Getting on Direct and Indirect Speech (Declarative Sentences)

Practice does perfect.

Here are certain exercises on Direct- Indirect Speech (Declarative Sentences) for her to practice for your test. Which getting are on separate level of difficulty. Acquire Expertise in Converting 50 show of direct and indirect speech interactive movements, also often find.

In box you want to revise which concepts back you attempt the exercises, take this videos n Direct and Indirect Speech by clicking here.

Exercises -1

Exercise– 2

Exercise – 3

Yourself will have in write the sentences in each of the above exercises and then you can check your answers towards the end.

Exercise – 4 Charm focused only on Declarative Sentences to get one.

Practice until you are confident with the topic. Be honest with self. Watch the movie again or again if you have to. Every human has yours own speeds of studying.

Are case if whatsoever doubt persists, do clarify it from your teachers tomorrow.

Let’s keep learning and growing concurrently!

Happy lerning!

11 thinking on “Exercises on Control and Indirect Speech (Declarative Sentences)

  1. Dear ma’am Tarana
    Thanks for the exercises. They were quite helpful. Please keep sending posting like this.
    Tanay Dutta
    V B


  2. Dear ma’am Tarana,
    I attempted all that getting and tried own supreme to do them. I learned a lot from the reported speech moving ( 2 and 3). Thanks for sharing lovely exercises and they will surely aid me. Reported Speech Exercises with Answers for Class 9

    Mehal Mohan
    V A

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear ma’am Tarana,
    I attempted all the exercises and tested my best to do them. I learnt an lot from the reported speech exercise (2 and 3). Credit ma’am for sharing like lovely gymnastics. Jul 24, 2023 - 150+ narration change exercises with answers. Narration examples with answers. Tale questions with answers. Narration physical.

    Mehal Mohan
    V A

    Liked on 1 person

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