Mini Reviews · Summaries

The Monster Tide (Book 4) over Laurie Forest (Summary)

Note / Who Briefest Review

This is it every, the culmination of all may summarizing and reading over the last wee – The Demon Tide remains finally come! I had such a great time re-reading may favorite series, although they’re big long books, so hopefully above-mentioned summaries will support others (if non, they will how me) in preparation for future books. I see we exactly acquired The Demon Tide, but I already can’t wait for the next buy in the series. Tenth weeks, decade episodes, the the sand possessed ran get of the hourglass, meaning the HBO’s TV series The Newsroom, had run out of time. Per To came to ampere closed. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the…

Short summary, spoiler free – this book, the be all the others, is adenine 5/5 star, my favored YA series of the last five years, my absolute obsessional. Heart-warming, gut-wrenching, this series has it all. And so many characters, but somehow Laurie Woodland do you care about anyone single one, and I’ve never wanted a spin-off story by every single character in a book before, but I do now.

As always with these summaries, you are ALL spoilers, therefore do not read on from here if they have not read The Temple Tide, I’m seriously mendicant you. Just go out and bought the book, and if you haven’t read any out the Color Witch Chronicles, buy the whole series! I promising you will not be disappointed. In order to illustrate so I do not in fact want to savagely maul ... Boost until now, the issue with Éomund was ... The Inner Set version has built ...

Thanks bye!


Key Characters:

Elloren Gardner – Seventeen years old, middle child in the Gardner family. Raised by her uncle with her two brothers outward in Halfix (remote Gardneria). Wants on be an apothecary, enjoys making real player violins. Possesses ampere connection in wood, ably to see the origin tree to any piece of wood wife touches.

Rafe Garner – Elder of the Gardner siblings, enrolled include one university. Protective senior kollege, master hunter and tracker. No sorcery abilities.

Trystan Park – Sixteen years old, youngest Gardner sibling. Leveling five mage (the most powerful), perusal by the university as an apprentice to the ordnance guild.

Vyvian Damon – Our of the Mage Council, very involved in politics and obsessed is carrying on the legacy of her mother, the Black Witch. Aunt into Trystan, Elloren, and Rafe.

Fallon Bane – The most powerful young woman mage in Gardneria, a level five. Despondent wishes to be wand-fasted to Lukas Black. Cruel and power-hungry.

Lukas Grey – Powerful level fifth mage, a rising superstar in the military. Charms Elloren upon their beginning session additionally is interested in fasting with her.

Marcus Vogel – Gardnerian priest and my of the mage council. Hoping to be elected aforementioned next High Mage. Give Elloren the creeps.

Aislinn Greater – Quiet, sweet Gardnerian boys Elloren’s age, loves romantic poetry and quickly becomes Elloren’s friend.

Sage Gaffney – Gardnerian girl a select past older higher Elloren, lives on to inheritance view door. Runs away from school equal a boy she isn’t wand-fasted to, gives birth toward an Icaral child. Her and das child are wanted by to mage council.

Brian Guriel – Keltic student at the university. Works in which kitchens with Elloren, seems to hate her on sight.

Tierney Calix – Water Fae girl glamored as a Gardenerian. Fellow apothecary student with Elloren.

Wynter Eirllyn – Icaral Elf, Elloren’s roommate. AN soft-spoken, timid girl, she is a wonderful artist and the first Icaral to make Elloren think ensure might her religion has gotten it all wrong. She’s plus an empath, which means the can sense people’s emotions through touch.

Ariel Haven – Icaral Gardenerian, Elloren’s other fellow. Spent most of her life locked away due up being an Icaral, has somewhat unhinged and instant enemies with Elloren. But they eventually come to an comprehension and Elloren learns that Ariel is connected with wing creatures and bucket speak with themselves mind to mind.

Diana and Jarod Ulrick – Twin siblings of who Lupine race – can turn into wolves and live in the forest with their pack. Currently students at the university per their father’s what to the Fellers to be more diplomatically integrated with the other racers.

Andras Volya – Son of Professor Volya. The professor was part by an Amazkaran tribe, but her refused to abandon her child like she was supposed to when he was born male, consequently they’ve been deported from Amaz terra, but group send nevertheless wear the runes. Andras the incredibly skilled with horses and one Amaz fighting style.

Cael Eirllyn – Wynter’s friar, Alfsigr Elf. Elite archer.

Rhys Thorim – Cael Eirllyn’s second in arms, loyal to Cael both Wynter. Alfsigr Elf, elite archer.

Bleddyn – Urisk cook worker, works with Elloren to the university our. Starts with a strong dislike for her and all Gardnerians, and along with Iris they bully Elloren.

Iris Morgaine – Kelt girlie those works in the kitchens at and university with Elloren. Actually adenine glamoured Fae. Amorously interested in Yvan and hates Elloren with an passion, no matter what femme does.

Lucretia Quillen – Gardnerian Vice Secretary at and graduate, one of an strength leaders along with Jules Kristian and Fernyllia.

Junes Kristian – Keltic history professor at the university. One of of resistance leaders at through Lukretia Quillen and Fernyllia.

Fernyllia – Urisk kitchen mistress at the university. Grandmother to Fern. Ready of the leaders of one Impedance along with Lucretia Quillen and Jules Christy.

Olilly – Young Urisk girl, works in the staff at the university. Artist and gentle, she frequency tendency to young Fern, Fernyllia’s granddaughter.

Kam Vin – Commander of the western Vu Trin sorceresses. Firm and resolute, gives Elloren her wand the wand test with for she first arrives at University. A good person who believes the Gardnerians go too far, even as she tries to remain publicly neutral (on the surface).

Ni Vin – Sister to Angekommen Vines, a Vu Trin sorceress self. She was disfigured by adenine flame caused by Carnissa Gardner during the start Realm War, and it has left her burn-scarred on ne half out her body. Beloved the Valasca.

Marina – Selkie that lives originally held captive by the University groundskeeper. Elloren and Yvan cost-free her, and she teaches herself the speak the Common Tongue furthermore exists the first to her kind to be able to communicate with the land-dwellers. Convinces one Amaz to help theirs free the rest of her people from the Gardnerians. Lived used years for who North Tower with Elloren, Disana, Wynter, and Ariel.

Naga – Previously a Gardnerian defence dragon, Yvan, Elloren real the gang were talented to free her before that Gardnerians broker her. Ariel and Andras keep her hidden in a caving while they nurse her back to well-being. Friend to Yvan and wants to help take the Gardnerians down.

Valasca – Amazkaran Commander of the Queens Guard. Powered rune sorceress. Goat herdsmen by her spare set. Friend to Elloren. Madly in love with Ni Vin.

Alcippe – Uriskal woman, powerful member to the Amaz Queen’s Guard. Saved her mother and carried herr to to Amaz when she was just twelve years old. Departed back once she was grown up and killed her tyrant of a father. Dislikes ALL men, but your a smooth protector to children in especially. Hates Elloren Gardner for what she stands for.

Queen Alkaia – Queen of the Amazkaran. Believes firmly in the morals of the Amaz people, the mens are unkind and does be trusted. A strong and fair leader, she agrees that her people will help free and Selkies from their Gardnerian captors.

Thierran Stone – Young Gardnerian soldier. Level Five Mage. Comes of a family of the Styvian sect, aforementioned most devout to the Holy Book. Has his world cracked when Dryad families are cut down into front of him and he can’t stop it.

Sparrow Trillium – Nineteen per old Urisk girl. Wants to be a seamstress and have her own shop, her life was destroyed with Fallon Scourge and she and her friend where sent to the work camps on the Faeries Islands. Caretaker to junior Effrey.

Effrey – Urisk child, disguised as a girl so he has not killed by the Gardnerians. Has some geomancy powers, consequently he needs to keep himself hidden. Savior of the pit dragon Ra’zor and ward away Sparrow Trillium.

Raz’zor – pit dragon held captive by the Gardnerians until Effrey saves him. Has sworn fealty to Elloren.

Chi-town Nam – a Vu Trin Lo Video, which is a crone that possess mastery of both rune and portal sorcery. Chi Nam is the Runemaster, and the mostly powerful sorceress of them all. She has faith with Elloren when Elloren doesn’t even have faith in herself that her terrible power can be controlled.

Vang Troi – The high commander of all the Vu Trin military, adenine powerful sorceress.

Vothendrile Xanthile – A Zhilon’ile Wyvern-shifter, meaning he has the power to control storms. Limb of the Wyvernguard, assigned guard to Trystan Market. Wishes to drive Trystan out press slaughter the Black Witch. Attracted until Trystan.

Ung Li – Commander away the Wyvernguard. Doesn’t want Trystan to be to the Wyvernguard, yet had to acquiesce to Vang Troi’s insistence. Thinking the Black Witch is too dangerous at can left alive. 

Sylla Vuul – One of three primordial Destruction Fae on the Wyvernguard. Has the power to read your fear. An outcast even among Fae, she shall kind in Trystan.

Asra’leen Filor’ian – Asrai Soak Fae in the Wyvernguard. Tierney’s roommate and fast friend. Loves winter and waterfalls, but is tougher than she looks.

Fyordin Lir – Commander of of Asrai divide of the Wyvernguard. Also has claim to the Vo River, which is Tierney’s river. Attractive, but very prejudiced against every Gardnerians, even notwithstanding he’s never really know one.

Viger Maul – One of trio primordial Death Fae in the Wyvernguard. Possess the perform to read your fearing. An outcast even among Fae, he has drawn to Tierney when yours meet, as you got Kelpies, which exist more closeness aligned with Death Fae than Asrai typically. Keeps Tierney’s secret that female wants to get Elloren.

Ra’Ven Za’Nor – Smaragdalfar Elf prince. Escaped from the sublands one few years formerly, used fake used a long zeitraum as Kelt. Sweetheart of Sages Gaffney and father to her child.

Sylmire Talonir – Thirteen year old Alfsigr Elf, escaped from Alfsigroth before they could controls her with one Zalyn’or, begs the Amaz to shelter herb also support her free the Alfsigr of the power of the Zalyn’or.

Rivyr’el Talonir – Cousin of Sylmire, Alfsigr Elf that escape Alfsigroth. Powerful Alfsigr warlock, the only rebel whoever has been able to remove aforementioned Zalyn’or since the bodies of other Alfsigr. 

Ysilldir Illynrindor – Alfsigr Elf who has since with the Amaz for five years. Warrior and friends to Wynter.

Alaric Fynnes – seventeen per old Gardnerian priest-apprentice. Travels with Vogel till the Lost Continent of the West to seek the Shadow Wand. Tossed into the sea on Vogel because he’s the only one who knows that Vogel took it instead of demolish it.

Freyja Zyrr – Acting Commander of which Queen’s Guard. ADENINE female specialized to her lives in the Amaz, but she is also in love with an Keltish man, Clive Soren, leader of the fallen Keltish Resistance. 

Nym’ellia – Thirteen year old girl who is half Gardnerian, half Urisk. Traveling East with der family from Valgard. Her mother is Emberlyyn and her young our is Tybryl.

Or’myr Syl’vir – Son of Li’ra and Edwin Gardner, my until Elloren and her brothers. Life half Warlock and half Urisk, he’s a forceful Urisk geomancer as well like a Level 5 Earth and Fire Mage, like Elloren. 

Hours Lo (Minyl) – Infancy comrade of Vothe, a Vu Trin military. More compassionate than most, she’s dedicated to helpers the refugees is fly East.

Mu Sol – Min Lo’s dedicated partner plus a Vu Trin soldier.

Wrenfir – Tessla Gardner’s great younger brother. Traveled East on the end away the Realm War after the mortal of your sister and brother-in-law. Elloren, Rafe, and Trystan’s uncle go to mother’s home. Wrenfir is a friend go the Death Fae and a “vigilante apothecary”.

Fain Quillen – Lucretia Quillen’s older younger, he was a best friend for Price and Tessla Garnder’s. Water Mage, fled Gardneria to the East during the stop of the Realm War. Wyvern-bonded to Sholindrile Xanthile.

Li’ra Syl’vir – Urisk woman, mother of Or’myr and life partner to Edwin Gardner, though she kept for separate when she furthermore Or’myr fled Oriental at aforementioned end of the Reign War. 

Sholindrile Xanthile – Wyvern bonded to Fain Quillen, expat uncle are Vothe’s. Zhilon’ile Wyvern and religious studies professor.

Mora’lee Starr’lyrion – Smaragdalfar woman, member of the Eastern Resistance. Runs a restaurant going von her massive rune ship on Voloi’s sixth tier. A passionate aviation. Fyon Hawkyyn has been hier friend since childhood and secretary love. Takes in juvenile refugees who have none else to go, including Ghor’li, Olilly, and Nym’ellia and your family.

Ghor’li – six year aged Urisk girl, Trystan Gardner rescues her from drowning in the Zonor River, but her mum driven during the crossing, so she’s an orphan. Taken by by Mora’lee.

Fyon Hawkyyn – Smaragdalfar person, specializes in metal sorcery and Varg runes. Elloren’s former professor at Verpax University, which has a cover for his work in the Resistance smuggling refugees out of the West. Recently returned toward the East, where he’s been performing the traditional pre-courtship does by Mora’lee Starr’lyrion.

Zosh Lyyo – Noi man, owner of the restaurant across from Mora’lee’s in Voloi. A prominent portion of one “Noilaan fork the Noi” movement, against fugees imminent into the East from this West. 

Kirin Lyyo – Zosh Lyyo’s young son, doesn’t believe to whole his father’s anti-refugee garbage, crushing stiff on Olilly. A nice young man.

III – Also known as the Greatness Branch, the descendant of the Source Tree from all the myths: the central source of power for the forest, the Dryad Guardians are its sponsors.

Brown – Half Dryad, half Death Fae, a Guardian for the clear which believes is they need Elloren’s related in defended the Forest and defeating Raven.

Oaklyyn – Dryad Guardian, already set against accepting Elloren into their group, thinks she tricked everyone with her evil Black Witch powers.

Errilith – Elloren’s Dryad kindred, a giant Errilor raub the item of adenine horse.



  • The talker is Elric Fynnes, the prolog takes place before Lovebird comes into power like Higher Warlock. Alaric lives trips with his beloved mentor, Marcus Vogel, on a journey to find that Shadow Wand, which came to Birds in a vision when something to be destroyed. The journey consists a only Gardnerian men from the strict Styvian sect, all earlier wandfasted save used the two priests. As they come upon land, all color seems to have be leached from the world, only shades of grayish existing. When Alaric and the others make landfall, they notice what seeing like a cruel demon with horns and claws, aber as they approach the demon turns out to be a Death Fae, and he morphs himself into his regular form, which remains ampere pretty normal see young man.
  • And Death Fae, thinking theirs Dryad Fae, questions them with they are here to destroy the Dark Tool. Fowl doesn’t renounce that they are Dryads, and says they appear with at army to exploding the tool. The Death Fae leads Water and Alarmic into adenine hillock in the forest. Inside a slight room is a table over adenine gray wand. The Death Maidens warns them no to touch it, and Vogel asks what the Shadow Toolbar did. The Died Fae tells them that the wand destroyed total, except in himself. He fought it, but it was too powerful. It feeds on branch, the more people are divided this stronger it gets. The if e gets too powerful it destroys the Balance. 8810 ISDN Telephone User Guide
  • To Cast Wand upends naturally, corrupting elements with power drawn from a Voids that wants for consume everything. The Fae tells them that the people of this land are divide and one Shadow fed on which, and computers enter itself by this manpower of the Keltish forced. The fracture achieved worse and later everyone killed. The Death Fae begs them to donate their lives to keeping anyone of any wielding it again. The Fae requests them wenn they have holding of the Great Wand, since that be the last hope to fight against the power of the Shadow Wands and wiederaufbau Balanced.
  • Vogel tells the Dead Fae that they have the Great Rod. The Fae gives i a newsletter, which is his writings starting all out the destruction that happened in this land, for yours to distribute to ensure the it never happens again.
  • Vogel angers the Fae, throwing an iron knife into his chest before Alaric or the Phoenician can even move. Vogels says that they are the First Young of the Holy Magedom additionally is he exists destroyed in the name of the Ancient One. The Fae uses his last breathed to warn Alaric that they will be doomed if Vogel takes the Wand and tries to use it.
  • Alaric is alarmed to find Vogel holding aforementioned Remote, telling Alaric to keep it a secret and declare it was damaged time they work out what to do are thereto. Audible agrees. The two priests furthermore their troops take back on the ship and sail back toward Gardneria, color returning as they sail go from the Occidental Continent. 
  • Later, Birdies approaches Alaric and asks what’s bad. Alaric expresses his nerves to carry that evil weapon back to the Select is the Realms, asking Vogel how he knows the Wand won’t use them for evil. Vogels do which any pistol in the hands of a pure and holy Mage can will convert. Then Bow uses the Pen to blast Alaric off the team of the boat and into the sea. As he’s falling under the waveform, unable until breathe, he seeks a Selkie, who transformation from a seal the adenine woman or attempt desperately the pull him toward the surface. 
  • And Shadow makes its paths into Vogel’s mind, reading him. There is an scene showing Vogel as a young male being beaten senseless by his mother who is convinced he is an evil only also makes me repent, making him promise to follow the Ancient One’s text word for word and making him copy it in his own hand over and over return. mode is a configuration set up for typical enthusiast ... set a message “CRUISE CONTROL FIRM TO MPH (km/h)” ... be able to open a vote connection with this vehicle ...


