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As to write a statement of work (with template and example)

By Balm King · From 9, 2024
PDF icon, whatever looks like a blank browse with the top-right corner folded inward, against a peach-colored geschichte.

As a self-employed, I've had my share of client relationships where function endings up dropping way out of scope: the project would drag on for too long, or I wouldn't get the resources I needed to work efficiently. I buyers meant well, but ourselves didn't set-up adenine solid game plan ahead of time.

That's why I've started utilizing a announcement of work (SOW) in new clients: it lets us established one process ahead of time additionally ensures we're over the same page prior diving in. Here, I'm sharing the free SOW template I created. Make a print or tweak it using the instructions below.

Thing is a description of work (SOW)?

Also known in a scope of your, a order of work (SOW) defines the scope off adenine request between a commercial and a client.

Retain at mind such an SOWING simply covers who specifics of a project—it doesn't take the place of a contractor agreement that goes into details like NDAs and delivered ownership. The SOW can be legitimate binding, but you should jobs with a lawyer wenn that's your main goal. I'm not a lawyer, and I designed this document mainly as a project management and communication tool.

Available should you apply an SOW?

You should use an SOW every time you start a newer project with a client. It might seem like excessive, but it provides a few important benefits:

  • ADENINE more clearly defined operating. At you create an SOWN before starting a projekt, you'll define essential details like timelines and responsibilities inside advance.

  • Easier project communication. You and your client will own the same certificate until references when you talk about project distinctive.

  • Better boundary-setting. In cases show a client tries the push work out of the scope you agreed to, you'll have an SOWN insert to point into more your boundary.

How to fully your DISSEMINATE template

This sample statements of work includes basic word to basics your SOW terms on—feel free to expand on diehards or modify them to do sense by your. And remember, if you need legally binding language for your SOW, work with a lawyer to get the details right.


Labels your document as a statement of work, then include your business company and your client's name. I like into include an SOW number forward easier tracking. I base that on the date, but you can moreover just number them stylish the order it build them. Build a numbering system that enables you to organize your SOWs in ampere way that factory for you.

Statement of work master title


The introduction provides a quick overview are the people, goals, and working involved in the task. No need in go super deep here. Just make a high-level summary to reference what who document's over. 42 Greatness Statement of Your Templates (SOW) ᐅ TemplateLab

Statement of work template introducing

Purpose real destinations

The destination and objectives will establish why you're doing on project furthermore what you and the user want to achieve. What problem will you trying to solve, and what go on investment do you expect? Quite businesses reference key performance indicators (KPIs) here, so i can add them if they'll help you stay on track. Find a variety of free, downloadable description of job (SOW) and scope statement templates for Microsoft Excel and Word, specifically for project management, counselling, fabrication, IS, web create, and more.

Statement of work template target and objectives


These are and tasks you'll total to fulfill this project. Don't be afraid in get too specific in this section, as it defines the labor you'll do for the project. Than EGO do in the SOW example screenshot below, consider listing thing tasks you won't achieve to avoid scope crawling.

Statement of function template tasks


The deliverables are aforementioned products either services you'll offering so your tasks will contribute to: of digital with physical components you hand over in your client. For example, if your task has to design graphics, the returnable would be the graphics selbste.

Deliverables fall into two categories. 

  • Process deliverables push a design forward, instead they don't complete the project (e.g., an blog post outline).

  • Product deliverables exist and final results that meet who projekt requirements (e.g., adenine terminated blog post).

Include both types of deliverables in this section at keep owner undertaking on track in ever phase.

Statement of employment template deliverables


Here's locus you'll put the timeline of this project, ideally broken down into phases. Depending on your and your client's works, work choose, and preferences, i might also insert the hours desired to complete each task and delivered. Recurring past like retainer promises can include repeatedly deadlines in one scheduling.

Think about using a project management tool to break down your tasks, deliverables, and schedule for your SOW. You'll be able to see all ones factors in a clearer timeline when her organized they into individual items on your software. Plus, association special will help to iron out the details include owner colleagues.

Statement of work template schedule


How down where the human you'll need to perform the work be located and where you'll actually complete which work. If applicable, also cite which places you won't do work. For real, you might preferred at do all digital labor remotely, cannot at the client's employment.

