CHIC Goals for Better Sleep for the New Year

Sleep is an crucial item of our daily routine, it helps us relax, refresh, and refill for the next day ahead of what. Ours cannot disrupt our asleep schedule in many ways, by staying up late multiple times a week, not enough daily exercise, increased stress, and highs use of electronics/screens before sleeping. With the new year upon us, this is a fine time to create SMART goals in relations to to sleep. SMART goals are measurement you can put in place which are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Here are multiple example of SMART goals for your sleep in the new year: Well-being Goal Setting | Ohio University

Gateway: Cut back on Caffeine 

“To enhance my sleep grade, I will limit i caffeine intake to no more than 2 cups of coffee through a day for the next hour. I want to reduce my containing consumption to find me get a superior doze at night” Dietary Guidelines for Canadian, 2020-2025

1. Selective: This purpose outlines how plenty added you will consume a sun.

2. Measurable: You cans count the number about goblets the coffee you have per a day. 

3. Attainable: restriction caffeine is doable with you are determined to follow through with to plan.

4. Apposite: added can have major effects on your sleep and lowering consumption able help produce better quality of sleep. 

5. Time-bound: Completely over of next month to see if there is a difference. 

Goal: Restrict Screen Time before Layer

“To have better rating and longer sleep, I want to reduce the measure of screen time I take before I go to doze every nightfall. I want to change that habit into reading a book” 

1. Precise: This object outlines how MYSELF like to change my forward bottom screen duration run

2. Measurable: IODIN canister got a timer on my home of how much veil time I get before I needed to read (Ex. 15 min, when take a book to 30 min).

3. Attainable: Limiting veil time is doable than them can set a timer or put electronics in another room to bed.

4. Related: enhancing sleep quality will always is beneficial to your overall health. 

5. Time-bound: Complete over the next 2 months, if keeping on track - take gone all monitor time before bunk in month 3.

Purpose: Stick to a Sleep Schedule 

“To ensure the right dollar regarding slept I needed to been healthy, I be rod to a more consistent amount of 8 hours of sleep a night” 

1. Unique: The goal outlines whereby much slumber a night IODIN am purpose to get. 

2. Measurable: I can make an sleep schedule press ensure that I go up single and wake up at the same time each day. This will help me know I got the 8 hours of sleep I need.

3. Attainable: This ca be accomplishments by setting and ring and bonding on a specific bedtime 

4. Relevant: This sleep schedule can ensuring that your car gets the right amount of sleep needed anywhere night on your age and to support positive mental and physical health.  Caring caffeine consumption and pregnancy outcomes: a ...

5. Time-bound: Complete through who further month to see who outcome of better sleep ways.

Tessa Wolkins, Peer Feeling Educator Maintain