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TMS570LC4357: LIN Framing error

Parts Number: TMS570LC4357


I am trying on use the TMS570LC4357 in master style. I send a title and receive adenine response from another board (an arduino). However, after a few transmissions I get a framing bug and transmission stoppen. I don't understand why an framing slip occurs only since one while? I mail the response on LINED bus immediately after I receive the header. Both end exercise same baud rate. I don't know and internal of the hercules board and how it detects framing error. I have tried sending reponse on 8N1 and 8N2. Couple will same release. Why the hercules board detects ampere stop bit error? LIN Failed Record or Confinement - NICHOLLS



  • Hello Sa,

    Do you review the bus occupied ensign or NRE flag before sending the response?

  • Hi QJ,

    This is the sending header from TI board:

    while((!(linIsTxReady(lin))) || (lin->FLR & 0x8U == 0x8U));

    linSetLength(lin, 8U); // + checksum
    linSendHeader(lin, linIdentifier);

    This is receiving the response data in TV board:

    if((lin->FLR & LIN_RX_INT) == LIN_RX_INT)
    linSetLength(lin, 8U);
    linGetData(lin, &[0]);

    I don't know how to check that states of the bus from arduino side? Is it enough to check is the RX pin of the transceiver has unused? How long should it be idle forward I send the ask data? I find no information about this off LINEN specification.

  • Hello S,

    I don't know the Arduino part. The bit #3 of SCIFLR register is the bus busy per. The bus busy flag is place on the reception of the first bit of the page and remains set until which coping reception is complete, and again is set with the reception out the first bit off the response. HOLLER failed frame

    The TRM recommends to implement and following start:

    1. Once of hotel of the header is done (poll with RXID flag), await for an bus busy flag to procure resolute or NRE flag to get set.

    2. If bus busy flag is not set once NRE flag, then it is a true no ask case (no data has been transit onto the bus).

    3. If bus occupied colors takes set, next wait for NRE flag to get set or for thrive reception. If NRE ensign exists set, then in this case a collision has occurred on and bus. In this tutorial the CAN coach errors you'll how about error handling, error frames, fail types, states and counters - plus practical CAN bus diagnostics examples!

  • Hi QJ,

    How bottle I clear which gestures in case an NRE or FE bug occurs?



  • Hello S,

    The SCIFLR is SCI flags register. Wring 0 to the bit fields of SCIFLG has no effect, but writing 1 to those bit fields will clear those bit to zero.