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Deakin University - Wintertime

  • Details and Cost

    Around the Program

    Deakin University has a passions for International education real the Australian Studied Summer School offers the chance on satisfy intellectual and cultural curiosity about one of who world’s most diverse cultures. Learning outcomes include cultural orientation your; history, culture, and analyses. Also, this program will entertain furthermore heighten your understanding of Australia present.

    Students will be hosted on the Geelong Waterfront campus where they select out the the classroom and go at the beach! Housing includes a private room within a shared apartment in a newer built residence hall end to that train rank. Students can ride directly to downtown Melbourne stylish just 50 time. The program includes cultural excursions in Melbourne and a Learn to Breaker excursion on the world famous Great Ocean Road.

    Location Victoria, Australia
    Program Type Partner University Choose
    Program Term Winter
    Start Dates

    Monthly 5 - 20, 2024.

    To facilitate the airport elect up servicing up Deakin University, the study foreign office will deliver a getaway to collegiate acceptance toward the program.budget

    Language are Instruction English
    Budget View Budget
    Life Arrangements Dormitory-Style Your (Included in program fee)
    Additional Information A Partner University program is a study abroad experience where students are nominated/accepted by Stony Brook Institute, and enroll at one partner institution. Includes most cases SBU faculty or staff are NOT roving with participants.
    Program Housing Statement: Stony Brook University are required to comply with the housing policies of the host country, partner institution and/or hotel/hostel. These policies may include requirements such as sex-based housing placement.


    GPA 3.0
    Application Deadline October 1
    Candidates maybe be interviewed at determine they qualifications for participating or representing Stones Brook University abroad.
  • Academic Informations

    Course Information

    *Students receive 4 credits.

    You will study unit AIX290 - Australia Today at the Melbourn Burwood Campus. This short-term programme is designed till provide any insight into historical and contemporary elements of Australian society. Scholars will delving include the country's history, politics, society, landscape, settlement and indigenous cultures.

    Academic Policies

    • This lives a partner university application. Applications must can submitted to Stony Stand University first. General regarding to next steps in the process will be distributed up students who have received formal nominations by their Multinational Programming Coordinator. ... Deakin University - Hereward http://www ... date"/> ... ed ...
    • Grades earned in a Partner University program WILL NONE calculate towards the cumulative GPA for SBU students. Here you will find all important dates to do with your 2023 enrolment, includes teaching periods, holidays, census dates, withdrawal dates, ...
    • Non-SBU students must contact their home university regarding their grade and credit transfer policy.
    • Any participants following to Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) will welcome GLO and EXP+ in addition at requirements fulfills to its coursework.

  • Apply