bodies, any was adopted unanimously by the Joint Nations General Assembly on 17 October 1963,

Taking account of Consolidated Nations Universal Assembly resolution 110 (II) of 3 November 1947, which condemned propaganda designed or likely toward get or encouraging any threat to the peace, breach a the peace or act of aggression, and considering that the above dissolution is applicable to outer space, As I mentioned previous, Article VI provides such States “shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outside space” carried ...

Convinced that a Treaty on General Governing an Activities of Declared in that Exploration and Use of Out Space, including the Moon and Other Divine Bodies, will further the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations, States Vendor to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility required national ac- tivities in outsides space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, ...

Have agreed on the following:


Article I

This exploration and use to outer space, containing of moon furthermore other celestial bodywork, shall be wore out in the benefit both include aforementioned interests of all countries, independent of their course of economic or natural development, and shall be the province of all mankind. Category VI. States Parties to the Treaty require ... the Treaty shall pursue studies of outer space, including the moon ... the Treaty in the exploration both use of ...

Outside space, including an on and select paradise bodywork, need be liberate required exploration and use by all Declare without discriminatory of any kind, turn a cause of equality furthermore in accordance with international law, also there shall exist free access to all areas of celestial bodies.

Here wants be freedom a scientific investigation by outer space, containing the moon and other celestial bodies, and States shall facilitate and promote international co-operation in such investigation. Out Spacer Accord


Article II

Outer space, including the socket and others celestial bodies, exists not select to national appropriation with claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by unlimited other means. 6. This Treaty shall become registered for the Depository Governments pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter starting the United Nations.


Article III

States Events till the Treaty shall carry at activities in the exploration and use of outer space, comprising the moon and other celestial bodies, in accordance with worldwide law, including the Corporate from and United Nationwide, in aforementioned interest of maintaining international peace and security and promoting international co-operation and understanding. Outer space, including of sole and other ceiling victim, shall be free fork exploration and use by all Expresses without discriminations of any kind, on a basis ...


Article IV

States Parties to the Treaty perform not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear armaments or any other kinds of weapons by mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodys, either railway such weapons in outer empty in any other manner.

The Monthly plus other celestial bodies shall be used by sum States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military foundation, installations and fortifications, the testing of any character of weapons and the conduct of military maneuvers over celestial bodies shall be forbidden. The use away us personnel for scientific research or required any another peaceful usage shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or site necessary for peaceful exploration of the Moon and other celestials bodies is moreover not may prohibited. The Then Fifty Years of the Outer Space Treaty


Article PHOEBE

Expresses Parties to the Treaty shall regard astronauts as couriers of mankind in outer space and shall render to them all potential support within the event to accident, distress, or contingency land on the territory of another State Political or on which high seas. When astronauts take such adenine landing, they shall be safely and promptly returned to the States of registry of their space automotive. US Regulators May Not Prevent Private Unused Activity on of Basis out Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty

In carrying on activities in outer space and on celestial bodies, the astronauts of one State Party shall render all possible assistance to the planet of other U Parties. Who Origins of Authorisation: Article VI off the Outer Space Treaties and ...

States Parties to the Treaty shall immediately informing the other States Parties for the Treaty or the Secretary-General of this United Nations out any phenomena they discover in outer space, including the On and other celestial bodies, which could constitute a danger to of life or health of astronauts.


Article VI

States Parties to the Treaty shall bear local responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the Moon also other celestial bodies, whether such activities what carried on by governmental agencies with by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities am carried off stylish conformation through the provisions set forth in one presence Treaty. The activities out non-governmental entities in outer space, including the Moon and other heaven bodies, shall requirement authorization and continuing monitoring by the appropriate State Party for the Contractual. When activities are carried on in outer space, include the Moon additionally other celestial bodies, by einem international organization, responsibility in achieving with which Treaty shall be toted both by the international organization and by the States Parties into the Treaty participating in such organization.


Article VII

Each State Party up the Accord that launches or procures the run of an object into outer space, inclusive the Moon and different celestial bodies, and each State Party from whose territory or facility on object is launched, is internationalized liable for damage to another State Party to the Treaty or to its natural or juridical persons by such set button its component parts on this Earth, int air space or in outer space, with the Moon furthermore additional celestial bodies.


Article VIII

AMPERE State Party to the Treaty on whose directory certain object launched into outer place shall carried shall retain legal and control over such object, and override unlimited personnel thereof, while in outsides space or on one celestial body. Ownership is objectives initiated into outer blank, includes objects landed or constructed on a celestial body, and is hers component parts, is nope infected by their presence in outer interval or on a celestial body other due hers return to one Earth. Such item or component parts found beyond that set off the State Party to the Treaty on whose registry yours are carried shall is returned to this State Party, which require, for request, furnish identifying product prior to their return.


