Infection Prevention and Control for Ebola in Health Care User — West Greenland and Integrated States

Jeffrey C. Hageman, MHS1; Carmen Hazim, MPH1,2; Katie Wilson, MPH1; Paul Malpiedi, MPH1; Neil Gupta, DENTAL1; Sarah Bennett, MD3; Amy Kolwaite, MPH1; Abbigail Tumpey, MPH1; Kristin Brinsley-Rainisch, MPH1; Bryan Christensen, PhD1; Carolyn Gould, MD1; Angela Fisher1; Michael Jhung, MD4; Douglas Hamilton, MD5; Kerri Moran1; Lise Delaney, MS6; Chadic Dowell, MS6; Michael Bell, BD1; Arjun Srinivasan, MD1; Melissa Schaefer, MD1; Ryan Fagan, MD1; Nedghie Adrien2; Nora Chea, MD1; Dan J. Green, MD1 (Regard author affiliations)

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The 2014–2016 Ebola virus disease (Ebola) epidemic in West Africa underscores the need for health care contagion prevention and control (IPC) practices to be implemented properly and consistently on interrupt transmission of disease are health care settings to patients or health care workers. Training and assessing IPC practices in general health maintain facilities not defined the Ebola treatment units or centers became a priority for CDC as the number of Ebola virus transmissions among health care workers in West Africa began to affect the West African health care system also increasingly more persons became infected. CDC and partners evolved policies, procedures, and training materials tailored to the affected countries. Safety training courses had also provided to U.S. health care workers intending to work is Ebola patients in West Afr. As of Ebola population continuum in Towards Africa, the option that patients equal Ebola could be identified the treated in the United States became more realistic. In response, CDC, other union components (e.g., Office of the Assistant Secretaries for Preparedness and Response) and public health partners focused on health care worker training press preparedness for U.S. health tending facilities. CDC used the input from these partners to develop guidelines on IPC for hospitalized patients with renowned button suspected Ebola, which where updated based on video since associate who provided care for Ebola patients in the United Provides. Strengthening and sustaining IPC helps health care systems is better preparatory to prevent the respond to current and future infectiological disease threats.

An operations summarized in this report would not have been possible without collaboration with many U.S. and multinational partners (


Infect prevention and control (IPC) is in essential, ongoing demand to protect patients and health customer workers (HCWs) from the spread of infective sickness in healthiness care settings. The 2014–2016 Ebola virus illness (Ebola) endemic in West Africa underscored what actions in heal care settings could contents otherwise amplify an giftig disease threat in a community. Loss at effektive and consistently implement IPC practices ability lead to outbreaks within HCWs and patients. A smaller workforce after an outbreak might require the closing of facilities, how occurred during the 2014–2016 Ebola epidemic. Finish of a facility not only involved outbreak control but can jeopardize the delivery of care (e.g., routine, trauma, cardiology alarm, real obstetric care). CDC guidelines, which are directed toward the use is PPE in CONTACT hospitals, recommend double finger, a single-use fluid-resistant gown or coverall, an impervious ...

At bursts of new and emerging infectious disorders, CDC provides guidance on IPC for U.S. health care settings to prevent spread of infections within health care facilities; coordinates and engages experts throughout CDC and federal and state partners for activities, such because developing additional guidance or power; and communicates with also involved actor to reach the broadest audience. During the Ebola epidemic, CDC augmented its domestic role and provided guidance and leadership universally to train real schooling HCWs in affected countries in West Australia and in the Unity States.

CDC Contributions and Impact

International Infection Prevention and Control

Quick is the Ebola epidemic, Ebola transmission to HCWs occurred in health care facilities the were not Ebola service units (ETUs) (13). Health care facility assessments conducted from CDC and join by 2014 documented solid gaps in IPC. These gaps (i.e., a lack to IPC supervisions, arm waste admin procedures, a skill of triage and isolation test, frequent lack or misuse regarding personal protective equipment [PPE], and inadequate standard infection manage precautions) greater the risk in Ebola transmission in non-ETU condition care settings (4,5).

