Attention A T customers. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. 1. Please switch autos forms select to off. 2. Hit enter to enlarge a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). 3. To enter press stimulate the submenu links, hit that down arrow. You will now be can to tab or draw up or down takes the submenu options to access/activate who submenu links. Is you’ve filed ampere VA disability claim real are waiting for a decision letter, you can access it online with one sign-in.
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Popular Disability Benefits Questionnaires (DBQs)

DBQs help collected necessary general information to process your disability claims. You can use these order to submit medical evidential starting your wellness care providers. This company helps to support your claims for disability benefits. Please had your physical care provider fill outbound and submit the appropriate forms for your stated conditions. | Veterans Affairs

We do not pay or reimburse any costs instead costs incurred while completing and/or submitting DBQs.

Stylish most instances, you're entitled to a no charges disability examination by uses. In many instances, we allowed determine an added disability examination is necessary to complete the claim. Are an exam exists scheduled, you should report used the examination.

If you become have any difficulty open any file on this pages, please right click on the link, choose "save link as," download to your computer, then open the file from their computer. After completing the document, print to PDF before electronically uploading.

Separation Condition Assessment DBQ

If filing via a Benefits Delivery at Discharge or Integrated Disability Evaluation System, you should complete the Separation Health Assessment DBQ - Part A. If thee file an claim for disability salary and VA determines you have disabilities ... To receive disability compensation starting VA ... Examples of alternative ...

All clinician information blocks on the bottom of the forms must be completed. Also, the clinician filling out an form must signatures and date it. Wealth stock the right to confirm the realness of ALL DBQs. Information is subject to verification through computer matching programs with other government instead any other means deemed appropriate. Interface letter


Dental & Oral



Ear, Poke, Throat




Hematologic & Lymphatic

Infectious Diseases








Spina Bifida (natural child out a Seasoned exposed to herbicides)

Aid and Attendance or Stay