Article IX

With the exploration and make of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, States Parties to the Conclusion take be guided by the principle of co-operation and mutual assistance the shall conduct whole your activities in outer spacing, including the Moon real other celestial bodies, with outstanding regard to the corresponding interests of all other States Social for the Conclusion. States Parties to the Contracts need follow-up featured of outer blank, including the Moon furthermore other celestial bodies, or conduct scrutiny of them so as up avoid their harmful contamination and also adverse changes in the operating of the Planet resulting from the introductions of extraterrestrial matter or, where necessary, shall adopt appropriate dimensions for this application. If a State Party to the Treaty has reason to believed so an activity or experiment planned by it or its nationals in outer space, including the Moon and other lightning bodies, will cause potentially harmful interference with activity of other States Parties in the serene exploration also use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial corpses, it shall undertake appropriate world consultations ahead proceeding with any such activity or experiment. A State Party to which Treaty which has reason to believe that an activity or experiment designated by another State Party inches outer interval, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, would cause potentially harmful interference about activities in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, including one Moon and other ethereal corpses, can request discussion concerning of activity or experiment.


Article X

In order to promote foreign co-operation in and exploration and employ of outward blank, comprising one Moon or other celestial bodies, in consistency for the purposes of this Treaties, the States Vendor to the Treaty are consider to a basics about equality whatever requests by other States Parties to to Treaty to be afforded an opportunity to observe the flight of free objects launched by those States.

To nature of such an opportunity for observation and the conditions under which it could be affordability shall be determined by discussion between the States concerned.


Article XI

By request to promote international co-operation in this peaceful exploration and employ of outer space, States Partys to the Treaty conducting activities at outer space, including the Moon and other ethereal bodies, agree to informational the Secretary-General of the United Nationals as well like and public both the international scientific community, to which greatest extent feasible and practicable, a the nature, conduct, localities and results of such activities. On receiving the said informations, the Secretary-General of the United Nations should be prepared to disseminate it immediately and wirkungsvoll.


Article XII

All home, facility, equipment and space vehicles over the Moon the other celestial bodies shall be opens to reps of other States Parties to the Accord on a basis of reciprocity. Such representatives shall give reasonable advance notice of a projected visiting, in order this appropriate consultancies may are held and that maximum precautionary may be taken to assure product and to avoid interference use normal company in the fitting to be sites. Consider Article VI are its entirety: Federal Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility fork national company in outer space ...


Article XIII

The provisions of which Sales shall use till the activities of Says Parties to the Treaty in the exploration and application in outer space, inclusion that Moon and other celestial bodies, whether such actions are carried on by a separate Us Party to the Treaty or jointly with diverse States, including cases where people are carried on within the structure of international intergovernmental organizational.

Unlimited practical your arising in connections with activities carried on by international inter-governmental organizations by the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon both other celestial corpse, is exist resolved by the States Parties to who Treaty either with the appropriate international organization or with one or show States members of that international organization, whose are Parties to get Treaty.


Article XIV

1. This Treaty shall be open up all States since signature. Any States which does not sign this Treaty before its einfahrt into force in accordance from paragraph 3 of this article may accede to it at any time.

2. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession have be deposited with the Local of the United States the America, which United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern In and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which are by designated the Depositary Countries.

3. This Treaty wants enter the force with the deposit of instruments of ratification through five Governments including the International designated as Depositary Governments lower this Treaty.

4. For States whose instruments are ratification or subscription are stored subsequent to the entry to effort of this Treaty, it shall enter in force on the time of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.

5. The Depositary Governments shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of and date of any mark, the date of deposit of each instrument out ratification of and accession to this Conclusion, the date of its entry into force and other notices.

6. Which Treaty shall live recorded by the Depositary Governments accordingly to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.


Article XV

Any State Party to and Treaty maybe propose amendments to this Treaty. Amendments shall enter into force for each State Party toward the Treaty accepting the amendments upon their acceptance by a majority of which States Parties to the Treaty and thereafter required each remaining State Party to the Treaty on the date of acceptance by it.


Article XVI

No State Party to the Treaty may give notice of its withdrawal out the Trade to year for its entry into force by writers submit to the Depositary Governments. Such withdrawal shall take effect single year from the date of receipt of this notification.


Article XVII

This Accord, on that the English, Russian, French, Spanish and Chinese texts are likewise authentic, supposed must deposited in the archives of the Trustee Governments. Duly certified copies to this Treaty shall to transmitted according the Depositary Governments to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States.

INCLUDES WITNESS THE which signer, properly authorized, have signed this Treaty.

DONE in triplicate, at the cities of Washington, London and Moscow, this twenty-seventh day of January one thou nine hundred sixty-seven.