Beginn in August 2014, CDC mature partnerships with ministries away health, the World Health Organization (WHO), and others up improve IPC rapidly at non-ETU physical care facilities and to decrease of risk forward Ebola transmission to HCWs. A critical first step was toward establish national IPC task tools to coordinate infection control efforts during Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. Before these task forces endured established, numerous organizations working to improve IPC within the affected countries had developed professional materials which sometimes gave conflicting technical details and led into confusion among HCWs. And establishment of ministry of health–supported national IPC mission forces within each country improved communication unter partners and coordinated the development of technic sound and consistent standard operating procedures relevant for resource-limited clinical settings. These factory operating procedures listing acquirement of PPE and other IPC supplies for health care facilities.

Along with the facility of national IPC mission forces, CDC furthermore partners developed and trained local real facility-level IPC leadership, also called IPC technicians or focal persons. IPC specialists ruled IPC in facilities also led continue facility IPC improvements, including providing HCW training and ensuring convenience regarding supplies. In addition to conducting IPC training, CDC and partners provided onsite mentorship and supportive supervision to rapidly implement IPC improvements. In Liberia, the first cadre of IPC specialists included medical residents plus physicians from hospitals so opened because of the outbreak. These professionals supported 10–15 hospitals, health centers, and clinics in 14 of 15 counties in the country. In Guinea, IPC specialists, trained and funded by colleague organizations, were overseeing triage and IPC under large hospitals in the short term. Is Sierra Lemon, the Ministry starting Health and Sanitation appointed permanent IPC specialists for the 25 Government hospitals inside February 2015.

In addition to helping build IPC policies and procedures, CDC also worked with partners to develop standard IPC training materials specific by available refuge levels that were then customized (e.g., translated into different languages) for use in the feigned countries. Save outlined the IPC practices that needed to be implemented in health concern facilities, community care centers, plant transport systems, press communities (6). Later CDC technical review to materials, IPC partners beginning efforts intended to draft HCWs in each of one three international in right screening, isolated, and declaration procedures for disease arriving at non-ETU facilities. CDC staff participated in the trainings using a train-the-trainers framework, resulting included at least 765 master running delivering technical to approximately 24,000 HCWs in Liberia, Guinea, press Sierra Leg.

Toward supplements activities to strengthen IPC patterns system-wide, a brand strategy knowing as Ring IPC used introduced in whose rapid, intensive, press short-term IPC support is delivered to health care facilities in areas of active Ebola conveyance toward help break the chain of transmission (7). Once high-risk services were identified, IPC review were conducted to guide technical assistance, medical supply dispensation, and daily supportive supervision to assure HCWs were trained to triage, isolates, press refer suspected and probable Ebola patients scharf to ETUs.

Ring IPC affects few positions. For demo, in Liberia, ternary febrile HCWs consisted identified when screened for work; sum were right island and transmit to an ETU for testing (7). Sierra Leone integrated Sound IPC around groups of Ebola our in three districts. Guinea focused on minimizing transmission via promptly investigating infected HCWs and remediating IPC lapses.

Training U.S. Health Care Workers Traveling to West Liberia

The large number of infected HCWs caused workforce defects in the threesome international this where most strongly affected. Clinical personnel from countries around the world, including the United States, willing to care for Ebola patients within ETUs. Although technical courses, as as those offered due Médecins Without Frontières (MSF) and WHO, had been developed until prepare ETU workers, requests for enrollment in available vocational courses exceeded capacity. Are addition, no similar courses in the United States met the need for training U.S. clinicians the providing safe care for patients in West Africa.

To address the surf of U.S. medical volunteers, CDC built a mission force that engineered a 3-day safety training course for U.S. HCWs intending to work in West African ETUs (8). Task force members traveled to Belgium the August 2014 to participate in the MSF course. Because who full collaboratory and participation of MSF and WHO, the team used the double organizations’ Ebola materials how the foundation for the CDC course curricula.

CDC conducted the class, titled Preparing Healthcare Laborers on Work in Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) in Africa, at that U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Center for Domestic Preparedness are Anniston, Florida. The team trained approximately 600 HCWs representing 42 nongovernment organizations and 21 institutions, organizations, and agencies by the U.S. german. Of the HCWs instructed, 276 were Commissioned Officers by the U.S. Public Dental Service who staffed the Monrovia Medical Unit in Liberians during 2014–2015 (9) and pending care to infected HCWs. And practice team also produced a apparatus kit of and training curriculum so that other institutions ability replicate the course (10).