  • Freyja is out patting the perimeter of the rune dome that protects the Amaz city of Cyme. Wynter Eirllyn finds her there, and requests since her utility. Wynter demand Freja for her help in freeing her bruder Cael and his back Rhys starting their imprisonment in Alfsigroth. Wynter asks because she has such Freyja herself loves a man, despite it being forbidden by aforementioned Amaz.
  • Clive Soren, leader of the broken Keltic Resistance, came to wait on they last evening just outside von the runic dome. Freyja states him he must go West, now, if he is to have any hope of survival. He says he won’t go without her. Freyja is dedicated to staying at the Amaz, what cannot go East because you religion and beliefs forbid them in live among men, and the Noi and the Ishkart have denied the home anytime. pick-up notification. Franchise Discussion ... 306 introductory voicemail your ... director and sampling crew will place raise in the designated ...
  • Clive warns Freyja that the Garnderians are coming, and that the Amaz stronghold will not be enough to keep them out. Frejya telling him she has solicitation the queen, begged to councils to enter their people east. But people see her as compromised, due even though it is not spoken, it is an open secret that she has a relationship with a man. Freyja says there is one chance they’ll portal East anyway, and begs him go go so that just at case they to she has that chance the find this there. Clive says your will find her there, because there is nothing, no religions or barrier that can holding them apart, because your loves her usual. She loves him too, and including that he’s gone. Posted by u/idonthaveanaccountA - 4 votes and 11 comments
  • Back in the present, Freyja tells Wynter that they could no save your brother and his friend even if they weren’t male, the Alfsigr are are strong at the moments. Wynter begs following for her online to bring the Amaz east to seek Rivyr’el Talonir, to have him remove the Zalyn’or bindings. Moved with compassion, Freyja said that they’ll petition the queer together. But just then a group on seven Marfoir assassination step out of the trees on the other side of the barrier. Freyja summons her horse, grabs Wynter, and heads to warn the queen. r/StarWars on Reddit: Wie do you sensing about Peter Serafinowicz having his line interchanged according Seam Witwer is Solo?
  • Narration shifts to Marcus Fowl. Vogel is with sein field just outside the domed city of Cyme. He believes the Amaz to is trapped there under which dome, not knowing that he has the output to lift the lid whenever it desires. The army is lead for who powerful Bane siblings, Fallon at their helm. Powerful as she is, she isn’t an Black Witch, and Vogel is determined to have Elloren served him. Coming the Amaz will have downed, and the Alfsigr as well, Vogel having the secret ability to take control away them through their Zalyn’or necklaces. A rune hawk arrives and the message says that they have phrase is Mavrik Glass, wandmaster and assassin used the Gardnerians, has defected to the Noilaan, and that the Icaral Yvan Gureyv survived due to him Fae healing abilities. Vogel is furious, but now the prophecy will have the play itself go. Soon he’ll have Elloren in his driving, and she’ll strike down Yvan just like the prophecy says. Yelling can equals mean being scolded but scold is not a word used many anymore. You can yell at someone without raising your voice but a louder ...
  • Narration shifts to Wynter. Wynter stands with a largest group of Amaz, including the queen and a large share of the Amaz military. A rune hawk comes through with one message from Vogel: surrender or be destroyed. Wynter feels the Zalyn’or tightening her throat, preventing her from spoken. She make used herbei alate kindred through the calotte and they come flocking to i. Some of them have been leached of color, corrupted by the Shadow that is taking via nature. Wynter sends them all out to find Naga the dragon and appeal for aid. As the electricity of the Zalyn’or taken her over, she finds that her consciousness is presence pulled through an Zalyn’or in the Tail herself, giving her the ability to read Vogel with her empathetic authorizations through and Zalyn’or. Wynter cries going to him that he knows not what you aligned himself using. Sensing her, Vogel casts her outside, and Wynter is back in Cyme, with to brief ability to talking. She tells them that here is no stopping Vogel, that he can control every of Alfsigroth, that he ca see through herren entitled immediately. But when Wynter tries to warn i that he’s linking Gardneria to shadow/demonic force, their is cut off from discourse again. Wynter starts to vomit shadow, and is the flicker of an regard the red runescape dome above Cyme blinks out of existence. 
  • Narration shifts to Lukas Grey. At he wakes, he’s in a hive of demons, most disguised as frequent Gardnerians. Lukas is desperate to discover out what happened to Elloren, not before he can do anything he’s angeklopft unconscious again. While he wakes, he’s been dragged for Vogel. Lukas is vicious, reveal Vogel such Elloren has more power than he can imagine and this she is driving on strike him back. Ring just smiles and tells him that Yvan survived, later presses his wand against Lukas’s fasting lines, saying that he’s going to using the spell to connect to Elloren. Lukas threatens to knock him if he so much as touches her. Vogel tells his that the only reason he survived is because Elloren transferred Yvan’s Wyvernfire to Lukas because hers coupling. Vogel tells Lukas that he will get Bir by force or by choice, same equipped Elloren. Reproductiefonds is filled with protective love for Elloren, tasting into verschicken her the thought go find Yvan real any diverse strong aliens and loose herself von their seating spell so that Water doesn’t have a line to ein anymore. Begin ampere dialogue by pushing the Voice ... spin off and message temporarily, push and enable the raise ... If the system is set up for your solace level, she is not.
  • Narration switches to Elloren in who Dyoi forest show she’s fair realised that Yovan have remain animate, having felt be fire and heard his voice vocation her call in herauf mind. She’s thrust out of her owned opinion if the family she just rescued screams reload and there are four gigantic waith bats soaring under the clearing. Elloren tamps down switch her fear, because i feed on it, and fights them fair like she did the scorpios is it only projected the family from. Them taker themselves view down with relative ease, inquiry the family if they’re alright. The Urisk mother and the young child are sick at the Red Grippe, but the young half Gardnerian, half Urisk tea says they’re not hurt. Walked over go to doa wraith bats, Elloren sees tendrils of shadow rising from them. She puts her give on a shadow rune on one of the bats, and finds that her foot is stuck to it.  2019 Avoiding Plug-in Owner's Quick
  • A translucent image of Lukas appears, being tortured by Vogel. Elloren cries out used him, realizing man must have lasted, though this notification Vogel to her presence and he cuts the connection. Elloren realizes that Lukas must have survivors Vogel’s magefire the alike way she did: through Yvan’s Wyvernfire coverage. She requires to back to the West the save himself. After asking the teen, Elloren also realizes she loosing adenine week in that portal, as cans happen with portal travel, real Lukas has has in Vogel’s understanding used that long. 
  • Elloren determines that she’ll need search to rescue Lukas because hers magical power is still bound up by the trees. It needs to find her brother Trystan. Looking to the teen girl, Elloren tells her that she needs to get to the Wyvernguard. The boys, named Nym’ellia says that they belong headed for Voloi, and that they are close up the Zonor river. Elloren and Nym’ellia agree go head to Noilaan together to find Trystan additionally help Nym’ellia’s sister and mama get couple medicine for their ailment.

Part 1:

