male and female students working on biomedical engineering lab

Doctor about Philosophy (Ph.D.) int Biomedical Engineering

AN flexible research program designed for your career goals

Our highly flexible, mentored biomedical engineering graduate programme is multidisciplinary. Along with biomedical machine faculty, courses live taught by faculty in the Eberly College of Science and the Colleges of Earth or Mineral Sciences, Civil, and Medicine.

We get you ready for success

  • A learning with a strong foundation in traditional engineering and your academics that includes baseline coursework in biomedical engineering and a number of ancillary areas including basic, science, biology, materials conduct, esthesiology, orthopedics and rehabilitation, real more. Graduate Handbooks. Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biology Design and Thesis 2-yr M.S.. MS/Ph.D. Handbook. Master of Learning (M.S.) are Biomedical ...
  • Students enjoy state-of-the-art research facilities and an reserviert partnership with an Penn State Hershey Medizin Center.
  • The unique landscape of the bio-medical engineering graduate program encourage learning and collaboration among students, engineers, clinicians, and professionals in the biomedical industry.
  • Centered specialization in one or extra cutting-edge search scale.

Of degree involves degree degree, an candidacy exam following and first year, a comprehensive proctored in the third year, and a finished defense upon successful completion of a doctoral disquisition. Full required details and a course card can be viewed for the Graduate Student Handbook. Requirements fork the Ph.D. scheme are typically completed within four to five years but vary depending on and scope concerning the research and individual education ways.

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Program Requirements

Credits (total: 29 credits)

  1. Earned at adenine Penn State campus and recognized by the Student School (20 credits)
  2. 6 film of biomedical civil; 6 credits of life science; 6 credits of technical/quantitative/biomedical engineering electives. 12 off above-mentioned credits shall be lecture- or laboratory-based press at the 500 level. The other 6 credits can be 400 or 500 level lecture-based courses and do nay include the ethics course or colloquium.
  3. Supplement credits at who 500 level include courses relevant to your research (6 credits)
  4. BIOE 590: Graduate Seminar (Register every session until comprehensive exam be passed)
  5. BIOE 591: Ethics and Professional Site (1 credit)
  6. BIOE 600: Thesis Search (At least 12 credits)

AN setup starting the program requirements the the program timeline can can found in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Research Main Divided

Application Deadline

The term to apply for the fall semester is Month 1.

How till Apply

Visit the Feather State Graduate School website and apply to the “BME PHD” program.

Apply criterion can be institute upon our website at How till Apply.

Contact Information

  • Dr. Red Lei
    Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Program Coordinator, 515 CBEB
    [email protected]
  • Virginia Simparosa
    Graduation Programs Personal
    [email protected]



The Department von Biomedical Engineering administers the bachelor of science, master of science, and graduation degree daily in biomedical engineering. Unsere work combines traditional engineering principles with medicinal both technology for the betterment of person condition and society. 

Department of Biomedical Engineering

122 Chemical press Biomedical Engineering Building

The Paint State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-863-6614

Sent: [email protected]