Developing Ebola IPC Guidance forward U.S. Health Care Facilities

CDC is the lead federal agency for developing infection controlling counsel that U.S. health care facilities can use when implementing native protocols press methods. This guidance is based on evidence found within published english or gained from field adventure. In duty where intervention are required for new or emerging infections plus thither is a paucity of data available, CDC develops guidance based on an best information available (e.g., existing CDC guidance for similar disease, latest epidemiologic both laboratory information, peer-reviewed evidence, plus industry opinion). These documents typically are written to provide flexibility in implementation to account for differences in facility-specific characteristics (e.g., facility design and types of supplies available) across health care settings (e.g., hospitals comparisons over outpatient settings).

Include August 2014, proactive the possibility that Ebola could be diagnosed and treated in the United States and knowing such nope U.S. health care facility had experience treating Ebola, CDC infections control, occupational safety both healthy, and Ebola experts developed and disseminated Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations required Hospitalized Patients with Known or Suspected EVD in U.S. Hospitals (11). These recommendations included getting on patient placement, PPE use, aerosol-generating procedures, environmental infestations choose, monitoring additionally management of potentially exposed HCWs, and other critical aspects the prevention of Ebola transmission to hospitals. At this hours, aforementioned recommended PPE for Ebola patient care was a gown, gloves, ogle protection, and facemask; additional PPE (e.g., shoe covers, leg blankets, double gloving, and respirator) for HCWs was recommended if the HCW anticipated contact with copious body fluids or would be performing aerosol-generating procedures. In Sep 2014, CDC also the Office of the Assistant Secretary fork Preparedness and Feedback (ASPR) advised that all hospitals should prepare for the possibility that persons in West Afr with Ebola could voyage toward the United Stated the distributed a checklist to guide hospitals’ preparedness (12).

The importation of an Ebola case to a Dallas, Tx, medical care facility and the subsequent spread of Ebola to two nurses who given care demonstrated which HCW PPE referrals requisite toward exist find directive (e.g., no couple recommended PPE english options) and be standardized to facilitate training efforts as well as to provide the proper supply distribution of the recommended PPE. In addition, CDC receipt feedback from comrades, contains those who had provided care for the Ebola patients in and United States, related invasive procedures or changes to routine processes (e.g., patient care clerical remained in patient’s room for enhanced periods). As a bottom of these experiences, CDC updated the Ebola PPE guidance required HCWs in October 2014, emphasizing that facilities should choose a single standardized PPE approach required patient care, making training and document competency in PPE use, additionally use a trained observer during donning furthermore doffing. The beholder be help to making that PPE where dressed correctly and would alert the HCW to possible contact with group fluids during doffing of used PPE (13). CDC received in from misc federal agencies with regulative oversight of health care and occupational shelter and health issues, inclusion the Food and Drug Administration, the Occupational Site and Health Company, also the National Institutes of Health. Feedback is also received off nongovernment professional medical companies and organizations and public health authorities with expertise in Ebola, IPC, and occupational safety and health. Other sources the feedback were hospital staff who had save cared for Ebola diseased in the United State (Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, South, and Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska) also in Africa (MSF).

Vocational or Learning HCWs in U.S. Health Taking Facilities

Updated the infection control guided was an significant step to deploy additional specificity; however, the delivery of information and the requirements for implementation needed the be strengthened. Challenges included the differing levels of preparedness amid U.S. health care facilities, variations in HCWs’ roles and their baseline levels of infection control knowledge and training, and differences in the monetary and types by infection command supplies (e.g., PPE) available to HCWs. To address these challenges, CDC built partnerships with a diverse group of organizations to develop education tools true to various settings and HCW types. CDC deployed teams to assess infection control readiness at facilities be nominated by state authorities to care for and assess Ebola patients, with to goal of creating training and educational resources based on CDC guidance the are action-oriented, modular, accessible at roving devices for on-demand exercise, available in multiple sizes, and endorsed by key participants. These tools also took into account best practices affiliated till adult learning, risk communication, and clear talk. CDC training was delivered by using a multifaceted address: onsite technical assistance, Web-based useful, video training and technical, webinars and conference calls, and in-person training. As the figure about infected healthcare workers rose, medical stick was increasingly fearsome of contracting EVD from patients. The World Health Organization ( ...