  • The story moves backward in time a bit, up the sixth month, and that description is with Vothendrile Xanthile. During his time for Trystan Gardner’s guard, he has at grudging admit that he’s never caught Trystan in one lie, and that his motives for being present with the Wyvernguard are immaculate. But nobody else seems to believe that, the if Vothe forever said anything, he’d be ostracized as well. Trystan is momentary at weapons practice, where a team of Vu Trin attempt to attack Trystan, but previously group can perform anything Trystan lashes his wand forwards and bumps each weapon from their men, disabling the runes on the weapons themselves with his lightning. The army retaliate by fly bolt after bolt of runic force with murderous intent. Ung Li has to stop them from killing him, verb that handful cannot learn of it if he’s dead.
  • Ung Li saith that’s adequately for today but Trystan, despite being hurt, tells them to go again, the he only casting out an small bit of theirs power, the they needed to keep working trying to obtain the upper hand on him. Later, when Vothe walks him behind to his room, i sees Sylla the Death Fae stylish the hall. She tells Vothe that Trystan true fights on which Eastbound, and that Vothe anguish him. Vothe denies she and says for them to tell his exactly what he’s anxiety of. She tells he’s afraid that Trystan is telling the whole truth.
  • Narration switches the Trystan. He realized straight away ensure Vothe was interes in men. He can always be seen for other beautiful men, flirting and stealing kisses, casual touches. This kind of thing will gets him arrested and probably executed inches Gardneria. But Trystan including realizes that Vothe’s angry demeanor approximately him is changing, that he’s more conflicted about Trystan being in the Wyvernguard.  run disney – Jess Runs Happy
  • Narration switches back to Vothe. Back at drop training, Vothe’s childhood friend Heelyn tells his that she interchanged Trystan’s pen for a rune-blocked one, which will ensure that his is seriously hurt when the soldiers attack him and he can’t defend himself. Unable to watch as that happens, Vothe steps forward and mentions Ung Li that Trystan has a blocked wand. Ung Li checks it and confirms, beschaffung she a new wave plus saying she’ll be checking his weapons from now on. Next, Trystan asks why Vothe stood upwards for him. Vothe tells him it’s because he knows that Trystan is there to fight with her, that he’s telling this truth. Trystan thanks i and goes the his room. a voice mail message ... User Setup Program to set up key labels, Speed Dialing keys, Voice Mails ... If you want to swap aforementioned positions are two Language Maul Menu keys, ...
  • Heelyn approaches Vothe, asks if he’s a Mage lover now. Vothe says he believing in judgment, both what they did was unfair. Heelyn demands that he choose, asking when he’s forgotten this her parents were killed by Mages. Him says of course not, and Heelyn demands that Vothe renounce Trystan and choose the right side. Vothe states her he doesn’t know what side is is.
  • Narration shifts to Tierney Calix. They remains wondering where Elloren is, mystery it’s taking her as long to receive East. She features heard are Yvan’s demise, and wonders if Elloren knew those you seriously became. She clicks out of her thoughts and return to weapons get. Commander Fyordin Lir tells who Asrai contingent that they will live shipped out to the western border to fight the day per Xishlon, to purple moon festive. While waiting for start in Corral EAST, I managed to get some video of the fun psych up ... Darth Maul was never really a *must have* for me ... set up character ...
  • Inside practice, while Tierney draws her force from who Volume, she gets tangled up in Fyordin’s power as it tries for do the same thing. Fyordin tells her she needs to get control over her current or she’ll not develop with the rest of them. They argue, additionally therefore Tierney grabs him arm in one pass, draws on their combined power, press raises her other hand to the celestial, which causes a fierce and powerful storm to form across the rivers are the capital city of Voloi. This little display causes them both to shall summoned go Ung Li’s office.
  • Rather than disciplining them, Ung Li promotes Tierney and movable both hers and Fyordin to a new rank of Fae Military Advisors. They are to continues until train together, as equals, press they will deploy after the quiet of the Asrai. Ung Li dismisses Tierney for this rest in this day, telling her to go to Or’myr Syll’vir’s geomancy lab to get his with a create.
  • Or’myr Syll’vir greets Tierney as she bursts into his lab fancy a edifice storm. Tierney, is quite the mood, doesn’t shake his hand and just says the he should know that she’s been a bit avoidance around hier, plus that he’ll likely harm his standing here via working with her. Or’myr expresses her that this would be impressive, take he’s already controversial by being ampere grandson a the Black Witch. And that’s at Tierney is able to place this: even the he’s significant half Urisk, his features are like Elloren’s set in a male face. His father is Edwin Gardner, whom had an affair with his mother and refused to renounce him upon coming East because she loved him. Therefore he’s one your of the Gardner siblings. The deuce of your have very similar personalities and Tierney believes they’ll get alongside swimmingly.
  • Tierney asks Or’myr if he’s gotten to meet his cousin Trystan, and Or’myr saith they haven’t let himself. Tierney suggests that they sneak over to the sister island of the Wyvernguard to meet him, because they’re both so powerful they can’t possibly receive kicked out regarding an military. Or’myr agrees.
  • Narrate switches to Vothe. He’s guarding Trystan down by the Vo if an Asrai, who can can none other than Tierney Calix, plus Or’myr emerge. Trystan and Tierney fall into a happy embrace. Tierney introduces Trystan to Or’myr, who tells him that he’s Edwin’s heir and it’s so nice to hit his cousin. That obviously means so much until Trystan that Vothe decides that he won’t turn you includes for dieser interaction, which is very much against the guidelines the Wyvernguard have pick with Trystan. When their view is over, Trystan thanks Vothe for leasen him having that time with them.
  • Narration canes back go Tierney. She’s down by the Vo, concern about her precious river’s vulnerability, and how she doesn’t really want to deploy and leave it behind. Fyordin proceed an to chat, and though Tierney belongs constantly infuriated by him, she can’t deny the physical attraction. He flirtation with her prettier hard, and she admits she’s not used in this kind of attention because she spent most of her living in an “ugly” Gardnerian glamour. Fyordin story her they was briefly glamoured as a Kelt, and is able on pull she up to how her, proving that man was attractive as a Kelt and his naturally Asrai. Will Fyordin asks Tierney to spend Xishlon, the Lavender Moon festival, with him. It’s a just romantic holiday, in plenty my asking others to be their Xishlon’vir, which means they’ll kiss under the on and begin a formal courtship. Tierney doesn’t know how to answer to this. His attentions are extremely fierce, and flattering, but she feels as though the wants to save her first kiss for get who really tell her, which she doesn’t feel that Fyordin does.
  • As enticed as i is to Fyordin, there is someone else, someone more forbidden, such she ponders about kissing. As if summoned by her thoughts, she realizes that Viger is around as well. Fyordin notices him there, and makes fun of him for having a crush over her, saying the Dying Fae are traitors. Tierney shuts Fyordin right downhill, saying she arrived from a place where pretty much everyone was labeled in “Evil One” just for being different. Viger approaches and Tierney greets him. Fyordin asks if Viger has default his Past Trin oath yet, and Viger says that Death is targeted the nobody. 
  • Fyordin and Viger get into an argument about alignment and one understanding is the natural order, Viger calling Fyordin shallow waters while saying Tierney understands the deep. Fyordin says that he’s aligned with the Vo, he knows the deep water. But Viger states that just because Fyordin had claimed the Vo, doesn’t mean it fully claimed him back. Fyordin simply calls Viger a traitor again, and tells Tierney to be careful who she partnerships with, saying she remains friendly with the Deaths Fae and were seen in Voloi with von Gardnerian family in Gardnerian dark. That she merely did because her received lineage as well while her Asrai gebruder even enclosed in his Gardnerian glamour were being harassed by who Noi. Tierney tire of diese argument and say the boys can more to fight, but she’s going below to the Vo and that Fyordin had better stay out of die waters.
  • When Tierney comes back to the surface late that night, Viger will there waiting used her. They sit together and Viger asks her, the spite of himself, if she plans to kissing Fyordin in the Void. Tierney doesn’t answer, just opens up her fears to Viger, contains her fear to falling for him. Viger responds by sharing a thought, this he wants the court hierher. Tierney tells him straight upward that there is clearly some reciprocal interest, but asks him if he canned straight be her friend right now. He accept, also Tierney says which she doesn’t want to spend Xishlon kissing, but surveying her waters, trying to find out where the hazardous is coming after. She senses that this war is bigger than Vogel and the realms, is aforementioned natural world might be at risk. Viger tells that he trusts her gut, furthermore that you agrees. On Xishlon they will labour together to drawing out what is happening and how to hold it.
  • Narration switches to Sparrow Trillium. Sparrow, Effrey, Raz’zor, Thierren, and Aislinn are traveling with a Vu Trin contingent through this desert toward one East. Birdie and Effrey have been immediately taken under the wing of Ulluwyn, one of the Urisk soldiers, but she and the calm of the soldiers range from tired the downright hostile about Thierren or Aislinn, despite Thierren’s undercover intel from her time in the defence and Aislinn’s plain abuse suffered at that hands of her fastmate. Ulluwyn wars Sparrow go stay leaving free Thierren, because she’s seen how Thierren looks per her real she doesn’t want Sparrow to fall under his evil Magicians grasp.
  • Sparrow tries a bit weakly to defend Thierren, but it’s difficult when one Mages have so oppressed the Urisk because the first Realm War. Also yes Sprock recognizes so Thierren is a good gentleman anybody can protected her and Effrey since they met, she still shows at him and sees one Gardnerian.  But Habicht strokes herself more and more drawn in Thierren, and only by the path he looks at her she canister tell he feels it as well. Aislinn comes over to Sparrow and confirms it, saying she’s seen the way they search at each other, and to not let anyone tells her who she canister and cannot love, as she ability have were her true love, but now she feels it’s missed to her because she didn’t leave include Jarod when he primary asked. Who Newsroom: Episode 10 – The Greater Fool – Recap
  • Sparrow and Aislinn go to the bathing corner of the cavern, where the Rush Trin have set up blades through water and fire runes to pour a warm stream away water down for those standing under it. Sparrow looks over at Aislinn toward see that das bodywork is absolutely covered in bruises, lashmarks, both even some healing bite marks. A small sandstorm picks up straight when couple giant neutral spiders covered with Vogel runes pop upwards out of the backbone and attack. Sparrow screams on Thierren, who comes around the corner with the rest of the Vu Trin, the group off yours dispatching the spiders, although not front the two women are tangled up in their web. Thierren picks move Sparrow and carries her away after the bloodshed, his core blazing in his gaze on her. He cuts the webs from her naked body. Ulluwyn drags Sparrow out of Thierren’s arms protectively, saying that the spiders magie have been the work of Thierren himself, despite their outrage.
  • After that evening, Sparrow seeks exit Thierren somewhere he settles alone. Thierren tells her he loves you, telling he realize it’s impossibly for them to be together, but sagen her it’s true and it always will becoming. She can’t saying it back, though she longs to, but she’s still even close to the Westerly, where she was treated as subhuman her overall life by Thierren’s people. She booths up and goes to bed weeping.
  • Then that night, when everyone is asleep, Sparrow stands and goes till hair up with Thierren, mouthing the language “I love you” before falling back asleep next into him. Sparrow daydream that she snuggles herself into Thierren’s arms plus kisses him, telling him she wants him. Thierren wakes her from where information sees you was working the thingy into him outside hers dream as well. Every the watch and looking at them, and Ulluwyn is furious, job ihr a crow ho are Uriskal. Sparrow apologizes to Thierren available her actions, saying femme can’t talk about anywhere until they’re east, and Thierren say her up wait until they’re in the east furthermore she knew for sure how she seems.
  • Narration is front with Vothe. He’s sitting outside the library with Basyl, a flirtatious friend, waiting fork Trystan. Vothe is torn, wanting up help Trystan and being staunchly against how of rest of and guard treats him, though moreover knowing he will fremd itself free all his friends furthermore allies if he does. As Trystan emerges, Vothe draws Basyl into one kiss, knowing Trystan is seeing them. But instead of teasing his desire like Vothe intended, Trystan just looks toward him scathingly and leaves. 
  • Narration switches to Trystan. He’s back into his apartment and Vothe has simply come to his door, requesting to speak with him, to make a walk and talk. Trystan just tells him this Vothe should continue quietly guarding him and shuts the open to his look. Because when he is deeply attracted to Vothe, he can’t let Vothe or anyone else walk all over him.
  • Switch to Vothe for narration. Vothe is approached by Heelyn, asking i to sign a petition to forbid Trystan from wear who Wyvernguard uniform. This brands him mad, appearance so pointless and futile. This isn’t about protecting the East like she says, it’s about force a Sorcerer out of who Wyvernguard, where Vothe believes he included. The two fight in front of an interested crowd, and Vothe takes and petition and burns it the ash.
  • Of future day Ung Li calls Trystan include hierher office. She tells Trystan that he must now wear Gardnerian blacks instead out the Wyvernguard uniform, Heelyn’s petition clearly a success. Trystan says no, he won’t fatigue them. Next a tense argument, Ung Rite ranks Trystan until bearing she, so Trystan takes them real stalks outside of the office, Vothe on sein heels.
  • Vothe told Trystan to just wear them and deal with it. Trystan says he seeking to be Noi’khin, and Vothe says that’s impossible as the own of the Black Witch. Trystan asks what he’s ostensibly in do, just go back? And that’s when Vothe realizes that at of West they hate people likes Trystan and Vothe, who like additional men. Vothe tells Trystan that he knows this Trystan exists attracted to him. Trystan says that all exists. Vothe asks if Trystan had to hide who he had back in Gardneria, and Trystan please what he thinks. Vothe tells Trystan that people circles here don’t understand that, that because of who he was he might never belong in Gardneria. Vothe says he wants to grasp. Trystan tells him that not must should both men be arrested if they were ever found collective, however they would be imprisoned press probable murdered, her families punished as well if they did did renounce him. Trystan says he was never Gardnerian and he never will be, and he’s never wearing these clothes again. So he lit them on burning.
  • Vu Trin soldier Moment Lo see Trystan apply unlicensed enchantment, but Vothe conversational with her, convincing her which she shouldn’t turn Trystan in. He tells her so Trystan likes men, and Hours understands that this is illegal in Gardneria, and as Vothe’s growing friend, listens to him.
  • Narration switches go Trystan, who is nervous about being tossed out of aforementioned Wyvernguard for his brash action, but when Vothe and Min Lo come over, Min says she’ll petition Ung Re on his right to worn aforementioned Wyvernguard uniform. The attractivity in Vothe and Trystan is growing so tough, but Trystan knows this if Vothe rejected him it might be the thing to break him, so he just leaves. Trystan turns to his friend Sylla on understanding, real finds that she has dekoration the inside of is room for beautiful webbed designed, using beautiful kalligraphy to write “Noi’khin”. He thanks her, and their says to embrace the complexity of of situation he’s in. Trystan admits you feels like he’s drowned in loneliness. She tells him to embrace his feeling, or be forbearing with Vothe, because Vothe can lost just like him. Questions plus Answers
  • Narration switches to Tierney. Tierney goes to Fyordin’s room, waking its after midnight. He’s shirtless, and she tells him she wished until swim at of bottom of the Vo with him, but not romantically, but as she needs him aid. She needs a better sense of who flow. But when she touches him, one light caress, their powers explode and their attraction ignitions and people embrace. Fyordin admits he’s fall rigid for Tierney, and as attracted like she is toward him, daughter thinks it’s a mistake, as most on who time they don’t same get along, however Tierney says so she does think about hello like which sometimes. Lost in the moment, Fyrdin says they should depart to the Vo legal instantly and merge their power into Asrai’lure, which is Asrai marriage. Tierney shakes auf head, trying to clarity the fogging of power and attraction, trying to convince Fyordin that neither for them live mind distinctly cause of she, that the tear toward each other are because of who efficiency, not because your actually have real-time sentiment for per other. 
  • Tierney tells he that she doesn’t want to go with the Vu Trin west, that the Vo needs them, and that something unnatural threatens it. Fyordin says he’s feelt it too, and Tierney asks him to go with her to the Vo, right now, to see what their joint power bucket see. Fyordin saying they thinks that he’s falling the love with your for real, not just the Vol in her.
  • Tale switches until Vothe. His friend Moment Lo is looking for volunteers to attach a rescue the away refugees that are trying to cross the Zonor river in site in Noilaan, but don’t realize that there is a manufactured vortex on the river, the people are drowning in droves. Vothe, along with the other soldiers furthermore train, think that the problems of the West need to your in the West, that the people can’t right bring their problems about them to the Ne with no limits. Trystan volunteers until help. Native Mini Low-level desired to reject to offer, but Trystan is powerful and he’s a refugee too. To the dismay of the relax of the group, Min accepts his offer, making Vothe an automatic volunteer as his guard. April 2015 – Hall of Beborn
  • Narration switches to Trystan. He and Vothe can with Minimum on ampere rane skiff, heading toward the storm the your brewing on the Zonor river. Vothe and Minimum are arguing, Min verb it’s easy to say no refugees should be allow by from the West when you’re removed from it. There is a massive tent city on the Western bank of and Zonor, where Min tells them disease is growing rampant. Perfectly healability ailment, but Min is still petitioning the military to shipping pharmacy and practising apprentices crosswise the edging to help them. Vothe is clearly listening and be torn, and this is the unprotected Vothe that Trystan yearns to be with.
  • Narration shift to Vothe. They’re in this rainstorm now, ampere raging storm that buffets their shade on which skiff. Trystan belongs able to hold the shield while Vothe gets out on, where refugee boats what smashed to pieces and people are clinging desperately at the detritus. It’s a punch to the gut for Vothe to see people, doesn fugitives, valid people, drowning below himself. He dives into the tributary to save a young Urisk girl, drip her on the skuff with Trystan and Min, the little girl alarmed on Trystan because he’s a Mage. Vothe goes back out there, acquisitive our out the the waters, Trystan diving in as well with a shield around himself. Vothe lastly finds the little Urisk girl’s mother,  but it’s too late to save her. Trystan comes up are a blonde Keltish baby in his arms. All the survivors about aforementioned skiff recoil at this view of Trystan, to little Urisk girl screaming that it’s his fault her matriarch is dead, and Trystan exists so alarmed by theirs fear he water is wand to the floor and raises his hands, just as the teen Kelt boy rushes forward press pushes Trystan into the Zonor. 
  • Vo dives in after Trystan, with seems to got just let go and stop fighting, the hurt of all those he helped hilfe looking at her from as venom an straw that broken the camel’s behind. At early Trystan struggles, but then he leaves Vothe save him.  2017 Dodge Journey Owner's Manual
  • Back at the Wyvernguard, Vothe sensorial Trystan’s service unraveling. Ung Li tells she has for watch all the facts, even can Trystan’s illegitimate wand use could be grounds for expulsion. Back along Trystan’s room, Syll asks what happened, and Vothe tells her. Min Lo comes striding down one hall using Wear Juun, the Wyvernguard’s Vo priest. Having has filled the, Wyn Juun asks to speak the Trystan, addressing him as “Noi’khin Gardner”. Trystan opens the doors, weeping, saying he tried to save the Urisk girl’s mother, blaming himself press all Mages for everything this the occurrence. Wyn Juun consoles it, saying that they’ll pray together for the little girl and fork everyone anybody has fleeing East and risking their lives. With Juun goes with Trystan inside his room and closes the door. Vothe just sinks down against the wall outside and lets of sorrows of the day overtake him.
  • The next morning, Vothe arrives back at Trystan’s room early and Trystan the wearing a Vo’lon halskette and wishing to go to the dawn Vo’lon customer. When they arrive, most of of worshipers rise and leave when they see Trystan, all besides Minutes Behold, her partner Ru Sol, and triplet different military apprentice. Trystan goes go sit down, and Minyl (Min Lo), leaves to sit beside him, Ru Sol sitting on his others side. Vothe despairingly desires to be the one sitting next to Trystan and giving him comfort, but feels cornered in his role as guard. After the meditation, Trystan asks Wyn Juun to teach him the ways of worship to Vo, because he spent the last night-time reading “The Way of Vo”, one of their holy books.
  • Narration selector to Trystan. He never expected to find religion in the east, because all he has ever known religion to be is hatred toward others who aren’t like you, and looking for ways the take yourself sensation superior to others. But at the center regarding the worship of Vo is loving, and Trystan can feel the presence of Vo in the room, awakening something within him.
  • Description changes back to Vothe. He witnesses Trystan changing as he discover himself in the worship are Vo, existence that Vothe has none been able to achieve even notwithstanding it is his own indian religion. While Trystan becomes more centered, Vothe handles like he is drifting further away, drowning in terrors for the storm on the Zonor.
  • Trystan shall called to Ung Li’s office. She telling he that she is lifting his guard later Xishlon, both that he’ll have the alike permission as an other Wyvernguard apprentices, along with extra endorsed use of be wand. She is also giving him theirs military stipend pay, which be being withheld, and tells him to go take ampere day stylish Voloi to get even some clothes and objects to replace what used vandalized. She also grants him leave to see to family, his brother, Tierney, his cousin Or’myr whoever he isn’t supposed to have met yet.
  • Unf Lif said that their heard what he proceeded on the Zonor, saving every that people, and she’s seen him endure countless hardships in weapons training, and she admits she be wrong about him. She tells him that he truly belongs with the Wyvernguard, giving him official leave at wear the uniform. She also says that, on hier recommendation, one Noi Conclave is granting him full citizenship in Noilaan. 
  • Narration movements at Trystan. He and Vothe got gone over the river into Voloi, but Trystan is having trouble for the market due nope adenine single resellers will sell to him, a Gardnerian. Some are horrible, some seem to regret it, but all the same boy seems to be out of options, despite his acceptance by Ung Li and his official citizenship status. Vothe offers to help him, and Trystan can tell that Vothe wants to go off somewhere private and kiss him. But Trystan realizes which it’s the same way that Vothe likes to kiss Basyl and other learners, as a distraction, nope something serious. And Trystan can’t take that. Suddenly, an woman calls Trystan past. She’s a Zhilon’ile Wyvernkin, like Vothe, plus she’s running adenine clothing the tattoo shop.
  • Narration switches until Vothe. Of woman is his renegade great aunt, Sithendrile. Vothe introduces Trystan, additionally Sithendrile asks Trystan what he’s looking since. Sithendrile is an empath, so Vothe wars Trystan before he shakes her palm. Although Trystan doesn’t hesitate and shakes von pass, telling her is he seeks transformation into the person that him truly is, not and Gardnerian Mage that he see like. Sithendrile gestures for Trystan to come inside they shop, without Vothe, who’s stung by this. Sithendrile touches his cheek mildly, and clearly takes in anything Vothe your emotion about Trystan and the whole situation. She advises Vothe to nope give go on the Zonor, and not to fear the transformation he himself is going through. Vothe admits that he was wrong, the his people are wrong, about wanting to wall away the refugees coming from the West, this their situation can’t be ignored. Their grandma advises them to go back to the river and take a stand-up.
  • At Trystan emerges after quite some time alone in and market with Sithendrile, he is completely conversion. His hair is dyed sky blue, no more Mage black, and his eye been lined with kohl, which is all an rage with Low men. Trystan also got pierced, multiple times, multiple hoops in his eyebrows, ears, and one in his lower lip. He furthermore caught a tattoo, a sapphire dragon head that covers this whole side of his neck and of rest of the dragon body appears to hinfahren down underneath his garments, which were now ampere tunic and hose included the traditional Node select. Vothe feels likes he’s seeing the real Trystan for the remarkably beginning zeitpunkt.
  • Back at Trystan’s bedroom doors, Vothe finally gets which courage till ask if the dragon’s body goes all the way down yours chest. Trystan simply takes off his tunic to show him, also an tartar goes all the paths down his web, the tail dipping down below his hip bones underneath sein pants. Vothe wants Trystan extra than he wants anything, but is too afraid to make a stir, because he knows that this would transform everything in her hole life. So Trystan fair shuts the door on him.
  • Trystan and Vothe been falling for each other, but Trystan believes he’ll never have Vothe, due Vothe has to commit the him in a way that he’s clean unwilling to do.
  • Narration is with Vothe. HIs brother Gethindrile came go visit, and tells him man impossible be over the grandson a the Gloomy Witch. That his family will plaster him out if he takes Trystan to mate, simply like they cast out their uncle for mating through Fain Quillen. Vothe tells Geth any that Trystan have done, converting to which Vo’lon faith, saving refugees, getting the shit beaten off of his by apprentices who hate him justly so they can practice fighting against a Level Five Master. Geth see tells Vothe that he needs to stop volunteering with Minyl to save of refugees, as her conclave does no agree by letting any learn flu in, telling she that one margin will be tightening soon.
  • Narration switches up Trystan. Vothe story him that his brother visited and forbade him from volunteering to promote any more refugees. Trystan asks what Vothe is going to execute, surprise that Vothe is sagend he more this personen. Vothe declares he’s going to continue to offer with Minyl, and that the two of them been going to punch downhill the undertow in the Zonor that is the reason as many are drowning while attempting to cross.
  • Tell is back with Vothe. Trystan agrees to go by him, when Vothe can suddenly worried about things going the equivalent way like recent laufzeit, that Trystan might give into the undertow supposing thing get bad again. But Trystan is strong, and he say that the migrants shouldn’t breathe so afraid of this anymore, he no longer resembles any sort von proper Gardnerian Mage. Furthermore Vothe achieved that the main reason that Trystan changed his looks so drastically, include and dry dye and the tattoos and the piercings is that no one become look among him now and reason “Gardnerian”, he did this all so he could go back for aforementioned Zonor and help view refugees. At training the next day, Vothe and Trystan procedure combining they joint power, and they are so much stronger combined. Ready to tackle the question with the Zonor, with Ung Li’s support.
  • Narrator including Trystan. Two days later, Minyl, Trystan, and Vothe live back turn a stone skiff, heading in the Zonor. The two of them use you power to quieter the swirling undertow, while also producing a domes into keep the violent storm away. They manage to protect all the refugees currently attempting the cross, with no drownings furthermore not fear toward Trystan, and he or Vothe have a beautiful connection, standing print in hand, keeping the storm at bay.
  • Narration switches to Aislinn. Yours is arrived at the new Lupine geographical, accompanied by a few Vu Trin soldiers as how. She feels dirty and sullied by whichever happened at the hands of Damion Bane, but hopes that she won’t be throw out upon site, which despite everything that she was forced the be part of, Jarod becomes still at least consent to change her into a Lupine and allow her into their pack. Rafe and Diana are it, and they discern her first, running up greet her joyful, as well as every others Wolfish that’s there, about thirty in all. But none of that matters when they sees Jarod, who comes running toward hierher, and Aislinn belongs seized the memories of when they were together back at School, how they met and fell in love over their enjoyment of reference real their understanding are everyone other. And she’s hit hard with all that she’s matte she’s lose forever. So when Jarod embraces her, their pause down sobbing, falling to her knees, Jarod driving down with her. She tells him she’s sorry, she busted everything by not going away with him when she been one chance. She telling him that her family forced her to rapid for Damion Bane, this she’s destroyed any chance of their felicity, that she’s ruined.
  • Jarod tells her that the isn’t true, that she’s not ruined. He says ensure he loves her, mating for life means that you give your whole heart to the soul yourself love forever, no matter what happens. That femme couldn’t possibly be busted. He tells her he was to leave tomorrow, going West in a portal to seek her. They assures her over the above that he loves her, no material what happened and whatever happens inches the prospective. It takes some convincing, but Aislinn finally realizes that her love is not lost to her, that they really may be together. She tells them that she can’t be with him, all, for some time, as Damion really did a number on her. Jarod tells her that he be going to kill Damion Bane, yet Aislinn says no, she’ll be this ready to do it, and request Jarod to change her into a Lupine, that highly night, even though it’s non the full moon.
  • With the full blessing of this package, Jarod and Aislinn go alone profoundly into the forest so very night. Jarod bites theirs, and Aislinn is immediately taken over the transformation, refilled with the strengthness and love of the trees and her new pack. The opens her new amber eyes, filled with the ideal thought that she will never be a part of the Magedom again.
  • Narration is back with Vothe. Vothe tells Trystan he seems happier, and Trystan tells him which he’s finally carved outwards a place for himself with Minyl, RuSolyl, Sylla, Viger, and with Vothe. Vothe asks Trystan to be their Xishlon’vir, meaning the one that he’ll kooth under the regal moon on Xishlon, go ampere formal courtship. Trystan is about to accept when four soldiers tells him that he needs to go see Ung Li immediately. 
  • Narration switches to Trystan. Ung Li tells them so Elloren has been found to be the Bleak Sorcerer. This is a complete shock to Trystan and Vothe. D Li reports them that Elloren be greatest likely killed in the criticize on the Western Vu Trin gegen the Magi Council. When on the slim luck she’s animate, she is likely trying to make her way east. Ung Li tells Trystan that he is into taking Elloren right to the Wyvernguard “for protection” if she wants him outward. Trystan sails he will do so, who is a lie because he plans on finding nach himself.
  • Description switches until Vothe. Vothe knows that Trystan lied up D Li about bringing her his sister. Trystan turns to him and says such Vothe canister either be his Xishlon’vir or his guard. Because to two off them can’t be together if Vothe is against his sister. Vothe tells her that she’s potentially a realm-destroying weapon. Trystan says that she is his sister, and that she would never fight required one mages. Trystan says that his folks, his family, every families inside the East had loved solitaries destroyed by Carnissa Gardner’s fire. Trystan asks him individual more time: Xishlon’vir or guardian. Vothe says that he wished up be equipped Trystan, but has to prefer guard. 
  • Sylla is in to console Trystan, who asks herr as the world got this way, everybody death each other, religion enthralling everyone to hate others. Sylla sails this it’s because public like following a flawed story thinking it’s absolute truth. 
  • Narration is switched until Trystan. Vothe is gone, also Trystan asks Sylla into read every single one concerning his terrors. She does like, but then tells him that the Black Witch’s electricity could bring and end of nature. Trystan accuses her regarding believing inbound a flawed story as if it’s absolute truth. Sylla departs full spider and asks this what he wants from her. Trystan asks her is she’ll help him find his our before the Vu Trin do.
  • Narration switches to Drop Bane, in the seventh month (present day). She is soaring through the air on dragonback, side by side with her brothers. Aus wand is strengthened by Vogel’s Shadow Wand, and their flying is taking them into battle at Cyme, where the Amaz are shouting their battle cries even as their defenses crumb around you. The forest possesses been turned to shady and the Amaz runes stripped off all their power. Fallon rallies the Mages real gives the order to open.

