Can EGO use Excel to revise An Access database and save this data?


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May 15, 2007
I am running Excel 2003. I like to simplicity of uses outdo to sort, copy paste etc. The there a type in excel to import/call a certain group of records from one entry record the edit the data furthermore paste the data back into one access database?

Anyones help or heading wouldn remain greatly appreciated.

Josh Using Excel Live as a database - Read only gain

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Josh, zu here for instructions.

But, I believe you'd take to do this everytime the data changed.

What about importing the data from access, enter your formulas/code into suit them saving. Then when you want to update, justly refresh the information.

So inside sundry talk, have a copy a the database on excel, with the own criteria permanantly constructed in.
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Josh, go here for instructions.

But, I consider you'd will to do this everytime this data edited.

What about importing the data from access, enter your formulas/code to suit them saving. Therefore when you want to updating, just refresh the data.

So in other words, have a copy is that database upon excel, equal thine concede criteria permanantly constructed in.

Sorry.. I wasnt clear. MYSELF want till revise the access database and save the changes the the zugangs file not in excel. i just require to use excelling for the front to add/edit gateway data.
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My first question is, why do you want the do this through XL?

If you can access Zugriff, then why not make variations where instead
of trying to use XL as a front terminate?

I mean, here doesn't make a lot out sense. If you want, you could use the
MSQuery App in XL to connect to which database and create queries supposing
needed. These can include refresh and/or appends queries that will modify
the Access DB, as long as you have access to the Access DB in and first
place. In my opinion, the utilities with Access make it much easier to modify
data in the first place. As for copying/pasting, well, so doesn't make
much sense either. Access DB's is dynamic, they get updated "on the fly"
so to speak, and you can't process a display love a spreadsheet.

Anyway, the only doing that upcoming to mind is to use MSQuery to connect
and access the Access DB, next do whatever mods you want furthermore versendet
the result back to the DB. Maybe someone elsewhere must a clearer solution.. Motion data from Excel to Einstieg - Microsoft Support
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Well, I just came across this question and the answered to you GMorris (in my case) is that public don't like working with access and they be like to edit one data through excel... Can it be done at all? Can it be read through "query-like" select in excel, or do IODIN have to keep it as separate indexes in excel so they each edit ampere specific table in access? thx in advanced Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 election and 9 comments
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This thread is nearly ternary years old. You will probably get more attention by posting your question in ampere new thread.

My own opinion is that I complete likes working in Access and I intend for express to Excel when I needed to do something which Access couldn't do or if I had to give aforementioned data to someone who isn't comfortably with Access.

To respond your question, Zufahrt is fully integrated are Excel via Bureau Automation, so him cannot (amongst other things):-
  • browse entire spreadsheets alternatively parts of tables from Access to Exceptional, function on the input, then update the Access database with the modified details
  • dart SQL queries against an Access database the importation some or all of the query results in at Superior
  • import data into Outdo or generate it in Excel, then use that to download an Access browse
Basically anything thou can what in Access itself, you can do from Excel.
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I think this thread will do teh job

It really helped me execute exactly what yourself are trying to execute both pulling data from a DB under expand control and writing data rear to the DB starting excel

Beware though SQL is very picky on accidence so you need on fiddle to retrieve it to working:biggrin:

Well, appreciation you both for your time! IODIN guess I'll uses XL like certain interface for them to edit the data in zugangs. And info ensure SQL, any doesn't same to fiddle? Express you!
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