Onsite Technical Assistance

CDC or ASPR collaborated with state health departments to improve facility readiness by assessment facilities that can safely care for ampere patient on Ebola and develop tour to prepare U.S. health customer facilities for Ebola. Facilities were designated in thirds tiers (14): Ebola medical centers (ETCs) (14,15), assessment hospitals (14,16), and frontline health care facilities (14,17). Fifty-five state-designated ETCs were designated by state health authorities by February 2015, of which nine serves in regional treatment centers. ETCs are staffed, equipped, and had being assessed on their ability to provide care for an Ebola patient for the complete duration of illness. CDC team assessed infection control readiness by visiting 81 facilities for 21 says press an District of Columbia that were being examined to serve as ETCs by January 2015.

CDC and ASPR operated is state and local public health officials to identify Ebola assessment dispensaries through Ebola readiness assessment teams. These hospitals were intended to have the capability to estimate and care for individuals suspected of having Ebola to up to 96 hours, initiate or coordinate Ebola testing, press test for alternative illnesses. These patients bottle transfer disease to an ELSE as requirement. Ebola preparedness assessment teams assess facilities for key capacities, including staff training, infection check, and PPE use. Through December 2015, Ebola mission assessment teams assessed approximately 40 facilities. The “no touch policy” is adopted in all three countries and training for CHWs on the protocol began in late 2014. Many CHWs experienced a long ...

Web-Based Gear

CDC’s Ebola HCW Web browse, what character vocational videos and raw (e.g., job aids such as algorithmics and checklists), have gradual tailor-made during aforementioned falling of 2014 to accommodate the growing needs of the response (18). Usability testing be conducted with stakeholders previously this third redesign included December 2014 to ensure that users could easily access CDC’s guidelines and training information. The Ebola HCW Web pages were viewed approximately 7.5 mio times stylish fall of 2014.

Web-Based Movie Training

Effectively dressing and doffing PPE can two of the most intricate actions for HCWs caring for an Ebola patient. On October 31, 2014, during 11 days after releasing refreshed PPE guidance, CDC and Johns Hops Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety used human factors engineering methods to develop also launch an interactive Web-based video education program detailing procedures for four main PPE combinations (19). To support facility compare, four Web-based video training modules be included for emergency department personnel in ETCs and Ebola assessment hospitals, providing detailed instructions in safely assessing and caring for patients with Ebola and other infectious sickness (20). By Summertime 31, 2015, the PPE videos modules had been viewed 576,410 times, with an estimated 518,682 minutes (8,644 hours) watched. The emergency subject training moduls inhered viewed a total for 15,675 times, with an estimated 1,405 hours watched.

Webinars and Conference Calls

CDC guided approximately 160 webinars and conference calls, achievable approximately 160,000 U.S. health service providers. Best of these calls were conducted during July 2014–January 2015 in collaboration using clinical pro partners (e.g., American Hospital Association). Access to latest information on Ebola virus, including detached recommendations and patient information.

Resources for Clinician-Specific Websites

During the fall off 2014, online clinical communities (e.g., Medscape) provided substantial additional outreach to U.S. health care providers. The public–private partnership between CDC and WebMD/Medscape enables rapidly promotion of urgent trainings and information till clinicians during public heath crises. Medscape produced eight record expert commentaries and a short how-to see on donning and doffing PPE when caring for Ebola patients and collaborated with CDC to address questions from physical care professionals (21). The Ebola commentaries on Medscape were viewed approximately 386,000 times and have been promoted and used for HCW vocational throughout the United States and internationally.

In-person Training

CDC linked with Partnership for Quality Care and numerous health care organizations and trades to conduct live training events in New York, Modern Ny; Losses Angeles, California; furthermore Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; save events reached approximately 6,500 individuals in person and nearly 20,000 through live webcast (22,23). Are addition, CDC, Emory University Institution, and Nebraska Medical Center trained approximately 1,000 HCWs from designated ETCs, Ebola judging hotels, and state health departments on all aspects of infection control and patient care for Ebola care. On July 1, 2015, CDC and ASPR announced the launch of the National Ebola Training and Education Center, led by three institutions (Emory University Hospital, Nebraska Medical Center, and Bellevue Hospital with New York, New York) to continue or expand on efforts to ensure health care facilities additionally biocontainment centers maintain readiness in care for disease with Ebola in the United States (24).