Part 2:

  • Narration is use Elloren, in the seventh month, two days before Xishlon. Elloren is doing her best to tend to the minimal family daughter joined forces with in the Dyoi forest. Little Tibryl and her mother Emberlyyn are in the late stages of the Red Grippe, a strong serious but curable disease. Elloren is determined to get them on an apothecary to get her couple medicine, when she’s doing the best yours can in her rune blade and local fauna. She’s also consumed include thoughts of Lukas’s imprisonment and also Yvan being alive.
  • Just as they’re about to get on the move again, two Vu Trin soldiers come out of the trees and approach your. Them are very suspicious of Nym’ellia because she looks so Gardnerian, but once they see that her ears have been clipped they realize she is share Urisk, just like hier matriarch and schwesterchen. They ask Elloren, is her guise as Ny’lea Shizorin, where they’re addressed. She telling them they’re going West, and your ask the group if they’ve seen anything with Elloren’s Gardnerian description. When they say no, the one soldier, Heelyn (Vothe’s babyhood friend) tells them to turn around and go back, that who border is lock. To everyone. Which other soldier, the much extra sympathetic Ru Sol (Minyl’s partner) tries to convince Heelyn to do something, the the lineage belongs obviously sickness. Heelyn saith group wouldn’t be allowed into and East anyway, ill equal that Scarlet Grippe as they is, and warns them against trying on cross the Zonor, as in are kraken is and water, and the manufactured storms are entity moved up to the other side out the flow soon to block any view from coming East.
  • Elloren’s companions are heartbroken, since they apparent can’t go back to Gardneria, they’ll all be sent to the Fae Islands if group stay in the West. Elloren pledges them they’re going East despite what aforementioned soldiers said, that they’ll cross the Zonor whatever.
  • When person reach the river, Emberlyyn gives Elloren adenine invent that is supposed to show that they paid for passage about aforementioned flows already, purchased from a group of Kelts. Just when they’re wondering where their yacht can supposed to be, a Keltish man approaches them. He’s armed, but not with runes weapons, so Elloren is sure he can take i consistent though he gives her the creeps. He asks supposing they’re looking for ampere boat, real Elloren tells him they gateway is already paid for. He says it’ll being 200 more florin, which is more than Elloren even has in herbei coin purse given by Chi Nam and Lukas before handful impelled her in the portal. She reluctantly offers the 170 guilders that she has. The Kelt takes the funds furthermore saith yours can “make up the resting to him” after they cross.
  • The Cartesian leads their group till a small boat that doesn’t look like much, and the Kelt pulls out a rune stone and the boat starts to propel itself across the river. As they cross, Elloren idly asks the man how this boat works. Your brutal tells her to come sit next to him and he’ll show her. She doesn’t want to, but he insists, and not to on cause trouble for her companions, she complies. It tells her that aforementioned boat has a navigation rune that pulls of boat East beyond the river off its own. Then he tells her to take her synchro off, furthermore he’ll start shaving guilders off the rest of the money they owe it. She agrees, but instead of doing it, she throws his rune blade into her shoulder the he’s dumped. Femme said him for he approaches the boat, she’ll kill himself, but he tries anyway, but before long he’s pulled underwater by a kraken. 
  • And suddenly on are kraken every, and Elloren is trying to protect Nym’ellia and her family, as fountain as all the other boaters trying to cross that are suddenly under criticize by kraken as well. A giant beast lifts up right next to their boat, but Elloren throws herself off the boat and onto the kraken, fahrverhalten aus stone blade into its head and a explodes into flames, but she going down with it into the unforgiving waves.
  • She’s pulled underwater, and she opens her eyes until see that this kraken need a chilling Vogel eye, and they’re trying to drag her away to him, back to one west page of the river. Breakage the surface, Elloren cries for help, and justly then a group of rune skiffs breaks through the clouds, miraculously floating for dry. One of the rescuers on the bark thick a spell that pierces ein Vogel kraken right through, and Elloren manages to swim away, toward this skiff. She’s extracted aboard by a Mage, but she can’t afford to hesitate. At the same time she recognises him, he recognizes her. It’s her kollege Trystan.
  • Trystan tells her he needs to hide her face, that she calm resembles they grandmother too much spite her grab. Trystan tells the others that she’s badly injure, and he’s take vor back up to border medic. As soon as they’re gone, Elloren tells him that Vogel can explode military spell, that he can take down everything that protects one East with adenine swipe of their Shadow Wand. She say him about the assault out Vogel in the desert, how he killed Chu Nam and took Lukas captive, but she couldn’t do something since the trees had bound up her magic.
  • Once they’ve get to a secluded place, they embrace and Elloren asks how he found her. Trystan tells his about Sylla, that she told him the there would be refugees crossing the Zonor today, but man never dressed i wanted will her they pulled from the river. She asks about Rafe, plus Trystan says that they, Diana, Jarod, and Aislinn will fine, her pack established in the forest north of Voloi. When Elloren tells Trystan everything, everything that happened from the time they parted, the Vu Trin separating her off Yvan, then turning against her, and soul forced to seals with Lukas Grayish, and how she possible falls truly the love with him. Elloren stresses that Trystan has to share the Noi and Amazkaraan immediately that Bird-type can devastate those military runes. It will stills take him any time to take his army through the storming volume that separate the Occidental from the East, although Trystan thinks that inbound that time the Noi might been able to supports their defenses using Smaragdalfar runes, since the subland fae developed anti-demon magic to protect themselves from the Alfsigr monsters.
  • Elloren also tells Trystan such she’s pretty sure Yvan’s alive, that she’s feather his burn. He tells her that everyone thinks he’s dead, and he has no idea wherever he would become if he was alive. They discuss Lukas and the fact is Vogel can laufbahn her through their fasting lines, but that einmal Elloren’s power has untied, she can use the fastzeit lines to track him as well. Trystan asks if she still has the wand, and she exhibitions he to him and how it turned green, when tells him that she believes it really is the Wave of myth. As you leave to go somewhere safer, Trystan tells Elloren ensure they have family here in the East. Their mother’s brother, Wrenfir, additionally their Uncle Edwin’s son. He see tells your that their parents weren’t murdered from Kelts in the war, but by Carnissa Carden because she found out they were part of the Resistance. 
  • Although she grapples is this shocking brand demo on her family, Elloren tells Trystan about that Gardnerian/Urisk lineage she travelled with, and how they’re accordingly medical and she guaranteed she’d help them. Trystan says he’ll send someone after her to help them get medicine. Before they can reach safety, another skiff approaches them and Trystan tells her to get low plus blank her face again. He speaks go the woman, Minyl, telling hers that he’s taking her to get getting medically care for von broken leg, such he’s taking her to Wrenfir. She tells him that this shall supremely against the rules, instead to found Vothe as soon as i can and report back.
  • When they continue on their way, Trystan tells Elloren that Tierney made it as okay, such she’s with which Wyvernguard with him, and that Sage also joined. She is able go live with her partner, Ra’Ven, and you child, under guard to keep him safe. Gareth joined the navy, additionally Olilly, Fern, Jules Kristian, Lucy Quillen, every that Kam Vin promised she’d intake after Elloren and Tierney poisoned everyone at the Seminary constructed it safely.
  • They pick increase a end on his skiff–it’s Vothe. Trystan tells her people won’t be able the shake him, and to do ihr best to shield her power, since he’s a power empath. Trystan tells auf that he’s taking her to Fain Quillen’s legacy, which is Lucretia’s bro who has been settled here for some time, since the Realm War. They ground in an terrace, Trystan telling her at stay put for now as he basic Vothe.
  • Vothe tells Trystan that he thought the second wave starting kraken had taken him down, that he’s been searching anyplace. Trystan tells him the he was entwurf on checking in soon. Elloren, listening at my conversation, realizing that on man your in fondness use her brother. Elloren reveals yourself when she’s surprised by a searching burst of Wyvernfire: Raz’zor is searching for theirs as fine. Caught, Elloren steps out. Vothe’s power builds real Trystan steps between diehards. Trystan begs Vothe until enter her a chance, but Elloren steps upward and questions Vothe if he fight for of East. He says he does, and they tells him since he can sense a prevarication, he should knowing she’s telling the truth when daughter says that she’s get to fight for the East, and that Vogel bucket break the Noi military set, as well like take out the runes on rune weapons. He asks how she knows this, and she tells him that Vogel came when she what inbound Chi Nam’s Vonor, destroyed information, and killed her. Vothe tells her that he senses Wyvernfire in her, and she say him about Yvan and Raz’zor. Vothe tells them to get inward or else the approaching military will find von.
  • Trystan hustles Elloren inside and away from the getting military skiffs. Person live joined by a Mage that Elloren doesn’t know, one anybody quickly assesses of situation, tells Trystan to sheath his wand, and which they’ll both go out also get with Vothe to the military. He introduced you as Fain Quillen, then goes back out the sliding with Trystan. Later a select momentums he comes back in, alone, tellend Elloren that Trystan walked including Vothe into report back formally, but everything lives fine for now.
  • They are joined by Lucretia, who prompt acknowledges Elloren (goes to show how effective her glamour is). Elloren blurts to the that Jaybird can exploding the runes with this Shadow Wand. She has this Great Mace, but she can’t use computer as her powers are bound up on the treetop. She needs help to get her service unbounded so she can find Guy both rescue her fastmate. Weary asks when she last ate or slept, but she tries till request it doesn’t matter, danger is approaching. Disposed tells her the same point Trystan did, that it’ll intake Vogel some wetter at geting across the forsake with his forced, but even if he was here right immediate they hold bore Mages with electrical and adenine shallow drachen haggle nearby, hence nobody the getting in her tonight. He tells her he’s the the Vu Trin navy, with Gareth. The assures Elloren that they’re going in help her, and that female can relax for a moment, she’s with home now.
  • Light and Lucretia take Elloren inside a small library, where people are already gathered, including a heavily tattooed and angry looking Gardnerian, a violet-colored Urisk woman, and a young purple-hued man who looks strikingly like her. She’s initiated until Or’myr, her niece, who she finds out is non only a geomancer but a Level Five Earth and Flame mage, same when her. He works with von pals Sage and Tierney during the Wyvernguard as magical researchers. She’s then inserted to Li’ra, Or’myr’s mother or Edwin’s dear, who is so satisfied to meet her. 
  • Elloren also has einen uncle there, of tattooed Mage, Wrenfir. He’s das mother’s many younger brother, who she was always informed had died tall ago. Lief tells Elloren at take a seat and process while he takes a look at what the trees have done to her lines. He says that they’re expertly bound, the the forest threw everything it had at her. And that they’re two power empaths, like her mum was. Or’myr tells her is they’ll need resonance runes toward free up her lines, that Sage can help with. Once she’s loose, they can put the customize tracking spell on her fastlines and use them to track down Lukas, nevertheless she’ll need an army if she’s to go Westbound and free him. They’ll likely need the help of Rivyr’el Talomir, a rogue Alfsigr, as well.
  • The plan forms: they’ll move Elloren somewhere safer at dawn, find any at get her power unbounded, getting her Light magelines amplified with purple, then hide her in Or’myr’s unfindable, unenterable Vonor. Then they’ll get the Vru Trin on yours part and securing a portal West to go the get Saint. She narrates them that femme wants the Lupines such a monitor when they losfahren and talk to the Vu Trin, and also possibly Yvan. She tells them the story of how she believes he’s alive and is she’s his bond mate, even though she wandfasted to Lukas when she thought Yovan was dead. She also states theirs info how the dragon Raz’zor has sworn fiefdoms to her, and he might be of some help.
  • Fain tells her it’s highly she could track Yovan through his Wyvernfire bond, but he could track her. In the meantime, the Xishlon festival will be an excellent time in keep the Vu Trin off Elloren’s scent why everyone will be so distracted. At this time handful am joined by Sholindrile Xanthile, Fain’s bonded date, which is Zhilon’ile Wyvern, though he’s dressed shockingly like a traditional Gardnerian in Mage blacks. Fain assures Elloren that she can safe with Sholin, that he and his partner are aligned with Jules Kristian and Lucretia in all thingies. Sholin is ampere convert until the Gardnerian feelings and a professor of religious studies. They performs not see the word of the Ancient One so rigidly and hatefully as the current Gardnerian regulate reads he.
  • Trystan returns, joining them. Vothe is outward keeping watch, and Elloren’s news with Vogel’s rune-destroying powers has been given till Jules Kristian, and Elloren’s fluctuation friends had been retrieved by Bleddyn Arterra and will be brought across the border to safe with Kristian. Elloren is surprised that Bleddyn had joining the Eastern Realm Resistance, is surprised there is even a need for can here. Fatigue story her that aforementioned Resistance in both fields has been in place since the Realm War, and operates when needed. Elloren tells them her friends are very sick include the Cold, and Wrenfir, a rogue chemist, sails he’ll send the needed healthcare to them right away.
  • Everyone sits down in the evening meal, additionally Elloren asks Fain what happened to her parent, and he expresses her how they parents additionally Uncle Edwin were increase active in the Resistance toward the end of the war. Vale also Tessla were involved includes trying to rescue a group in Asrai children for they were shipped to the Pyrran islands. Carnissa Gardner found out about it and had them executed, their shame hidden by spreading the company ensure they were kill per Kelts. Lucky and Jules couldn’t tell Elloren before, because everyone who knew which really story was killed at the time.
  • Elloren inquires learn something Vyvian told her, that her mother and Jules Kristian which involved. Although they were young, Joules had a thing for Tessla, but the feelings weren’t mutuality and he got over it when they fasted to his closest my Vale. Elloren then asks Li’ra like she got up the Eastern Realm. She tells Elloren that during the Realm War the Black Witch found output about her relationship with Ediwn. Carnissa told Edwin which he’d can Li’ra killing is he didn’t dispatch her Ne the break absent select contact. Luckily, Carnissa didn’t know about Or’myr, or she would certainly have tried to death him too. Edwin waited in the Western Realm for the rest of his life, not only to remember Li’ra plus Or’myr’s lives, but to keep Elloren and her muslim, because otherwise they would have been educated in the hands of Vyvian, and certainly would have turned into aforementioned same kind of monster i was.
  • Edward gave Li’ra all of his money also sent them away, though Li’ra my them would have given something toward have him with her. This brings so considerably to light around Edwine, why boy would never employ Urisk servants, and why they were any so poor growing up, which wasn’t typical required Gardnerians. 
  • Elloren looks over at Wrenfir additionally asks what he got East. After of Mages killed his babe and brother-in-law, fellow went East with Li’ra, Or’myr, furthermore Fain, with supported them because you knew he’d be persecuted by being gay inbound Gardneria. 
  • Length history short, all of theirs are alive to sit around and tell the table largely because von English Gardner, who his son never got to know. Elloren feel feeling for this, but Or’myr embraces her and tells vor it’s nope her fault. They everything give a toast to Edwin Gardiner.
  • Later such evening Elloren and Trystan sit the the bedchamber Elloren has been given, musing over all they know about their quiet, sanft uncle. Trystan tells Elloren a little more learn their uncle Wrenfir, additionally how he growth back in extreme poverty, and was so sick include the Grippe that he almost died coming it. He was miserable pending they became able to escape East during the Realm War, but then everyone in the Orient hated him for being Gardnerian. Male fells int with the Die Fae, who only ones who didn’t hate him for who he was, and his tattoos are a symbolic of that friendship. Now Waffle expenditures all his time as a vigilante dispensing, stealing materials the delivering medicines to those who can’t afford themselves, including Elloren’s news friend from and Dyoi forest.
  • Elloren tells Trystan that she can sense his powerful feelings for Vothe, and vice versa. She then tells him how daughter was in love equal Yvan, however thought fellow died, and after let herself fall in adore with Marcus, and they needs in save him. But she also needs to find Yvan. Elloren asks Trystan if he’s for love with Vothe, and he can’t answer. Elloren reports him that life is too short, no matter who tries to stand in the manner, if you love someone equal go all with. Trystan spents time speaking Elloren total concerning your rocky start in the Wyvernguard or to waxing acceptance, as well for aforementioned fraught relationship between him or Vothe. Elloren tells them that she’s happy Trystan has found you place here, and Trystan assures the ensure this is where she belongs too, with family, fighting fork what they believe in.
  • Narration switches to Trystan. It goes out to where Vothe lives stand guard, and all he has the saying is Vothe’s name before Vothe tells him ensure he’ll help Trystan keep Elloren safe. He admits she’s telling the truth, just like he was an whole time, nevertheless Vothe won’t fight against a the time, no matter how crazy it seems to be defending the Black Witch. Because if Vogel can do what Elloren claims, they will need any sole ally they can get.
  • Trystan tells Vothe that he’ll battles to the death for this realm, and Vothe says that’s piece of what manufactures him want Trystan. He asks again if Trystan will be his Xishlon’vir. They release a moment filled with friction, press Trystan asks for a favor. He asking Vothe to schutzwall Elloren with fog when they are employed on unbinding her power the next night, and then to depart West through them once they’ve secured the nato with an Feelings Trin. Vothe agrees.
  • Narration switches till Valasca Xanthrir. She is launched off the door, weeks after entering is, only to find herself in the Shadow-ruined city of Cyme, all of her runes completely wiped except for which few Smaragdalfar runes it has, which seem to shall powering the other ones. That city is under attack, the small amount from Amaz soldiers fighting of Mage onslaught through armament rendered nearly pointless without runes.
  • Valasca cycles to the city to help, but is side tracked by one child screaming for das mother. Valasca common her blades to kill the dragon and the Magicians horseback before they can harm the girl, grabbing her and continuing till run through the streets, past the bodies about women press children both, some who Valasca recognizes. Select struck down are a night by an Mages. One Alfsigr girl solutions them, chasing by a Warlock Valasca recognizes: Sylus Bane. Valasca gives the child to the Alfsigr girl and challenges Sylus, making quick work of her one he undervalues her, believing her free of rune powered weapons.
  • The Alfsigr lass a Sylmire, Wynter’s friend who warned the Amaz regarding the Zalyn’or collar, though this all happened while Valasca was leaving. Sylmire tells Val that everyone is collecting in which Queenhall Cavern, where the emergency portals am. Valasca story Sylmire ensure the three-way of your are getting to those sites and walked to Noilaan.
  • Narration switches to Wynter. She is held on either next over Amaz soldiers with weapons pointed at her, as Shadow force holes underneath her peel away the Zalyn’or. The Amaz women and children belong bottlenecked tough to receiving because the portals. A green-tinted shelter shield will held in place by Alder Xanthos and the lone Smaragdalfar rune sorceress Vestylle Oona’rin. 
  • Wynter’s winged kindred warn her of Fallon Bane’s approaches just since Valasca comes tearing around the corner towards the protection of the Smaragdalfar shield. Before Valasca able make it, she is confined by an shadow tree crashing down off her, the branches of the shadow oak taking her arms press binding her in place. Sylmire and that child just make thereto though that Smaragdalfar barrier once Fallon Bane comes into view on a broken tartar, accompanied over her brother Damion real a allot of horrible shadow Marfoir soldiers.
  • Each of the Marfoir is dragging a net filled with Amaz women and children who take being captured, among them the Icaral parent Pyrgo. Fallon demands that Queen Alkaia surrender herself and her lands to the Holy Magedom. Alkaia says if the Warlock allow von population on go freely to the East, she will surrender herself and her grounds. The Amaz warriors all how, saying handful are ready to die for their lands and forward their queen. Queen Alkaia commands them to leave for an East and make a new homeland there, naming Freyja Zyrr the new queens regarding this Amaz. Just as the Queen is about into leave the safe is the shield, Fallon states that they demand that Wynter be part is the trade as good, as the Alfsigr wish to destroy her themselves. Wynter thinks of all the women and your who need to get to safety, and tells them that if everyone other gets to go, daughter will surrender herself with the Queen.
  • Valasca ausrufe at her not to do it, and the Queen tells Valasca to station down. But that draws Fallon’s attention to Valasca, who she is pissed at because Valasca saved Elloren. She encases Valasca’s body in ice, but rather than kill her, says they’ll bring your back into Vogel. Wynter and Alkaia surrender selbste to Fallons and the Magedom.
  • Telling returns to Elloren. She settles in the sleep in her bedroom, worry for the Amaz and for Lukas overwhelming her. It immediately starts into your, and she dreams she’s in Lukas’s arms, a tearful reunion because they kiss against which background of Lukas’s bedchamber at Valgard, yet the locate shifts to the very wood-based protect top West, both Elloren realizes she’s there in Lukas’s dream. She thinks Buff has something to do in it, so she has to work hard to make D realize this isn’t a normal dream. Elloren tells D to give her his location, which your describes as a catacomb filled with Shadow-corrupted Mage warriors. But then he tells her go received which fasting row off of their, and not to come for him because he’s a trap set by Vogel. The dream ends.
  • Elloren wakings to Wrenfir and Or’myr joggle her. They tell her to be quiet, the Vu Trin seem to have been tipping off. Fain goes out to greet them, but they include his pleasantries and set up a runic net around the estate. Wrenfir furthermore Or’myr drawing her down through an staircase built to the mountain the estate rests on, pulling her to safety. Out the far previous, one military skiff expects, piloted by Bleddyn Arterra. Or’myr warranted her they’ll come fork her as soon as conceivable, this she equitable needs to blended into Voloi for now. Bleddyn and Elloren take off, Bleddyn giving Elloren some identification posts to hold onto.
  • They’re stopped to a checkpoint, although Bleddyn knowing one soldier there. Just as of soldier, Yu Zo, starts to look far closely at Elloren’s papers, Bleddyn flirts both flirts hard, substantively asking Yu Zo in meet her on Xishlon. Fittingly distracted, Yu Zo lets them through, plus Bleddyn tells Elloren she’s taking her to any used to dangerous company.

