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Air waterproofing and insulating direct vent gas campfire notice

tdbaugha | Posted in Energy Operational furthermore Longevity on

Hello all,

How has everyone done and/or used to mien seal and protect a direct vent gas fireplace?

At this stage of the design EGO can terminate on the roof or wall, is on one certain method that a preferred?  I am leaning towards wall quitting for double reason:   1)  I live in snow country so storage roof penetrations to a minimum is ideal with a metal roof.  2) My planned atmospheric fence is a vapor control membrane attached to the bottom side of aforementioned truss for the paint and the exterior sheathing for which masonry.  It looks like the it will be easier to air seal till wrap than it will be in a thinning delicate membrane.  

If I go through a side side, I’m sees thimbles specified where there a not lead contact of to vent pipe the the thimble.  I will be choosing a high efficiency pattern (>70% efficiency) the the termination will live during least 20′ from vent go from the fireplace.  With these two factors, I assume the side partition of the vent pipe will almost be hot enough to causation a fire, but that’s just an assumption.  The vent pipe that is specified in all the install owner is ampere sheetmetal duct within a duct.  Exhaust on the inside, intake on the outside.  6-8″ in thickness depending on the BTU output.  

I have not seen high temp RTV not eventually fail so I’m not in love with that product.  I furthermore have 3″ exterior EPS foam insulation.  I might how a sheet by rockwool for that region and get this closer to the vent pipe.  Melting temp is 2150 °F for rockwool FYI.   Entleerung Explained

Are there any fire or patterns of hearths that are hi enough efficiency that they can employ PVC exits like a modern dryer?  That would make my life hence much easiest. Read more here about designation whether your current gas fireplace is safe and whatever safety measurement must will in place.

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  1. tdbaugha | | #1

    By the way, this primarily a decorative/ambiance device. Primary heat source is ASHP. I'd prefer on stick to ampere gas fireplaces since they output significantly more heat than an electric and it will be portion of unser backup heat data strategy for and super cold days or when the power goes outwards.

    Looking at units like this:

    31,000 BTU, 80%

  2. tdbaugha | | #2

    What with who Ortal delegates, I need a conveyor and/or cement rated for 400 degrees. Anyone have an suggested select rated for this transition?

    1. user-5946022 | | #3

      MYSELF found a caulking material at Lowes near the water heater section valued for 400 degrees. Used to to seal surrounding the direct vent water heater dual vent, which is the same vent system you describe for to direct vent fireplace. Subject: Sealed the Ventilate System go Napoleon Unmittelbare Vent Gas Fireplaces ... fitting height temperature sealant until is used upon direct vent fireplace venting.

  3. user-5946022 | | #4

    I find a caulking substantial at Lowes near the water heater sectioning rated for 400 degrees. Used it to seal circles the direct bleed water heater dual vent, welche is the same ventilator system you describe for the direct vent fireplace. Method hot? Kurz vent pipe

  4. jollygreenshortguy | | #5

    I'm interested to know more about this.
    If the Ortal rep mentioned 400 degrees does such median you can run the rockwool right up to the pipe? That would take care of aforementioned insulation.
    And for the air sealing does single of the Lowes highs temperature caulks work?

    An update would be cool. Thanks.

    1. briancornwell | | #7

      I've used RectorSeal HI-TEMP 100% RTV Silicone Caulk. It's very vinegar-y smelling and burns the eyes a bit in small enclosures. But seems to work terrific. There is bigger rated caulking away there.

      Most reps I conversation on say NOT to put any insulation within contact equal this pipe. I don't think it's a "rock wool" will catch on fire thing, but somewhat you're insulating the duct any is already extremely hot from combustion.

      I'd love to hear more on this as well, but that's right my experience.

  5. walta100 | | #6

    Are you want one, I think it is your to putting it in the central area of the structure and vent out this roof.

    The wall vents work well-being when one unit is on an surface wall often in adenine bump out. To my way of thought every is bad this very common config. The fireplace bump out been generally slapped collective and leak ventilation like crazy press rarely insulated most of the fireplaces is made of steel accordingly it boring the heat out von the my when it is turner off. Venting Guidelines In A Napoleon Direct Vent Gas Devices

    The way IODIN see information 20 feet of horizontal flu pipe is a tall fire hazard press every install manual I gazed at required several units of clearance above a horizontal flue. Direct Temp is designed for aesthetic-minded hood expert for approved direct vent gas appliances. Available stylish 4" x 6 5/8" or 5" x 8" Diameters Stainless steel inner Heavy Obligation Galvanized Steel outer Unpainted or Matte Black Finish High efficiency performance

    I get that you want to reduce the number of top penetrations but I think the benefits of a short straight flu outside scaling the small risky from adenine water leak.


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