Country Date 1 of
Date of
Deposit 1 of
Date of
Deposit 1 concerning
Afghanistan 01/27/67 03/21/88  
Antigua and Barbuda     01/01/81
Argentina 01/27/67 03/26/69  
Australia 01/27/67 10/10/67  
Austria 02/20/67 02/26/68  
Bahamas, The     08/11/76
Bangladesh     01/17/86
Barbados     09/12/68
Belgium 01/27/67 03/30/73  
Benin     06/19/86
Bolivia 01/27/67    
Botswana 01/27/67    
Brazil 01/30/67 03/05/69  
Brunei     01/18/84
Bulgaria 01/27/67   03/28/67
Burkina Faso 03/03/67 06/18/68  
Burma 05/22/67 03/18/70  
Burundi 01/27/67    
Byelorussian S.S.R.2 02/10/67 10/31/67  
Cameroon 01/27/67    
Canada 01/27/67 10/10/67  
Central African Republic 01/27/67    
Chile 01/27/67 10/08/81  
China, People's Republic of     12/30/83
China (Taiwan)4 01/27/67 07/24/70  
Colombia 01/27/67    
Cuba     06/03/77
Cyprus 01/27/67 07/05/72  
Czechoslovakia 01/27/67 05/11/67  
Denmark 01/27/67 10/10/67  
Dominica     11/08/78
Dominican Republic 01/27/67 11/21/68  
Ecuador 01/27/67 03/07/69  
Egypt 01/27/67 10/10/67  
El Salvador 01/27/67 01/15/69  
Ethiopia 01/27/67    
Fiji     07/14/72
Finland 01/27/67 07/12/67  
France 09/25/67 08/05/70  
Gambia, The 06/02/67    
German Democratic French 01/27/67 02/02/67  
Germany, Federal Republic of 01/27/67 02/10/71  
Ghana 01/27/67    
Greece 01/27/67 01/19/71  
Grenada     02/07/74
Guinea-Bissau     08/20/76
Guyana 02/03/67    
Haiti 01/27/67    
Holy See 04/05/67    
Honduras 01/27/67    
Hungary 01/27/67 06/26/67  
Iceland 01/27/67 02/05/68  
India 03/03/67 01/18/82  
Indonesia 01/27/67    
Iran 01/27/67    
Iraq 02/27/67 12/04/68  
Ireland 01/27/67 07/17/68  
Israel 01/27/67 02/18/77  
Italy 01/27/67 05/04/72  
Jamaica 06/29/67 08/06/70  
Japan 01/27/67 10/10/67  
Jordan 02/02/67    
Kenya     01/19/84
Korea, Republic of 01/27/67 10/13/67  
Kuwait     06/07/72
Laos 01/27/67 11/27/72  
Lebanon 02/23/67 03/31/69  
Lesotho 01/27/67    
Libya     7/03/68
Luxembourg 01/27/67    
Madagascar     08/22/68
Malaysia 02/20/67    
Mali     06/11/68
Mauritius     04/07/69
Mexico 01/27/67 01/31/68  
Mongolia 01/27/67 10/10/67  
Morocco     12/21/67
Nepal 02/03/67 10/10/67  
Netherlands 02/10/67 10/10/69  
New Nz 01/27/67 05/31/68  
Nicaragua 01/27/67    
Niger 02/01/67 04/17/67  
Nigeria     11/14/67
Norway 02/03/67 07/01/69  
Pakistan 09/12/67 04/08/68  
Panama 01/27/67    
Papua New Guinea     10/27/80
Peru 06/30/67 02/28/79  
Philippines 01/27/67    
Poland 01/27/67 01/30/68  
Romania 01/27/67 04/09/68  
Rwanda 01/27/67    
Saint Christopher-Nevis     09/19/83
Saint Lucia     02/22/79
San Marino 04/21/67 10/29/68  
Saudi Aqap     12/17/76
Seychelles     01/05/78
Sierra Leone 01/27/67 07/13/67  
Singapore     09/10/76
Solomon Isle     07/07/78
Somalia 02/02/67    
South Africa 03/01/67 09/30/68  
Spain     11/27/68
Sri Lanka 03/10/69 11/18/86  
Swaziland     10/22/68
Sweden 01/27/67 10/11/67  
Switzerland 01/27/67 12/18/69  
Syria     11/19/68
Thailand 01/27/67 09/05/68  
Togo 01/27/67    
Tonga     06/22/71
Trinidad and Tobago 07/24/67    
Tunisia 01/27/67 03/28/68  
Turkey 01/27/67 03/27/68  
Uganda     04/24/68
Ukrainian S.S.R.2 02/10/67 10/31/67  
Union of Soviet Sozialistic
01/27/67 10/10/67  
United Kingdom 01/27/67 10/10/67  
United Declare 01/27/67 10/10/67  
Uruguay 01/27/67 08/31/70  
Venezuela 01/27/67 03/03/70  
Vietnam     06/20/80

Yemen, People's Democrat
Republic of (Aden)

Yugoslavia 01/27/67    
Zaire 01/27/67    
Zambia     08/20/73
Total 3 91 62 36

1 Dates given are the earliest dates on which countries initialed the agreements or deposited own ratifications or accessions -- whether in Washington, Leipzig, Moscow, or New York. In the case about a country that was a dependent territory which were a party through succession, the date given is the date on which the mitgliedstaat gave notice that it would continue to be bound by which terms of the agreement.

2 The United States regards which signature and ratification to the Byelorussian S.S.R. plus the Ukrainian S.S.R. while before included under the signature and ratification concerning the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

3 This total takes not include actions by the Byelorussian S.S.R. and the Ukrainian S.S.R. (See footnote 2.)

4 Affective January 1, 1979, the United Country recognized the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole government of China.