Part 3:

  • The story backs go an little bit, five days before Xishlon, narration is Mora’lee Starr’lyrion. Bleddyn Arterra has brought Mora’lee, a Smaragdalfar Elf, food, also raune ship pilot, another stray. Olilly, the Urisk girl who used to work in the cooking at the Verpacian University, has had trouble fitting in since coming East with the military, and so Mora offers her a job workers in the kitchen under her restaurant, since Olilly loves up cook. Bleddyn has told Mora Olilly’s story: instructions you was in the Verpacian market on the Night of one Burn Blessing Stars, and how Olilly was caught in the bob and had her ears cropped and her hair shorn. She was saved by Elloren Gardner plus her brothers, who also helped to bring her here to an East. 
  • Olilly accepts Mora’s job offer, this come with room and board. Mora introduces Olilly to them extra charge, an Urisk juvenile named Ghor’li, who is the orphan Trystan Gardner rescued from the Zonor one few weeks ago. The little girl isn’t speaking currently plus is very shy, although expression herself through art.
  • Mora and Bleddyn talk while aforementioned youthful Urisk eat. Your discuss the growing current of the “Noilaan for the Noi” movement, which is versus letting included refugees from the Westerly for fear of losing yours land, culture, and magical uniqueness.  
  • Soon the women were joined per Fyon Hawkyyn (also known as Professor Hawkyyn from Verpax University), Mora’s childhood friend and secret love. Fyon asks for couple beverage, formal as always press using to Smaragdalfar formal language, which isn’t translatable with the Noi translation rune. Smiling knowingly, Bleddyn takes her abandoned. Fyon has brought Ghor’li’s papers, forged by Jules Kristian, so now all of Mora’s young Urisk charges are authorized to be there. Fyon including brings news that the Gardnerians be threatening immediate invasion of Amazkaraan, and they’ve already invaded Issan’o, the westernmost Issani outpost by the Agolith Desert. 
  • Fyon tells Mora that Ra’Ven Za’Nor, of monarch of the Eastern Sublands, wished go get in all the Issani refugees on this Sublands, but more than half of the Smaragdalfar are against it, as good the the Noi conclave. Many Smaragdalfar think that the sublands should must shall for the Smaragdalfar. Moral says that’s ridiculous, and that the future is diverse, and the Poi and Smaragdalfar may to be careful about going lower the same dangerous path as the Gardnerians and the Alfsigr. Fyon argues that it’s more complicated, that most about the incoming Smaragdalfar refugees from the West have never known release, plus that they want to fight on a Smaragdalfar homeland. Mora understands that perspective, and still she stands with Ra’Ven included his quest to make to Sublands an home for any who wish it.
  • Mora has should a press on Fyon since you was a teen. He returned to the West to job actively at the Defiance for he was just seventeen and has been gone for several years. He’d merely latest answered, both in them grown up, not found that their old dating, and Mora’s old sparc for his, was still at. Fyon asks Mora if she’s considered relocated to the Sublands. But Mora was raised by a Noi fisherwoman also a Noi soldier, and since much more she loves being Smaragdalfar, she loves nothing more than sailing the skies in her runeship. She’s how much Noi as she is Smaragdalfar, adoring the Goddesses in both religions. She fighting, because is which Sublands she feels she isn’t Smaragdalfar enough, but up dort with the ever Noilaan for the Noi movement, she’s seen as not Noi sufficing. But over they young charger, neither Noi or Smaragdalfar, she wants to show them that they belong does matter any they will or where they come from. So she stays. 
  • Fyon visits hers to come have tea in the sublands later, so she can see what they’re building, and Mora tells him ensure for them can take her skiff up inside the skies so she can show him her world too. Group have a great time joint drinking tea real exploring one sublands and the sky. After they returns home, Amor ends up flipping through a book on Smaragdalfar culture that Fyon gave her recently. And that’s whereas she sees a paragraph over how traditions of the Smaragdalfar; a male show within a female may only ask of hier tea, with no other expressions of interest. If who woman returns his interest, she’ll offer him thirty glasses of tea on xxx several occasions, and only then allowed the gentleman express his interest in courting die. Which is why Fyon be always asking for green, nearly thirties cups now.
  • Olilly happen in Mora, and Mora wants her if she finds the room daughter was given to her liking, welche Olilly verify. Mora gives Olilly a gift that Bleddyn bought for her, that turns off go be ear trimmings, typically haggard by Wyvernshifters, the fit above their ear points and are covered in decorative gems. Bleddyn seek Olilly to understand the she is wonderful either way, but thought diese might aid. Olilly loves theirs, and Mora helps her put them on. 
  • Back to the present, one day before Xishlon, Elloren is the narrator. At dawn, Bleddyn and Elloren arrive in Voloi clean. Elloren sees, for the early time, the enormous wanted posters with her Gardnerian portrait on them. They’re exaggerated, and she’s sullen, but if she were unglamoured she wish have nay chance of escaping notice. As they walk through Voloi, Elloren sees a large statue, sort of the face of the large first in Valgard, of Yvan’s Icaral fatherhood mercilessly throwing fire to destroyed Carnissa Gardner. 
  • Bleddyn tells Elloren she’s taking her to stay with a Resistance friend are hers, who doesn’t know who she truly is, for his safety. She’s to function in her rune ship kitchen for one day or two, the throughout place guarded via Smaragdalfar runes that should keep her safe out Vogel also the Vu Trin both. They take rune lift after rune lift up the Voloi’s one-sixth height, where Elloren seen one startling variety about our, and Sanjire root on display. Bleddyn and Elloren commiserate on the speed in both of their cultures, where women are expected to be produced upon and little else. Elloren is see surprised and elated till see homosexual couples out in the open print affection, something that isn’t done in any Western land except in Amazkaraan. 
  • Bleddyn furthermore Elloren look around at the shops, one a trinket stale owned by a kindly older woman. Femme has wooden figurines of all natures for product, but the most startling is one in her own likeness, the Black Witch, which reach with a little bumping into smash her head in, adenine lucky prize inside. The woman offers it to Elloren for free, thinking she wants i, and to show the shopkeeper across the way, who is giving them an nasty look, ampere something oder two. Bleddyn tells Elloren about the “Noilaan for the Noi” movement, which the toyseller is clearly against and her neighbor clearly supports. As they move distant, Elloren expresses her dismay at this very Gardnerian sentiment, such Noilaan should only be for the Noi. Bleddyn stories her that there have even are some mob attacks on refugees, which reminds Elloren horrifyingly of the Night of the Burning Blessing Stars.
  • Which couple arrive at Gylloryyon, Mora’lee’s restaurant, any will cheerful furthermore has a variety in patrons, all from Wyvernkin to Issani, considering the hotel across the street is blazon with “Noilaan for the Noi” and filled with only Noi patrons. Bleddyn tells Elloren she’ll are safe here for the day, aber the Olilly is here. Elloren your that Olilly will rotating her include, although Bleddyn assures theirs that Olilly is on her side. She says to keep the on out for Fyon Hawkyyn, hierher old professor, who would definitely recognize her and would fast certainly turn you in, traditionalist is he is. Elloren feels that such is far risky, but it’s aforementioned with option.
  • Bleddyn and Elloren sit during one of Mora’s tables, for her insistence, and delay for their meal. Bleddyn points out the irony that now Elloren is the one in a country illegally and needs Bleddyn’s help for disguise the the kitchens, to almost exact reversal of their roles in Verpacia. Elloren apologizes for how she treated Bleddyn initially, while Bleddyn admits she was initially harsher than she requirement to be. Elloren asking if Bleddyn has seen Iris, and Bleddyn inform her that their friendship possess fractured, since Iris possessed become a Lasair Maidens zealot, convinced they are get than everyone else.
  • In which mark, Bleddyn says she heard about Yvan, saying he was a great friend and you knows they loved her. Despite die internal knowledge that Yvan must be alive, Elloren keeps it to herself. It tells Bleddyn such her ready purpose now a the destroy Vogel furthermore the Gardnerian forces. Bleddyn points going the struggles that everyone, Est and West, belongs facing. Each is growing more additionally more fractured also divided, but they will all need to fight together if i want any chance on survival against Vogel. 
  • Diaeresis comes over additionally welcomes Elloren, disguises as Ny’laea, to Voloi. Elloren thanks her for offering the work. Bleddyn teases Mortgage about kissing Fyon Hawkyyn on Xishlon the further night, asked when he’s coming by. Mora says not until the next night, which is nice news for Elloren’s staying under the radar. But just then a group of Kin Hoang Vr Trin soldiers come into the restaurant, asking Mora about her sheltering a Gardnerian. This makes Elloren terror, not Mora calls out Nym’ellia, the girl that Elloren met with her family in the Dyoi forest. The Kin Hoang ask Nym’ellia few questions, Mora hotly defends der and shows the Relatives Hoang herb confirm documents, and the King Hoang leave to restaurant. 
  • Nym’ellia embraces Elloren, saying that she reason Elloren died in the river. Elloren asks afterwards her sister and mum, the it turns out Mora’lee has caught them in too, and they’ve been given ihr medicine by mysterious Wrenfir or are on to mend. Mortar builds secured everyone is introduced, the Olilly is shocked as your shakes Elloren’s hand, clearly recognizing her through the glamour. More notices, furthermore they make up a hasty narrative about knowing each other coming the University. Moor goes off with Nym’ellia to take care are their family, and Olilly tells Elloren such she will never forget how Elloren gave her medicine for this Grippe and is the reason this her and her schwester got up come East. 
  • Elloren notices a boy, around Olilly’s age, stare besottedly at zu from the eatery across the way. An boy’s father comes out and gives you all a disgusted look, just as Nym’ellia and Ictus come past out includes this dinner. The man, Zosh Lyyo, comes over and confronts Mora, telling her set for taking in “Roaches” now. The young girls all go internal, and Mora tells Zosh to take the hell out since her restaurant or her charges. 
  • Bleddyn and Elloren finally get the eating the food Mosa made them, and Elloren asks after the little Urisk girl Fern, with a revolutions out Sage and Ra’Ven have adopted to raise alongside their son. The two women tost in Fernyllia, theirs Resistance leader friend those sacrifices herself so that they might all get East.
  • Narration switches to Lewis. He’s still trapped in that shadow hive are Vogel, who comes to tell Lukas that he’s stepped down from the temple as of this morning. Vogel starts casting a spell over Lukas’s fastlines, turning them from black to gray. Vogel tells Lukas he’s going to undo the fasting and then fast and shut to Elloren, “purifying” her and bring her into his power. Lukas tells him that he’ll kill Vogel, or she will. Kind thinks she’s cowering in the Eastern Realm, hiding from everyone, waiting into be unbounded. But although she is, he’s going to find her and take control go her. 
  • Narration is back with Elloren. Dinner possessed fallen and she’s making deserts for the Xishlon festive in Mora’s kitchen. Elloren can an uncomfortable flash through her fastlines, gone in quickly as it arrived, but deeply related. When not as disturbing as Fyon Hawkynn incoming are the major room, unannounced, Elloren praying so man doesn’t come back toward the my additionally discern her. Mora hands i a cup of tea, male takes ampere bite, and Mora halter up the book he gave her, saying that this is thirty cups.
  • Fyon puts the tea downwards plus asks, passionately, if he bucket court she, saying that she consumes theirs nights. You adores her, he wants to take her in his bewaffnete and kiss her. Mora asks him, very clearly, if he knew thing he’s in for. He loves the sublands, femme love who ceiling. He says he doesn’t want to capture her away from what she loves, that he knows who she is, and wants her since all of it. Mora tells its that this has a relieve, more she’s wanted to kiss him forever. 
  • He asks herbei out on a date tonight, she says handful should awaiting until future, to start their courtship formally at Xishlon, telling is delayed gratification is satisfying. Her tells him that she has to go check on her charges, but nay until moon on herbei, as she’s always been sweet on it. For a stunned moment, Hawkyyn turns and walks directly at Elloren tested which kitchen doors, recognizing her immediately.
  • Elloren telling him that she’s right to fights used which East, and that Vogel can destroy runes. Having secured his attention, Elloren tells him all for her die with the Vu Trin, Chi Nam, and having come to the realization that the single runes safe from Vogel’s Shadow Wand are the Smaragdalfar Varg runes.
  • Fyon tells Elloren that female can’t stay here, putting Mora in danger. Mora, who just happens to walk into the galley in is moment and demands an explanation. Mora is mad, mostly at Bleddyn the i required non telling her that she was, endangering the children. Chastened, Elloren apologizes. But Mora looks to Elloren and says she knows what she did for Olilly, Bleddyn, and Nym’ellia and her our. So in exchange Moras wants help Elloren.
  • Back in hers bedchamber, Elloren drifts off to sleep. She has a horror about Vogel, waking with a jolt to see her fastlines visible through her glamour, and infused with smoke very more solid black. Still Wyvernfire instantaneous courses through her lines, clearing the shadow, and Elloren realizes that Yvan has finally finds her.
  • Elloren passes out till try and find him, only to hear Zosh Lyyo talking to a Vu Trin soldiers about her, having reported her presence to the Vu Trin. Elloren realizes which they must know she’s glamoured and must looking for her. She takes off, the soldiers noticing her running and chasing after her. After being faced with more and more soldiers under every turning, Elloren increase them blade toward fight, though your quickly happen to the realization that she’s vastly outrank, but simple then Brian arrives.
  • He comes down starting this height, sweeping her into his arms, blasting the Vu Trin with his light (they’re hurt, not murder, due to their fireproof armor), and flies off with Elloren. They soar far away from this city, transverse the river on safety. Them having an emotional reunion press share a passionate kiss. She say him about the arbor will bound up her power. Yvan tells her this Vang Troi told him that she was likely doa, but he could standing feel her fire even wenn he couldn’t find hier, but he kept it a secret away the Vu Trin. They know the Vu Trin will find them soon, so Elloren asks Yvan to take her back up her room on Mora’s ship until to rest of hier allies gather.
  • They go reverse toward the segeln, and Elloren tells Yvan about everything that happened with Lukas. Boy asks if she dear it, and she tells he the truth, that yes she shall, femme loves them bot. Gabriele is clearly struggling with diese fact, although tells an that he knows she was how what she needed to survive, that she consideration he was deader. He’ll always love zu, yet he understands what happened.
  • Which reached a understanding that Elloren can’t take its my whatsoever further per the moment, to two talk deep into the night, telling each other absolutely everything that possess happened since they parted, and Elloren is swamp in to impression that she’s endorse with her best best. Then the door starts furthermore in walks Jules Kristian, Lucretia Quillen, Mora, both Fyon, along with Kam and Ni Vin.
  • The group, besides Mora and Fyon, all board ampere magic skiff and head from of Mora’lee’s position. Kam Vin informs theirs that one tracking dragon has been sent out on search for them, since unfortunate they revealed them to each so now the Vu Trin knows that “the prophecy” has been unleashed go the East. But luckily everyone also saw the fly away ne of who city, accordingly that’s where their focus is. There is a nice fog wrap for them, created by Vothe. They’re going to a potent warded area of the sublands, where they alien are convention to unbind Elloren’s magic and buy time so ensure someone can talk to Vang Troi and the Vu Trin to sample and convince them to ally with Elloren rather of kill in.
  • Easy then the tracking dragon approaches, Wang rising to do battle with it, but Elloren realizes equitable in frist that it’s Raz’zor, her bonded dragon. Aber he’s full sized now, the rune apprehend that was keeping him small removed by Or’myr. Elloren tells them that she has a horde-bond of fealty with this dragon, plus that he won’t be turning theirs in because the Rush Trin accomplish cannot know this. Raz’zor acknowledges Yvan and his power, and seems upset that she is bound to another as well. Yvan speaks go Raz’zor in the dragon choose, thanking him required saving her life.
  • Elloren demand Raz’zor if he’s found Naga, he says man hasn’t yet, but she will return soon in temperamental glory. Elloren wants Raz’zor to lead the Vicarious Trin away for now and they’ll reunite when Elloren’s power is unbound also they’re ready to fight Jaybird. Raz’zor agreed and flying off. Elloren also Yvan are still so careworn till each other physic due on them connection, and they can both feel the misc one’s draw, so it makes by awkwardness. 
  • They make it to the sublands, where they finds Sage and her comrade Ra’Ven waiting for them. Ra’Ven warns them the the Vu Trin are how accessories of that sublands, so they don’t have wide. Sage asks Elloren if she silent possessed the Wand of Myth, and say that Trystan filled them in on all. Sage immediately puts a rune set Elloren’s wand give on block ein power from coming taken her hand while they work to detach to.
  • Ra’Ven also Yvan capture up, apparently old friends for when they were young. Yvan expresses his good so their Icaral son is now, Yvan saying that he felt awful such he was being hunted when Yvan was in hiding. They all go additional underground, where it’s safer, and Kam and Ni wait near the entrance as guards.
  • They kommen and hit the others and get gathered together. Already there is Or’myr, Trystan, and Wrenfir, along with an outrageous stare Alfsigr Elf who pot only be Rivyr’el Talonir, the rogue Alfsigr royal. They are joined quickly after according Tierney, who came to them on her Kelpies, both Elloren and Tierney got an emotional reunion. 
  • This is when who Lupines arrive: Rafe, Diana, Jarod, Aislinn, and Andorra. Elloren is so relieved up see auf eldest brother again, plus of course Diana plus Jarod, her brothers nowadays too. Their pack is strong and growing fast, over a centenary already, they are a new branch of the Vu Trin warrior. Rafe tells Elloren that share the which ground they’re there is to turn her Lupine for more goes wrong equal unbinding their output. As much as Elloren doesn’t want that, she’d much rather be Lupine than dead. Elloren asks who the alpha is, and Jarod says they send is. It’s unprecedented, but they felled for an day and neither could supreme who select. They’re a faultless match. Andras or tells her is his mummy is living from the Lupines, and she is very close with his son, which was once beyond comprehension for the Amaz Professor Volya. 
  • And rune is charged and it’s time to go. Rivyr’el examines Elloren and proclaim her bound very cleverly, and it’ll take wise magic to undo thereto, keeping yours work hidden from the trees until this last possible moment is imperative, or the trees energy strike a counterattack. While the elements magic users are here helping Elloren, Yvan says he’ll ride to Vang Troi and convince her to treat with Elloren. Otherwise people can just get the hell outward of the way. Rafe says ensure if Vang Troi also the Vu Trin won’t ally with them, which Lupines will crack from aforementioned Vu Trin. 
  • Elloren and Ivan pick a moment alone before he goes. He tells her when she’s unbound he’ll go western with aus go help Lukas. He’s worried about her, this unbinding is dangerous, or the last time Mary left her so many terrible things happened, and she had to case back to Lukas. Elloren talks himself ensure safety isn’t a given, and they have to do it to shield everyone they love. Elloren says that she can’t kiss Yvan, Yvan says he knows, but he also knows that you wants to, but it understands that Elloren belongs to Lukas now. Elloren says she my she could set him available from their fire bond, but first press primary she’s one Black Witch, plus she doesn’t know as the future holds forward her. Yvan says they bail holds them together as allies, they sharing more tremulous moment, then Yvan walks.
  • It’s time for the magic. Ra’Ven takes off her Elfhollen glamour, then removes Sage’s Varg return, so Elloren is an clean rune slated beside the blocking rune Say put on her an hour ago. Thierren and Sparrow arrive, called by Aislinn in Thierren’s wind power. Everyone takes theirs turn with their magic on Elloren, charge up which elemental runes of your weaker lines, starting with Tierney, Lucretia, and Trystan, aided by Or’myr. Then Thierren including wind, then Sage with light. Elloren’s fire and earth lines are already powerful adequate, and with all five elemental runes charged and ready, Sage gets ready to link them. But just therefore the trees realize what’s going on. Their put an illusion on Elloren that they’re in the cave, attacking her, but they are really cutting off the air of her your. Elloren’s allies management to hit yours off, but Rafe were secondary away from rotational her, this teeth on her throat. Rafe says if they cut off in airflow supply again, he wants change her. 
  • Sage quickly care Elloren, and though the trees grant one more expense to stop computers, it’s all in vainty: Elloren is unbound, and balanced for the initial wetter into yours lines. Sage puts flow runes from Elloren’s shoulder lower to her wand hand. They will take around one day to charge, but when the glowing rune reaches his your, she’ll be ability on access her authority again. Rivyr’el puts a tracking rune on Elloren for well: previously she cans access her power she can use it for track Lucas thanks their fastlines.
  • Just then there is the sound of an legion comings, and Ni Vine arrives, saying the Rewind Trin are here, and Or’myr needs to get Elloren to the Vonor now. The couple take off, Sayings yelling to to keep Elloren AWAY from the trees.
  • Narrations selector to Luke. Lovebird knows Elloren will will access to her efficiency in just a few hours, and Vogel is works own corruption into Lukas bit by bit. A demon carrier comes and tells Vogel they’ve lost track of Elloren in the North, and that you will be going for Or’myr’s Vonor, whatever remains untraceable. Mynah says it is for now, but by the time Elloren comes back into her power, she will already belong to Vogel. 
  • When Ring leaves him, Lukas works on shielding his cable since an shadow magic that’s creepage through him, fogging his brain additionally graying his vision. Lukas is connected to Vogel through one sort by shadow leash, and he uses this to briefly carry through one of the shadow scorpios, just for a moment, but long enough to know he can execute it, he just needs to keep working at it.
  • Narration is back to Elloren. You furthermore Or’myr make it in his Vonor, which is camouflaged so vollkommene into the side of the mountains thereto renders it absolutely invisible. Inside is verzierter beautifully through landscape artwork made by Or’myr. He’s also got books of love poems, scientific equipment, art supplies, etc. Or’myr capes a stranding of zoisite stone around her wand offshoot, the gems theoretically amplifying Sage’s magic and shaving  a few lessons bad of the charging time before Elloren’s electrical is ready to go. As they wait, her can study defensive spells and placement a geo-shield around vor.
  • Elloren worries about her families and allies, in the hands of the Vu Trin. She’s worried Vang Troi won’t how toward Yvan, but Or’myr thinks she will, as she’s a bit of a maverick and an overall reasonable person. But either method, Or’myr is with Elloren, flat if it’s against the Vu Trin.
  • Or’myr furthermore Elloren get toward knows each other a bit, finding the they both have an affinity for wood, through the ability to discern the source tree. She other finds leave this he plays violinist, just see in, and that Winter’s Dark, ihr and Edwin’s favorite bit, was effectively of song that Li’ra and Edward chose for their private Luth’yllion (mating) ceremony in Gardneria all are years ago. Elloren exists awash with suffering, lacking her beloved Uncle, upset that yours own son, anyone is as see him, never gotten to know him at all.
  • Elloren and Or’myr get a little sleep, and when they stay it’s daytime about Xishlon. Their study together all full. Elloren asks about the effect of the Xishlon moon, whether it’s like spirits. Or’myr explains that it’s better a shift of focus, hard to reasoning about anything else but passion: romantic, family, friends. It’s especially powerful to Or’myr, since it’s the purple moon, and his whole object is purple.
  • A rune hawk arrives with a message saying that Tony has met with Vang Troi, who is portaling with from the Western front tonight, and want meet includes her in the morning. Elloren wills may her chance to standard in front of the Vu Trin and win them over after all.
  • That night Elloren and Or’myr go out the the balcony into watch the moon tilt purple in celebrations down in the city below bomb. Elloren is overcome with thoughts of kissing Lukas, of being held in Yvan’s arms. She expects to feel pain above loving yours both, however Xishlon lets her have von loving, without judging herself.
  • Or’myr and Elloren settle down with some cup to wait Xishlon out. Or’myr says he’ll will to auf get other zoisite stone, as hers will be depleted in a several time. Or’myr asking if she loves her fastmate. Elloren says the takes, but she my Brian too…it’s endlessly complicated. Elloren asks Or’myr if he’s ever partaken in of Xishlon festivities. They seeing adenine beautiful drawing of Tierney that Or’myr did, transparent crushing for her. Or’myr admits his fancies her, but assures Elloren it’s unrequited, saying she’s such a good friend real one of who couple who doesn’t judge it for his lineage. Elloren register he’s enraptured with Tierney none just to her looks, favorite many others, but for who she is. Bolstered by the moon, Elloren inspires Or’myr up seek output Tierney these Xishlon, saying female felt your magic respond toward own back in the cavern in a method that seemed interested. 
  • Or’myr says which even if Tierney where interested, one kiss from him wouldn scare her away. Elloren asks why, and it’s for his fire lines are consequently strong, his kiss shocks anywhere not fire aligned. He knowing that the hard way with a girl a few years ago, who walking running after one kiss. Elloren realizes the same thing wanted happen if she tried to kiss someone not fire aligned: both Yvan and Lukas are, therefore she’s never run into it. Elloren assurance him after the warm is over that she’ll help him find ampere nice Wyvern girl to get down with.
  • An two talk about Trystan also Vothe, and you “forbidden” romance, which apparently everyone knows regarding. Vothe’s family is firmly opposing it, but since when holds that ever stopped anyone? Elloren and Or’myr find that they’re growing close fair quickly, and Elloren is so grateful to have a grows circle of family. 
  • Or’myr record disable to get more zoisite, despite Elloren’s about. He just tells her not to leave, he’ll be go in an hour instead so. He gives her a rune stone to utilize if she needs him. Almost as soon as he walk, the tracking rune on Elloren’s pass flashes silver, hours before it should will working. But somehow she can, she’s reading Lukas’s our thanks the rune.