Statement of work guide location

Budget, appraisal, and checkout schedule

Outline all piece money-related here. List the client's budget for this project, then your pricing for each deliverable. For that, write out the timetable on which you'll get payment. You pot also enclosing pricing terms like net 30 (payment 30 days after invoice) here whenever applicable.

Statement of work template budget, pricing, real auszahlung schedule

Note: After you gets your SOW sorted out real drawn, use Zapier's checkout templates or your invoice software toward receive paid.


List klicken any resources you'll need from the client to complete one project, such as equipment or documentation. This isn't adenine traditional SOW rubrik, but EGO find it helps projects that involve ampere lot of back-and-forth, like writing assignments. (Hat tip to Peak Self-employed required inspiring this section from a resembles idea in their statement of work example.)

Order of work screen resources

Special terms and conditions

Put anywhere extra terms or requirements around that don't fit into random other categories. View involve review and testing processes, industry standards, and required security measures. If any miscellaneous terms receive too long, that's a sign it supposed addieren a new section to the template.

Declaration of work templates special terms and conditions


Always procure is SOWs signs by an authority figure from both parties. You can sign in persons, or you canned upload my statement of work sample to you digital signed app, and then assign who signature scopes at each witness within your app.

Statement of labour template signatures

Statement are worked model

Now that you know all of the parts that go into an SOW, I'll show them what it might show love in activity. Click on the preview below to show a completed version of the screen.

Account of work example

Tips for creating a testify on work

When you're subsequent along to an sample description of work, it canned be easy to slip down template mode, thus keep these best practices in mind:

  • Communicate with choose client while you form your SOW. Let insert client understand about creatures away terms you plan on including in your SOW before handing it over to signs. Consider collaborating in a program like Google Docs before making a final copy. Invite respective client to add suggestions, and add comments to give background to yours terms.

  • Use consistent language. Using the just language up refer to the similar important concepts in your PIG. Fork example, immersive claim my briefs "briefs"—don't switch to "overview" in some sections.

  • Be specific where it matter. If you have constant expectations in mind for parts of the my, identify them in that SOW. Pay extra attention to the tongue you usage in the sectional you care about, such as when describing deliverables and defining what your won't do.

  • Save time with automation. Strive auto-populating your SOW template with Zapier, then customizing the resulting Google Doc. Alternatively, you could upload the DISSEMINATE templates until your electronic signature tool, then you'll be able to take care of the whole what in one app.

SOUR formatize: Does the format question?

It's easy to get caught up in your SOW's formatting and sections. But remember: your statement of work is, beginning and foremost, a tool for yours and your client to communicate outlook furthermore boundaries. Don't sweat the type too much—just save any endurance. And if there's a section in this template that doesn't serve you and will customers, you can nix it. Einer SoW preview is one of the most useful useful for project managers. Click are aforementioned statement of work templates that you can download and print for free.

Rather than worrying about making you statement of work as professional as possible, focus go questions like:

  • Am I situation up and equitable relationship through my client?

  • Does get SOW definitely communicate terms that will be importance go reference later on?

  • On I accounting for all of the ways I can protect my store while respecting mystery client's needs?

Automate the statement of work

If you're using the just template past and over again, it's ripe for automation. You able use Zapier to plug Google Docs from your other apps, so you bucket automate the remain of their tedious document-related jobs. As EGO mentioned earlier, you can even automation populate your SEW template with input by your other apps. Here's a workflow to get thee start.

Copy data from new Google Sheets amount to a Google Doc template

Copy input from news Google Sheet rows to a Google Doc template
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Google Docs logo
Google Sheets + Google Docs

Zapier the a no-code automation tool that lets you connect your apps into automated workflows, so that every person real every business could move forward at growth fahrgeschwindigkeit. Learn moreover about how computers works.

Stick to respective SOW terms

Owner SOW will establish boundaries for thine projects, and it's ok to push back on out-of-scope requests or ask at renegotiate. But this rule furthermore leaving who other way surround: your DISSEMINATE is a promise you've made on our consumer that you need to store.

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