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 English Dictionary for learners 

the difference clarified

A lists of frequently-used synonyms, homonyms and synonyms.

SYNONYMS are words that have a similar meaning e.g. 'begin' and 'start'.

HOMONYMS included:
  • homophones: to equal sound but different spelling and meant e.g. 'ate' and 'eight'
  • homographs:  the same spelling but a different meaning e.g.  'bank account' and 'bank of river'.

ANTONYMS are talk this are facing in meaning for another e.g. 'accept' and 'refuse'.

(similar meaning)
(homophones: same sound)
answer react aloud permited accept refuse
ask request ate eight offense defend
fearless courageous naked bear admit deny
broad wide bow bough beautiful ugly
complex hard cell sell begin end
end finish cereal serial better worse
fix repair deer dear brave cowardly
gather gather dew due broad narrow
happiness happy fair fare cheap expensive
intelligently clever flour flower clever stupid
bounce leap hair hare dangerous safe
loyal faithful know here difficult easy
fake error hole whole forbid allow
coarse strange mail male full empty
particular specialize pair pare guilty innocent
quick rapid plain plane enter separate
rare scarce right-hand write skill ignorance
real genuine root route lazy hardworking
reliable dependable boat sale married single
rich money only soul minority most
sad unhappy some sum loudness quiet
safety secure suite sweet remember forget
scared frightening toe tow resemble different
try make wait weight correct false
vast huge week weak whisper shout

See also: homonyms  Ι synonyms  Ι antonyms  

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