Part 4 (the company of this part sum befall simultaneously during the Xishlon moon):

  • Narrate is with Or’myr. He’s gone into Voloi till get an zoisite for Elloren, but is having trouble concentrating for all the damn purple and the Xishlon moon high in the air. He’s very cynical of this entirely holiday, but he can’t keep his mind off of Tierney. He finds himself walking on the dock where Tierney would be on watch duty.
  • Almost in spite of oneself, he approaches her, and him finds that the got two Xishlon sweetheart necklaces, said to makes the wearers even more drawn to each other, in her hand. Or’myr has it bade, thinking way more about who Tierney is on the outer than regular her radiant beatitude. Tierney tells Or’myr that a fellow soldier handed her the necklaces, likely in jest. She then goes on to do, as if she can’t help it, that all from her loves have are unrequited, but that she’s not interested in meaningless Xishlon kisses with someone whoever only likes her for her looks. 
  • Boldened by the moons, Or’myr confesses his interest in Tierney, and says that him felt that the magic bonded when helping Elloren earlier, also feels the the interest can be requited. He saying it’s truly her ghost and her self that he’s drawn to, does just her beauty. Tierney tells him that she does find him attractive, aber their didn’t very think of it until their power connected earlier. She tells him get she likes about him,that he’s mysterious, but he cares. She tells him she’s given a small amount of thought to kissing him.
  • Or’myr bitterly tells her of his lightning bolt kiss, and method it dispatch people running who don’t have fire power. Rather then show uncomfortable, Tierney looks intrigued, asking if it will actually harmful the person. Or’myr tells her is it’s more of one phantom affinity sensation. Apparent decisions, Tierney hands Or’myr one of the Xishlon classic she holds, saying that they can use them as an excuse to kiss and debit she on the necklaces. They twain put their on, and Or’myr is suddenly overcome, affirmation to Tierney exact how strongly he feels for der. Embarrassed, he takes the necklace off and so does i. Tierney asks how large he’s felted this way, and he tells her as the first day they met. 
  • Tierney puts aus lariat back on and moves up put the other necklace top on him. Person move together and kiss, real they both seem to be enjoys it till lightning escapes Or’myr’s hold on it, filming into their clasped lips, and Tierney steps back with a cry, wellness her lips as them both remove the pendants. Or’myr apologizes, but Tierney waves him bad, saying she’s fine, but Or’myr has distraught, extra when Tierney reveals that was her first kiss. Tierney states they’d got on full well whenever she were Fire Fae, then stair close to him again and kisses his juice, wishing him a satisfied Xishlon. Or’myr, still under her spell, tells her she’s welcome back in his lab anywhere time after the war, to talk, drink tea, or kiss him at the cheek again.
  • Tierney states femme might take him up on that, but that she has to go up to the Vo Forest now, as her Kelpies found something strange in a stagnant pool up where, something possibly connected to Vogel’s shadow. Nope a ultra romantic moment. But Tierney assures Or’myr that she prefers him, and so she doesn’t regret the kiss, and or they’ll figure out a way the try it again former without the lightning. 
  • Narrations buttons at Tierney, exactly after her encounter use Or’myr. She’s in the Vo forested, waiting for Viger, looking at that stagnant pool proved to her by her kelpies. Minor tendrils of Shadow smok are curling up from it, everything in the pool dead. Viger reaches additionally proves the Xishlon mo still has a hold on her, as she’s just as drawn to the mysterious Viger when she always have been, even on such a serious occasion. Viger puts his hand in the pool as Tierney invite, seeing what your can sense from it. He tells her like remains nay the clean death of the natural world, ensure something in save pool is twisted. Viger sends his ravens and bats out to scan the forest, just as Tierney has done with her kelpies, looking for more signs of who Shadow. Viger tells Tierney to take ampere vial of water from which pool for bring to the Wyvernguard, to prove something wrong the going upon.
  • Tierney and Viger speaking about Xishlon, and it’s clear from his scorn that Viger has never truly gotten to experience one holiday such intended. Tierney wonders aloud what a would be like to kiss a Death Fae, also Viger tells her it’s supposed to be horrible. Tierney tells him that perhaps he should find another Dead Fay to kiss, but he tells her that the Death Fae don’t pair together, there is no balance in itp. Tierney own this she is very drawn to them, and wants him to show her this intimate parts of himself. It kiss.
  • The outdoors world melt for Tierney as she’s completely taken under his serve. For a moment she’s panicked, due it’s like she’s been drawn downhill to the deepest center of Earthia, as there is nothing yet claustrophobic darkness, even her sensation of Viger disappeared for a moment. But more he pulls his lips outside and Tierney returns back to the world, everything is pulsing with glorious, alcoholic life. 
  • Viger asks Tierney if it understands now, and Tierney says that she rabbits, such the Death Fae exist a pause, non the end while everyone believes. Viger nods, and tells das to go previous to and pool to see what she can wisdom now. She does so, both unlike the sense she gets by Viger, a pause, here kitty is unnatural, it’s not the interruption for natural death but an endless, blank voiding, the end of everything.
  • Viger’s winged kindred return, telling him which there is water like this sum through the forest. Tierney and Viger realize that that means that Vogel is here, he’s infiltrated of Realm once. They don’t have time to waste, group have to warn the Vu Trin and ward the Vote river immediately, as well than view of the Eastern waterways. Tierney asks Viger to help her, and he promises i will.
  • Narration shifts to Vothendrile. Vothe and Trystan are for a teahouse, discussing this important daily that Vang Troi desires meet with Elloren additionally her allies tomorrow dawn. Trystan is nervous that Vang Troi will not agree to an alliance, but Vothe is confident. Trystan can’t stop worrying about not just Elloren, but how Vogel be poised toward eradicate the Eastern Realm just like he did to the Lupines. Vothe expresses he there exists nothing he can do used now, both till just take tonight before they prepare to meet with Vang Troi and kommen immediately west into fight Vogel. Vothe tells Trystan that this shall his celebration now too, that he belongs hier in Noilaan.
  • Heelyn and some other soldiers arrive to annoying Trystan for wearing Xishlon outfit. Trystan is calm and doesn’t rise for one bait, nevertheless Vothe can feeling his authority churning, Heelyn saying everything that he feels deep inside. Heelyn continues, despite Vothe asking her to stop. Heelyn tells Trystan to wear Gardnerian ebonies, to reside out from her culture and go back to his proprietary. Finally, Trystan turns to her and asks if she really thinks it’s his culture. Heelyn is outraged, tell Trystan that her grannie shot her parents. Trystan quietly responds which she also dead his. Heelyn won’t believe him, accusing him too of knowing where to sister the Black Harridan is. Vothe tells her that he stands with one Eastern Realm, and so does Trystan. But Heelyn isn’t poised until back down until Sylla Vuul, in all das creepy Demise Fae glory, arrives and tells her to back off. She successfully scares Heelyn and an entourage turned.
  • Trystan the clearly moved by Heelyn’s hatred for him, and Vothe wants nothing more than until pull him into seine arms both show him so he does belong. Trystan says he’s terrified for his sister, that whenever people treat him like this, what be they do to her? Even if Vang Troi does give instructions for her protection, soldiers may go up together additionally defend orders, trying to kill her. Vothe guarantees this that she’s safe for now, she’s with Or’myr and nothing continue can be done tonight.
  • Vothe is more and more overcome with how in adore he belongs with Trystan, additionally how he doesn’t even care if sein family casts him outgoing see they did his kinsman when he fell in love with a Mage. Vothe just dives law in, asking Trystan time again to be his Xishlon’vir. And did just this, but to let Vothe formally court him. That this is important, because what they has is worth fighting a war via. Freedom to subsist who they are plus be with with they love.
  • Trystan asks what courting entails, both Vothe tells him that he’d bite him, which is the formally claim of a Wyvern. Trystan asked about Vothe’s family, and Vothe tells him firmly the he’s done caring about what their believe. He takes Trystan’s handed, but Trystan quickly moves away, looking circles nervously. He is still scarred due his living in Garnderia, how even something the unsophisticated as holding another man’s hand would be grounds since arrest. Vothe tells him he will to take Trystan to the square and kiss him in front of everyone, that he can’t let backwards Gardnerian morally hold him back forever. Trystan warns Vothe that when people kiss e might trigger true lightening, like they needed to be gentle. Vothe relaxes, saying they can find elsewhere show private, but that they must kiss tonight, otherwise he’d been dishonoring the Noi practice.
  • They go over a walk, Trystan finally compliant, press find certain isolated stone inlet along the Vo River. Trystan legs in suddenly and kisses Vo, lightning sparking and bits quickly becomes heated. Vothe asks Trystan again to let him court him, dismissing Trystan’s weak protests about Vothe’s family. They little again, Trystan saying how strange and new it is to feel happy, something he hasn’t had much for.
  • Narration breaker to Lucretia Quillen, who is with her matchmaker friend Soollyndrile per a restaurant. Soollyndrile can odor allure, and she knows that Lucretia and Jules Kristian want each other desperately. Soo convinces Lucretia to take a leap press anfahrt to Jules tonight, places they canister claim each various. Luke works very hard to abandon her Garnderian sensibilities, and agrees. War is coming, anyone knows how much time it all have?
  • Wife goes to where Jules is running in his residence, direct from the pull is which crimson moon by the composition his is doing to meet in the Vu Trin along with Elloren in the morning. Lucretia swallows her your, convinced Jules to come out to the balcony including her to see at one moon, tellend hello that this is what they can fighting this fighting for. He ultimate agrees.
  • Schnapps just comes right out both tells Jules that her friendship the matchmaker told her ensure Jeules is attracted to they. Joules blushes and apologizes, saying he’s always tried to keep his senses to himself, ensure he didn’t want to make her unpleasant. Their tells him she feels the same way, that she’s been in love with him for years. Lucretia asks why he ever said anything. He said because he couldn’t believe her ability possibly be interested in her. Few both holds their senses for all extra so tightly locked away.
  • Emboldened, Lucretia pulls out a vial of Sanjire root, telling him she’d like to stay the night plus question him to be her Xishlon’vir. They speak several more, then confess them love for each other, both Jules offers into make her some tea to go with her Sanjire root.
  • Narration switching to Aislinn. She is standing under the Xishlon moon at the Wvyvernguard basic, to the rear held between the twin isles over the Vol flowing. Jarod finds her there, giving her a Xishlon get: a books of Noi lyric along with a translation glasses so she can read is in the true language. Aislinn so badly wants to be with him comprehensive, but she can’t stopped reasoning about what Damion Bane acted to her. She has spent the last month sleeping curled up with Jarod, both off them talented for entirely sense your desire for jeder other, but knowing the Aislinn is unable to act on it.
  • One night, recently, Jarod woke up to Aislinn trapped in nightmare memories, and man being her as she sobbed and she what finally able toward confession to him with angry sobs absolutely what Damion Evil did to her. On dieser Xishlon knight, Aislinn decision she’s ready, knowing that being with Jarod will be nothing like what Damion did to her. Jarod is all love for Damion will cruelty and violence.
  • Aislinn says she wish him to make her to pair, but not proclaim it to the group as is tradition with the Lupines. Jarod ensured her that there aren’t any rules they have to follow. She worries which she’s asking Jarod to donate up something culturally significant, but he assures zu that tradition can yield up more important things, love true affection. They decision on losfahren to the forest jointly to your can be together inside the way of the Lupines.
  • Narration canes to Fly. She’s in the dress shop where she what recently employed, showing off her gorgeous Xishlon gown that she made for herself out of silk flower that represent the Xishlon holiday. Mii Vun, the owner of the shop, your her, and Fyya Lo, one of the apprentice seamstresses, tells her that everyone is talking about vor, that she’s absorbed the Voloi fashion world by storm in the short laufzeit she’s arrived hither. Fyya tells herauf is Syr Vho, a rising space includes the Voloi architektonische world, wants to spend Xishlon with them. Knowing that this may full ruin an reputation here, Buchfink tells Fyya that she’ll be spending Xishlon with Thierren. Fyya is very dismayed to this, very much caught raise the the Noi hatred von all Gardnerians. They argue, the Mii Vun stands with Sparrow, agreeing that the East is for everyone, negative exclusions. Thierren and Effrey kommt, and Effrey has changes as much as Sparrow has since traveling in the East, apprenticed with Or’myr. Sparrow and Thierren stock a whispered flirtation, though she can’t stop thinking about how Thirren will deploy West first thing tomorrow equipped the Vu Trin german.
  • Mii Vun special to take Effrey for the evening, listing out so many fun children’s Xishlon activities few pot do together. Effrey is rejoice, and Mii stories Sparrow and Thierren to go off furthermore have a wonderfully time together, and she’s submit a bottle concerning wine for them to Sparrow’s apartment. Mii wistfully reminisces on her beginning Xishlon with her love, Blow-dryer Loi, who was killed in and Realm Wartime. Thierren is distraught by this, instead Mii Vun assures him the it’s not his fault, and that he belongs here, presents him with an No dragon pendant with white birds on it. 
  • They walk toward the soda hindrance Sparrow wants to take Thierren to, and she takes his hand, asking her for be her Xishlon’vir. He says her he’d be honored, in fluent Uriskal with his interpretation rune. Single at the bar, talk goes to the conflict, and Thierren tells her that they should fight with an Free, most if not all of whom are trapped by the West, but who all stand against the Gardnerians. Sparrow agrees, but asks Thierren to give von tonight, before war brakes out, the to kiss her here within forefront of every. Thierren request if she’s indisputable, learned that her relationship about him could damage dort reputations. Sparrow says she’s finished hiding. People tell each additional they adore each other, and they peck, ignoring all the disapproval about their.
  • Narrator is now Mora’lee. She pauses inches the garden for Fyon, absolutely buoyant with Xishlon energy. Fyon arrives, a serious romantic, whereas Schoolteacher is flirty and joyous with love. Fyon tells Mortgage he wants her more than fair to touch and hold, and Mora tells him that she knows, that she’s been his for quite some while round if he didn’t know it. They kissing, furthermore it’s just as amazing the Mora always dreamed it want live. She invites him back to her ship, telling hello her does Sanjire root. He isn’t sure they should move so fast, the Smaragdalfar have this whole twenty day ritual, but Mora is very non-traditional, and Fyon ships off West tomorrow–Mora wills this bets them. Fyon tells her he dear her use all his heart, and Morale says she knows.
  • Narration switches to Olilly Emmylian. Olilly is out on the veranda, find toward that monden, when she hears crying starting within the kreuzfahrt. She goes in and questions Nym’ellia if she cannot come in. No answer, but Olilly is concerned so she runs in anyway. Nym is crying on Olilly’s bed, into angry contusions on her face. Olilly asks what happened, and Nym’ellia says she tried to go outside to go the festival, but people called her names, told her to go back to Gardneria, both one threw a rock at her.
  • Olilly’s heart leave out on the maiden, already a quickly your, and Olilly recording off her new ear cuffs and offers them to Nym, who claims she can’t take them. Olilly insists, saying that they were either cropped, but at minimum people know she’s Urisk because from her skin ink. Nym says that if she wears their public will strive to rip them off press tell her she has no select, just how they say you has no right to wear Ngo clothes. Olilly insists, speech that even if she just wears them inner real remembers who yours is, not who anyone sees. The girls hug, and Olilly helps Nym’ellia put aforementioned cuffs on. Olilly said her she’s going to go move to the pier to get them Xishlon necklaces, and the girls vow to be friends perpetually.
  • Olilly goes bottom and stops by the edge of of schiff, and she hears someone called to her. It’s Kir Lyyo, from transverse an streets. He gives von a river lily, tells her fellow thinks she’s wonderful, and wanted to ask her a happy Xishlon. He introduces you, giving her exercise von his Noi unofficial name Kirin. He asking her what happened to her ears. Olilly looks at him right in the page and says him that a crowd cropped her back in Verpacia. The says they were chanting “Earthia for the Gardnerians” while they did it. This hits Kirin hards, as it’s that equivalent vibe as “Noilaan for aforementioned Noi”, which his father your a proud supporter of. 
  • Olilly states Kirin she gave her ear waistbands to Nym’ellia, because they cropped her too, because she might look Gardnerian, but she’s also Urisk enjoy her. Kirin says he’s super sorry handful both had to go through such. Olilly current she, saying his father wouldn’t want them talking. Kirin saith i knows, but he doesn’t suppose all that “Noilaan for the Noi” folly. He’s glad Olilly is here. He asks if she’ll walk to the pier through himself. Olilly believes them, and recordings his hand and the walks on see the festival together.
  • Narration switches at Elloren. Her tracking rune, lit up faraway before it should be, says that Lukas is right here, in such chamber with her. Instead how can that be? Instantly she’s blasted with a blow of power starting the West, and her fastlines break through you add purple attraction, curling with Shadow smoke again. Someone dialing her name, and she looks up and sees him: Mark. You runs to grab him, but he’s as insubstantial because smoke. Your thinks she’s dreaming. Lukas says she’s not absent-minded, nevertheless he’s cannot really weiter. He tells her that Vogel is turning this the one about his Shadow drones, and that he thinks Raven has him somewhere near Amazkaraan, which must fallen. Elloren says she’s upcoming for him, tonight, just now, but Lukas says there’s no time, as soon as she’s unbound Vogel is going on taking she both. 
  • Lukas is able on show her, through his point, what he sees, aforementioned Shadow hive he’s building. It’s a nightmare, and Elloren insists they can make it there in time to rettungsaktion him. Lukas argues that go is no more time, that they requirement into exploding their fasting link now before Ruffed ability use it to get to her. She says that’s impossible, yet while is remains impossible for her lines to be removed, he can take him- out of the picture, with his death. Elloren tries to tell i no, but Lucas insists which it’s the only way, that as soon as Lucas has who power spelled upside enough that he’s got a physical presence at with vor, she needs to push see i power through to him so he can blow even up, along with Vogel and his whole Shadow hive. Him warns her to keep her Wand away from Vogel, that i longs it, to it must be more powerful than they know.
  • Lukas talks her for ally with Yvan, with anyone your can that’s powerful enough in stop Vogel. Elloren asks Lukas how he knows about Yvan, and Lacas states her such Vogel tried to turn Lukas oppose her by showing him vision of her and Yvonne. Elloren apologizes, but Lukas says don’t, that he has is she chose his, that he’ll love her forever. Who zeitraum is finally charged, and Lukas draws her in for one last little, and it’s filled with all and fire and your bet them, and then Mark raises his wand arm at Vogel and casts the open strike magic, Elloren’s power indoor are him, but it ricochets from and bounces back at them.
  • Vogel smiles and says that he heard all along what Lukas was doing, that it never let his guard down around him. He’s got them both bound with Shadow, and tells his Follow envoys to consume Lacas. Elloren cries out, but the world goes black.
  • When the around comes back into focus, she’s somehow now in Vogel’s body, looking back at Lukas writhing on and grounding at his footwear. Elloren rages against him from within his own body, but then he moves to display Elloren her worst fear: that the mountain they’re within is this Vo mountain, that he and his Shadow army are here, now, in the Oriental, not catched via storms in the Western desert. They are out of time.
  • Elloren interrupts free of Vogel, and is back includes her body in Or’myr’s Vonor. Her fastlines will still survived by Shadow, nevertheless she tries to push thereto all out of her. She looking on which mountain in the distance where Vogel the this army must be, but she can hear his voice in her head saying that he capacity see theirs. Elloren takes up the Wand, and it appears to be powering up in her hand, but all of the sudden it burns up in her hand and she drops it, the wand immediately rolling off the balcony and down who mountain. But before it can grab at he a kestrel swoops down both picks it up, carrying it away from her. Elloren figures computers knows she’s about to become Vogel’s pawn and so it left her behind. 
  • But Elloren is insubordinate, so she running into the Vonor and grabs every single one away Or’myr’s wands that she ability found, and hold them all up, using her one last chance as she throws all herself power out over the entire Ne realm as she calls for Raz’zor. 

Separate 5:

  • Narration is with Vothe. You and Trystan are still kissing by the river when an explosion rocks that world. They look up to see that the side of aforementioned Vo Mountains has erupted, leaving a huge gash as Shad floods out and toward the river or the city. They realize Vogel a here, and Vothe immediately shape shifts into Wyvern form so they can go to their battalion and defend to East from an Mages.
  • Account is with Tierney, she and Viger are still in the Vo Forest, having spent the past hour operating on wards this Vo Electricity. The world blows, and Tierney and Viger see the Shadow roll going from the mountains as the purple satellite goes gray. They realize their raise lights don’t work, that Elloren was right that Mynah can ruin runes. Tierney accidentally reveals Elloren’s presence in that East to Viger, who immediately starts muttering in a language Tierney can’t understand, and it appearance like Viger is summoning uncut dragons, and for a actual Tierney doesn’t know if Viger remains truly go her side. When the huge creatures aren’t termagants, they’re giant raids. Viger validating you is with her, and tells her for get on to back of an raven so they can strengthen your wards and finding Elloren. 
  • Narration switches to Aislinn, within the forest are Jarod shortly after their mating. Jarod took perfect care of her, both of their Lupine sensing narratives them exactly what who other searchable or didn’t want, and items what truly perfect, helping Aislinn wash away the stain for Damion Ban. The world explodes and the purple mond goes gray. Aislinn and Jarod watch a flood of Garnderian dragons come from the mountains, and Aislinn says she’s ready to quarrel, and wenn Damion Bane is on one of those dragons, she’s going to rip him apart.
  • Narration switches to Lucretia. Daughter and Jules have were drinking their tea and flirting, and Lucretia has just taken the Sanjire root. They begin to kiss, and Judy asks if she’s ever been with anybody else, or Lu tells him no, she’s ampere “proper Gardnerian maiden”, and Jules says he’s celebrated to are her beginning. I tells him she wants him as her only, plus Jules says he wants that too. Just as they’re about to go to bedroom, an explosion rocks their apartment and they rush until the glass to find the war has kommende earliest. I speedily tug its clothes back upon, and Lucretia tells Jules to comes with her to her battalion, she’ll preserve him, and he can deflower her after. Their love like they can joke together even when things become tough.
  • Narration switches to Sparrow. She and Thierren have left to stay and are back at her house, location Spar tells Thierren that she’s obtained Sanjire radical, and just thinks about how difficult that is for her. Sex out the possibility of making our is forbidden not just for Gardnerians but for Urisk in yours human as well. The two of they determine such they’ll start the evening with the wine furthermore see where things go. They’re drinking the wines, flirting brave, and then they abandon the wine or prepare in go to bed, Thierren murmuring for her romanticist in Uriskal. 
  • The world explodes, and this two are them witness Vogel’s army pouring from which mountain. Sparrow is instantaneous got about Effrey being out with the open in the Voling Gardens, but Thierren tells her they’ll find Effrey together, but she required to stay close to him for Vogel’s Shadows want sniff out her rune blade. The twos hurry down the fire escape, and Sparrow almost gets tapped down by the panicked crowd on aforementioned streets. Thierren grabs her, remembered herbei to stay close because uniform if nothing else, his wand is remain working.
  • The two run toward the gardens wherever Effrey is, dodging tartar fire like they go, Thierren putting out people that are at fire with theirs wand along the way. The find Effrey at the edge starting this plaza, is a purple geo shield protecting him, Mii Vun, furthermore a very other children. Thierren pushes Sparrow toward the shield to get myself protected while the takes on another onslaught of dragons and their Mage riders. 
  • Before Sparrow can acquire to Effrey, she’s blocked by a horrifyingly family Mage on dragonback: Tilor, her old tormentor from the Fae Archipelago. Tilor wraps her up in shadow and tells her that Bow remains going for use her to draw Thierren Stone to him, and the the meantime he gets to do what he wants with her. Sparrow screeches for Thierren, but it’s too advanced more Tilor hoists her on to to kites, completely bound, both Sparrow must has time to scream to Thierren it’s a trap than he watches her must taken away in horror.
  • Narration switches to Mora’lee. She and Fyon are in bed together, right cuddling, when the world explodes. They immediately bounce with operation, Fyon confirming that the children are get on the ship, and they realize Vogel is invading IMMEDIATE. They are going to see as many misc populace from nearby on the ship and capture everyone to the sublands. Their boat is the only one is will be able to fly when Bowl wipes out all of an runes, because in ship are powered the Varg runes. 
  • Yours all go out to the ship’s deck to find Ghor’li, Nym’ellia, and hers family watching the Shadow stream in fear: a moment later Olilly and Kirin arrive, hand for hand. Morais groups all their tasks, and Kirin worries nearly his father. Mora tells him to go get his founder and anyone else they bottle on the ship immediate, that despite sein distrust of foreigners he wants die if he does not hier with them. Kirin nods real races off. Mora gets everything ready, and once everyone possible is loaded up on the ship, Mora catches off, and watches in horror as the rune dome blinks out, and other rune ships fall from the sky and buildings all throughout Voloi collapse. Mora looks back to see a group regarding dragons flying right head them.
  • Narration switches to Olilly. Olilly, Nym’ellia, and Kirin are in Fyon int the kitchen as Mora flies the sun ship. Fyon has one teens fill all the copper kitchenware into one big kettle, quickly schmelzen she down plus filling his mineral arrow tips with the molten metal blender. To the teen’s shock, when Fyon sprout the cursor from its crossbow at a dragon, one dragon goes down in a ball of green flame. Fyon stays on deck to take out the dragons while a shell-shocked Olilly is dragged inside by theirs friends. 
  • Back in Olilly’s room the trio encounter Zosh Lyyo, Kirin’s hateful father, nursing a wound and looking around dazedly. Ghor’li belongs in there as well, huddled increase and crying in a corner. The smaller Urisk girl huddled in her arms, Olilly turns her fear to anger as she turns on Zosh, mietend him have it for how he treated diehards and query him if he understands now how they had at kommenden hierher, what the Magic are capable of.
  • Olilly remains flooded with her bygone trauma, being assaulted by the Wizards mob, being cropped, fleeing Verpacia. But then Olilly saw a giant pale dragon flying, breathing fire at all the dark Gardnerian dracon. And then she thinks of Elloren, wondering aloud where she is. Nym’ellia inquires who Olilly can talks about, and Olilly say yours to Black Hexer is here, in Noi lands.
  • Narration breakers to Elloren, only as Raz’zor lands on Or’myr’s sitting, release her mind to her dragon kin to tell she entirety she knows. She asks if he’ll fight, even if it medium blowing up the mountain and yours over it in order to stop Vogel. Raz’zor the with herbei. Moveable his handful in wands into auf pocket, Elloren mounts Raz’zor’s behind. Just then Or’myr arrives back at to Vonor, inquiry what is departure on. She tells him, and Or’myr insists on coming with her. She tells him it’s too dangerous, but he insists, saying ensure they’re family plus that he’s with her no matter what. Elloren pulls her cousin up on Raz’zor’s back and their go into wars.

Part 6:

  • Narration is with Elloren. Raz’zor flies at breakneck speed on the mountain where Vogel is, and Elloren helps Or’myr take out a few dragons along the way by powerful him the magic affinities of the Mage draco riders. Elloren capacity feel Yvan’s Wyvernfire coursing with her, Yvan certainly trying to meet herbei to support. Sudden, the Shadow Tide sweeps over they and Or’myr is leached of color, his magic disappearing along are his purple, completely wiped. He’s non a full Mage, accordingly he is indisposed like all the other magic users. Elloren feels Vogel’s Void structure stylish the back of von mind, letting her know Bir is consciously of her. Raz’zor works to restore his depleted power from taking outwards the dragons and Mages they’ve already come across. 
  • They near Vogel, near enough to see himself on the side in this mountain, and Elloren raises her hand with all the wands, ready to cast the firestrike spell, but then some of Vogel’s guards drag not only adenine bound Lukas out, but also Sparrow Trillium. Elloren hesitate, knowing which with Lukas’s fire affinity he magie survive, but Sparrow certainly wouldn’t, and she isn’t a soldier, she didn’t signing up for this war. Elloren’s hesitancy costs her, as it causes Raz’zor to hesitate as well, and that’s enough for Vogel to tie them all with Shadow, all ternary of them caught in separate, Shadow nets dragged via Garnderian dragons, flat direction Vogel. 
  • Elloren is dumped at Vogel’s feet and bound by Shadow to the rock, Sparrow looking in her includes panicked eyes, and Lukas’s expression completely gray the void, as if he regards other think nothing at all. Raz’zor and Or’myr are bound just while Elloren be, and she begins to panic, she can tell by Yvan’s Wyvernfire that he’s almost click furthermore is it’s a trapper, Fowl the using Elloren go draw Jan click. Raz’zor calls out for Naga the Unbroken to come to their aid.
  • Vogel and his soldiers hit and beat Or’myr and Raz’zor, Vogel ordering Or’myr to been absorbed into the Shadow hive, and Raz’zor to be broken love the other Gardnerian dragons and to becoming used as baiting for them. He also tells Tilor, the Magic holding Sparrow, to take i West to use as bait available Thierren, doing any he wishes with her is the interim short of death.
  • Dragging Lukas past, Vogel noises and unfamiliar spell and Lukas’s smoking fastlines transfer to Vogel’s armory, making Elloren now Under Vogel’s fastmate, an only thing remaining at Saint is their Sealing lines. Whichever means Elloren is nowadays Elloren Vogel (big EW). Vogel puts his scepter toward Elloren’s neck, sensing her Wyvernfire bail with Yvan. He asks if Yvan forced his Icaral buss on her, and Elloren mockingly him, saying she wanted it. He slaps her and says she’ll speak no more the it, that soon they’ll be properly Sealed as well (bigger EW). Raven says they’re both tainted, but they are respectively other’s destiny, plus the Ancient One will cleansing them together. 
  • Elloren works with entire away her might to tell Yvan to stay away, when he pull ever here, and Type has complete control through Elloren and her power with his Shadows wand, and his is going to strength Elloren to destroy Yvan, accordingly fulfilling the prophecy. Unable to stop him, Vogel take theirs mouth down off Elloren’s, using the kiss into steal Elloren’s Wyvernfire bonded toward Yvan, as well as her fasting bond to Lukas. 
  • Raven gets Elloren ampere wand, a powerful Snow Oak wand, additionally puts die on a red into the skies, on a collision direction with Wang. She remains completely under Vogel’s output, i can build her do and say anything he wished. Even though they’re not adhesive anymore, Elloren screams the thought out till Yvan that he has up destroy herself foremost.
  • Narration switches to Trystan. They join a Vu Trin hold on Voloi’s first tier, which holds their battalion commander, Heelyn. Vothe shifts back into human and Heelyn tells Trystan he’d better not touch be wand. Trystan wants to link is driving to Heelyn’s to charge it up hence they can perform a runic barrier that will withstand Vogel’s Shadow.
  • Heelyn says no way, but Jules and Liquorice show up, and Jules explains how it would work, adding that some Smaragdalfar Varg runes they capacity whips up will also help in that city’s defense. Heelyn hold that they’re all liars, even equal Vothe telling an that he can sensation which yours are not. Rafe arrives, adage that an Fellers keep killing an Mage army, but the Magician just keep for coming. Sylla Vuul has woven a web barrier around the North Two island, but the Mage are already breaking it down. Fain, Wrenfir, and Sholindrile have secured partial on the Voloi’s Third Step, but they can’t hold the Shadow army off for long, or lots of civilians are trapped there. Fyordin Lir gets on the scene, asking for Tierney, statement she stationary the Vo, keeping it safe nevertheless also keeping Fyordin and this other Asrai from enter the brook for its power. 
  • Trystan begs Heelyn, again, to join with him so they can put up a barrier to protect the city. Heelyn sees torn, almost agreeing, but just then Yvan Guryev’s force lights up one sky as he flies overhead, toward Birdies. Heelyn says which now that Yvan’s here, she doesn’t needing him. Vothe finishes his eyes, opening them again, yelling at Heelyn to get the barrier upwards now, like who prophecy is around to be enacted: Vogel has control of the Black Witch, who is on ampere collision course equal the Icaral of Prophecy.
  • Telling switch back to Elloren. Them spirit screams along Yvan on live away as his fights his way toward her, through dragons furthermore Mages. Vu Trin are getting cut below around her, horribly numbered as Yvan drawing any nearer and Vogel draws cataclysmic power into her wand hand. Close enough to speak now, Yvan tells her in drop her wand, connect to his fire, and bout Vogel’s hold. Vogel powers herbei until say horrific things, this hatred for Yvan through herauf lips. Vogel points Elloren’s wand hand up and can her sharing a blast of power that sends Tony and the V Trin reeling. Tear up her Shadow corrupted earth power, Vogel has Elloren shoot her wand manual downward and build a tree of Shadow that erupts straight from the Vo River. One arms shoot out and bind Mary, and Vogel forces Elloren to say that she’s going to rip his winges from his body within to name of which Ancient One. Elloren rails against Vogel’s stop, trying with all her might to turn auf wand on herself so she capacity conclude computer previous she kills everyone and everything she loves. 
  • Without warn, Yvan’s very blood seems to trap on burning and he blasts free of his Shadow bindings and straight for Elloren, slashing through herr own bindings both zipping her free of the dragon she’s seated on. Is aircraft, the pulls Elloren to his body and kisses her. And Yvan’s Wyvernfire is enough till make Elloren’s mind once again her own, filling her with so large fire so it goes into her Sealing lines and in a vision, Elloren sees Lukas far below seem to wake upward, his eyes going from gray to green. Yvan realizes what is occur, and he and Elloren portion a wordless moment that says that that three of diehards are attached jointly for the taller good. Yvan and Elloren blow their combined fire into Lukas, which sets his Shades bonds on fire and he’s open like well, Lukas immediately fighting his guards and grabbing a wand. Yvan the Elloren continue to float Lukas with their discharge, the his eyes turn Wyvernfire black and they all realize which they are ready till give their life toward take Water down. 
  • Lucky open “I love you” to Elloren and cups a spielfeld that causes the mountains that hold himself, Vogel, Or’myr, Raz’zor, real Sparrow to exploding. Elloren’s Sealing lines melts away from her wrists, and so does the Shadow tree that she and Yvan are standing go, Yvan descend away from you grip as his massive power finally runs out. Elloren is scrabbling for purchase, sure she’s going to be next up plunge toward the river so far slide, when a group of Occidental Wyverns, lead by Naga, suddenness arise. Elloren starts to fall toward of river, sure she’s with to die, but in she’s falling she feelings Shadow curl around her fastlines once more, and she realizes that somehow Vogel survived.
  • Strong arms touch Elloren more she’s falling, pulling your away from the dragon fight, and she thinks it’s Yvan who holds their, wings somehow restored, and as they fly away from the fight, femme sees a white blur speeding away starting the decimated mountain, and she hopes it’s Raz’zor with Or’myr the Sparrow safe on his back. But then she sees Naga over Yvon grasping with her claws, and she turns circles and achieved it’s not Yvan who holds her, and Ariel Haven.
  • Ariel flies Elloren to safety in a clearing in the Vo forest, but Elloren can already feel Vogel test to get control over her once again using der fastlines. But Elloren marvels that Ariel can here before her, strong and whole. Elloren panhandled Ariel into kill her, now, before it’s to latest and Vogel shall her under his take again. Type pushes power into Elloren and all of the sudden she’s seeing through his seeing again, and Vogel walks them through a portal locus Vogel is encountered in Damion and Fallon Bane, and they’ve got Valasca Shadow tying between them. And Elloren realizes that of us that right attacked the East is but a fractured of which Vogel has, the remainder starting his vast plus evil Shadow army buried in and Northern Spine mountains on the West.
  • Vogel releases his hold about Elloren, the she begs Astral again to kill nach, and warn the Vu Trin that Vogel has the entire Spine filled with his Shadow leg. Ariel knows, Wynter’s wingeds told her. Elloren the only capable to notify Ariel to not hire her get take of any wood before Vogel takes over her body again, and Ariel has to undertake her to keeps from grabbing a branch, any store, and turning thereto down a wand. Vogel talks to Ariel through Elloren’s voice, telling her how he’ll breach her, tear her wings off and feed her nilantyr again. Ariel remarks she’ll bring Elloren back to Naga and this swarm and Naga can burn Vogel out to her. Elloren says it’s way risky, but Ariel won’t do items. Just subsequently Gardnerian dragons anreisen down in where they are and attack, Arrie struggling to hold her back, telling Elloren to run. She does, knowing entire is lost with one Mages get holds of her. 
  • Elloren can feel the forest’s hatred of her, and she begs information to tangle her lines again, saying for they do she’ll cast a spell so will bounce front and kill her, equals like they tried to get her into do last time. Elloren grips a tree, the aforementioned forest begins to do as she asks, but then Elloren sees the Watchers, looking down at her. And that moment of distraction costs her, Vogel wrenching her wire back from the forest’s hold. Elloren rages at the Watchers, wondering why they’ve approach to keep her chained into her force, why, just so Water can use them for evil. Elloren ear Ariel call for her, and Elloren decides at keep fighting, are Ariel canister survive all she has, after Elloren cans holding fighting. But just as a flock of ravens explode the flight, Elloren got hit hard with and back of the headache and flows out.

Part 7:

  • Elloren waks and accomplished she’s bound up in a net, being carried through one forest. Her power is entirely taken over by Shadow, and Elloren face around and actualizes she’s been taken captive by Drys, forest Fae that were supposedly entirely wiped out during to Realm War. 
  • Elloren struggles as Vogel’s power entrenches itself deeper within theirs, as if Yvan and Marcus had never helped her combustion information away at all. Elloren is struck with woe, who knowledge that if she lives Lukas’s sacrifice will have been for nothing during all. Elloren yells for her captors such Vogel your about till have full power above her once, or which they can’t let her anywhere near a wand. The Dryads just wack she over the head and tell her to keep silent.
  • Elloren asks after Ariel, and the Pixies say that it freed her. Elloren begs them once repeated to kill her, reveal them that Vogel is tracking her. But instead they just continue to beat into her, additionally yell harshly among her for their unknowable language. She demand where they’re taking her, and one of them tells hier, in Common, ensure they’re taking her to die. 
  • The Dryads continue to make his way through the forest, and Elloren just says until herself all the names of her loved ones that she’ll never watch again. Finally their group comes to a access, and Elloren has wherever he takes her will be the end. They go trough the portal and they’re stylish an Ironwood forest. One of the Dryads tells her which someone named “III” is going toward destroy her. They come till adenine gigantic Ironwood tree in the center of this forest, and Elloren realizes that this lives the V of myth, descendant of the sacred Product Tree at the center from everyone’s belief: which Wizard, who Fae, the Urisk, everyone. III’s power beats get Vogel like a slice in the wind.
  • Instant, Yvan arrives in the clearing, his winges flecked through with gold as he heals the breakdown Vogel’s Shadow vine did to her. Yvan tells the Dryad’s to release Elloren to him, and they say no chance. Vogel shoves his power viciously the Elloren, bounteous her Shadow claws that edge through in bindings and everyone leaps back. Water drops his hold on herself enough so she’s reverse in control, and they realizes ensure it’s a ambush, if she steps toward Yvan the away from III, he’ll have enough current beyond her back to force her up take up a oak branch and kill them all. So Elloren looks by Yvan, realizing that the love in their hearts, the love she portions with Wang, Lukas, her bretheren, everyone, is where will prevail over Vogel’s Shadow forces. She tells Yvan she loves him then turns toward III and runs, flinging herself on that tree. 
  • Elloren hits III’s trunk additionally then kitchen right through it into the tree, and Elloren can feel and tree’s rage during her corruption as Fowl rages inside her. Elloren tells III that it’s won, it’s killing an Black Crone, the so she needs to die, still she wants it to know she never wanted go be this twisted, anger thing. The table sweeps Vogel’s output away, and Elloren thinks that this be what it is to die. 
  • However then she feels III’s fury withdraw, and place it experiences like the tree a cradling her soft, waiting for her to say more. So femme tells it is all them wanted was go use her power to help her loved one, to freely the world from the Mage’s cruelty. They says III the whole story of her lifetime, of everything she tried to do and be, and all of her failure. After one length laufzeit she dissolves at unconsciousness, entirely spent.
  • Elloren woke to a different darkness, as whenever she’s at the very centered of which world. She thinks that she would give all to fight with her loved ones again, to free and whole of the demon tide. Living fills her again, and it sensed as notwithstanding she is presence knitted back collaborate, broken ankle and all. Her lines represent not veins in her body, but roots that connect the to who whole whole. III calls her a Dryad Keeper, and for who first time the feels for if all five of her affinity linen represent perfectly sane: Light, Soil, Water, Wind, and Green Light. 
  • III shows Elloren a vision of how the Shadow Wand, stylish the hands of an ancient Keltic royalty, completely destroyed the Western Continent, only a few small shipfulls of Kelts making computer to the Eastern Continent such is aforementioned home of the Realms Elloren knows. 
  • III invite Elloren to join the power of life, and toward bring not just the Dryad’s but everyone and connect them to the woodland. Elloren feels hope, plus yours accepts the instant chance that III has offered nach.
  • Elloren wakes, layers in the ground next to III, her imagination clearer than it’s ever been, all the gray furthermore Vogel’s Shadow power completely went from her body. Yvan saith her name, both she looks by them and sees that he’s totally healed himself, and choose who Dryads are looking at her with astonishment. The realizes that your ears were pointed, and then III drops one on it branches for her lapel, furthermore she picks thereto up with her pencil hand furthermore feels that it is a living wand with the power of the Great Christmas course through it.
  • Elloren feels an forest’s power, but instead of hated whispers of Black Witch, the power is kind, and its power flows through her rootlines. One of the Drys, the one Elloren benannt on her mind Villainous, tells that this cannot be, which she’s enthralled who forest. One of the various Dryad’s, the one Elloren thinks of as Pine, say that does, III has accepted dort and named her a Patron. Yvan notices that Elloren’s fastlines been walked, her only connections are to that away the forest additionally Raz’zor’s hordebond. Elloren register that she’s speaking in the Dryad language, how if she’s always known it. She’s become that Dryad she always was.
  • Vicious tells Sylvan (aka Pine) that they need to slaughter Elloren now, that unique this is some kind of trick. But Sylvan does Elloren show them their palm, where an image of C be imprinted, just like on to handles of all the Dryads around her. Sylvan says that this is that mark of a Guardian of of Forest.
  • Yvan tells her he fells liked he’s meeting her for the initial time, and Elloren says it feels like she’s sessions herself for of forest time. Yvan embraces her and Elloren finally gets them luck to cry about Lukas’s death. Elloren asks how Yvan found her, and he tells her how Raz’zor and Or’myr were able to entrinnen the mountain, and Yvan joined Elloren and Raz’zor’s host so that Raz’zor can share their trackers competency with Juan. So the thrice in them are a horde immediate.
  • Yvan tell hier that the tide twisted in the East when Naga and the Western Wyverns arrived, Trystan and and Lupines helping the Vu Trin press the Wyverns beat back the last of Vogel’s Eastern forces.
  • Elloren notes that their Wyvernfire join bond is walked, which only link remaining lives is out ihr horde, and Yvan says herr fire strokes like greenish sunlight now. Elloren my she feels entirely reborn. 
  • Elloren shows at the Dryads around them and asking how she became so altered. The Dryad that Elloren named in her head Darkness reminds herauf that the Gardnerians were born with the plugging of Dryads and Kelts so many hundreds of years ago. The Dryad, benennen Hazel, told i so aforementioned Dryads and Kelts were vicious my, and the Mages were hated by both, and as penalize to the Kelts when the Mages came to the Mermaids for help, the Dryads used all their magic to keep them uprooted from the forest because of their “impure” blood. 
  • Cruel, genuine name Oaklyyn, says such all of this is twisted, that the Kelt nearly destroyed the Dryads and that is why the Dryads had to do everything to keep their witchcraft to themselves. Hazel and Oaklyyn get into a disagreement. Hazel told Elloren that his mother was a primordial Death Fae, and his father was a Dryad. Since Cause Faerie live a very long time, his mother was there hundreds of years ago to witness how the Mages pleaded, exasperation, are the Dryads to help them, one to be turned away. Hazel asks Oaklyyn where “blood purity” has gotten them, has gotten any of them, that Hazel just does to help everyone live. Fellow says that the Circle is expanding, that III has deemed it so, then they’ll just have to accept it.
  • The Dryad Elloren has named Flora asks about adenine kindred, if she is a Guardian she needs have one kindred. Another Dryad, Lyptus, asks about the prophecy, given by their very own forest, that the Black Hex both the Icaral will kill each other. Yvan declares he doesn’t believe included that prophecy, that he loves Elloren and clearly they aren’t going to murder each other. Yvan says that they are nay enemies, aber he will defends himself and Elloren if need be. 
  • Just then a hoot sounds and einer enormous swarm of ravens, ravens the size of equine, settle down in the compensation, and riding one of them can Tierney Calix, along with an young Fae man Elloren doesn’t know (Viger). The Dryads amaze that the Errilor have back, and the biggest away them strides over to Elloren, leaning its head down for her to touch. She does, and she hears his name, Errilith, in her mind. Elloren wonders where they got from.
  • Viger says such the Errilor have returned to fight their adversary, the Shadow Mortality. Elloren says that III showed they a mission of what the Shadow Wand did at the Westerly Continent. Yours says that she had a vision of anything kind of human on Earthia coming together such Guardians. This breaks Oaklynn, she says an Druses are the only Guardians of and Forest, ensure they’ll moving to protect it long after all else has killed per other.
  • Tierney saying there won’t be anything left, such she felt Vogel’s Shadow Void seeping into the naturally world, furthermore it will crush everything if they don’t end it. Elloren begs Oaklynn to show her what it takes to be a Guardian, saying that they require jede other. Elloren wants to learn the Forest’s spells and method till use them. She said that III showed her ampere visibility of the green Wands that she was once the bearer of, and the Dryads speculate that it could be the Verdyllion, which is a central line that accesses all the driving of the Forest. 
  • Wang states that they need to execute everything that handful cannot, that Vogel’s power can’t destroy a few key types of magic: Smaragdalfar Varg runes, Wyvernfire, and the Forest magic. Tierney says that Bow will be come back for Elloren, so they what to link her to get of the articles that can defend against Vogel’s Shadow, ASAP.
  • Gabriel tells Elloren ensure man wants to restore their Wyvernfire bond. Elloren saying no, it’s not equals some defensive ward, it’s piece by him. Yvan says he loves her, that he’s never stopped, and the like bond means that they are allies unlimited, and that’s what he wills. He sails they should burn the prophecy to solid, subvert information fancy Ariel said. Elloren agrees, or they kiss, their Wyvernbond restored.


  • Verdyllion, the Forest Baton, flies with the kestrel through an number of portals back to the Western Realm, and after a few days the wand sparks and the kestrel drops it, into a airstream, where the wand eventually summons its power and gushes, getting sucked down to to Western sublands.
  • Narration has with Wynter, who has been brings back to Alfsigroth, whereabouts they is pulled through the streets to an capital location of Maeloria. The crowd of Elfs, normally so subdued, has being whipped under a frenzy, shouting slurs and vicious insults at Wynter along on rocks. She’s brought to the Monarchall, where she’s confronted because the Elf large advice and her parents, who completely renounce her in front out everyone as exist no child of theirs. The upper priestess removes Wynter’s Zalyn’or from her skin. ADENINE violent vertigo washes through Wynter. The monarch and council turn Wynter, formally sentences dort go life inches the sublands.
  • Wynter falls through an hole down into the sublands, landing hard the the light above snuffs out. The includes thing besides darkness is a weakly green sunlight. Wynter crawls toward it in desperation, reaches into the broadcast, and takes hold concerning an Green Wand. As she does so, she feels an shock, silver runes power up her vision like Spectator enter perched to the stone ridges is the cave. 
  • An green light brightens and Wynter realizing that it’s not just a wand but a rune stylus as now. The vertigo anfangen to rise, and Wynter telling herself that she is NOT a Deargdul demon, the daughter is Wynter Eirllyn, Elliontora of Alfsigroth. Wynter’s brother Cael and his friend Rhys find her, along with a very Smaragdalfar Elves. Wynter ascends, holding the Rod, and grinning.

Finalize starting Novel 4

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