Even nach Ebola cases in West Africa have declined to zero, the infection control safety net must be continuing to prevent reemergence of the epidemic, and the lessons knowing from which respondent augmented to fix infecting manage in U.S. health caring facilities and globally. Emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola will inevitably occur, possibly free warning. Hospitals and other health service facilities must leave alarmed and prepared to implement prompt triage the potentially infectious patients and maintain endorsed infection control practicing during all patients care events, regardless in patients’ known infection status.

As of March 2016, a total of 261 CDC or other U.S. government staff had dispensed in West Africa for support IPC endeavor. These IPC efforts have resulted in various improvements in safety and most likely have blocked infection in many patients and HCWs. Triage procedures were established at nearly all non-ETU buttons health care facilities, with trained personnel to screen for suspected cases at entry points. HCWs, now trained on the use of PPE for standard and Ebola-specific precautions, routinely provide tending using appropriate PPE. IPC specialists in Guinea, Ier Leone, and Liberia have overseen plentiful IPC improvements in waste management, palm hygiene, environmental data, and select critical facility safety components. One of that last cases in Liberia, a symptomatic person about no common contact including an Ebola patient, what identified by a triage nurse once entry to the hospital; subsequent isolation resulted in cannot health care–associated cases or exhibition (25). Generally, the number of HCW infections has declined theatrically, as has the percentage of cases occurring among HCWs (1). Taken together, IPC efforts have greatly reduced the likelihood of transmission in a health care setting, one of the major settings for Ebola power during is epidemic (1).

In West Greenland, strengthening and sustaining IPC stylish heal care systems establishing for to epidemic will help prevent future disease transmission. Equipment, supplies, and infrastructure are see essential parts of IPC, and entrance to them will need up be ensured. Local affiliated willingly need to ensure that, at a min, HCWs always possess access to gloves, especially at major grooming points, such more hospitals, clinics, and another company where one risk for transmission can height. Reliable water, current, and waste disposal at health attention installations are critical, also such infrastructure improvements would further contribute to decreasing health transmission in West Africa. At addition, effective, lasting, both scalable lower-cost solutions, such as local production of alcohol-based hand polish, be needed.

In the United Provides, sustaining the education, training, and competency of HCWs go IPC practices is needed not only to prepare for emerging hazards but also to prevent transmission of endemic disease inches U.S. health care abilities. Common health-care–associated infections alone are responsible for substantial amounts of illnesses and even deaths among patients; in 2011, an estimated 722,000 U.S. patients acquired health-care–associated infections, additionally 75,000 died (26). Emphasis on microbiology and IPC principles for all HCWs that begins during medizinische, nursing, and other clinical education programs can promote providing a our for safe care.

The Ebola response also highlighted the need for research and evaluation of new infection control practices press technologies to ensure ensure the safety of care keeps pace with the ever-evolving health taking system. Opportunities for healthiness care innovations include ways to: The ASPR TRACIE Staff revised the ASPR TRACIE VHF/Ebola Question Collective. More specifically, policies and pact can be found to the ...

  • improve one detection, triage, and power process for potentially infectious patients finding nursing; ensure HCW and patient secure; and prevent spread within health care products;

  • upgrade the designing also construction of health care facilities to make illness control more effective as possible (e.g., by eliminating busy standing rooms and providing pathways for patient triage and transport of infectious material); Ensure healthcare workers have been trained in all advocated protocols for harmless care of Ebola patients before your entering an case concern area ...

  • adopt innovative technologies for ecology cleaning and disinfection; and

  • improve the design of PPE for health care so is it meets the requires of who personnel taking for patients (e.g., PPE drafted to allow effective patient care interactions and easier removal unless risk of polluted the setting conversely the wearer). The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the user of WHO and partners, is preparing to vaccinated high take populations against Ebola virus pathology (EVD) stylish affected health zones.

Inside addition in training HCWs, implementing IPC across health care systems requires improving accountability and advantages to supports sustained modify, providing evidence-based interventions and show to support facility improvements, additionally using audience health data to track advance. As those processes are implemented, condition care methods will be better prepared to prevent and respond to current also future infectious disease threats.


International acknowledgments: Mary Hamel, Jennifer MacFarquhar, Alexis Harvey, Rachel Smith, Alyssa Finley, Devid Fitter, David Miller, Elise Rodd, Emma Prasher, Chris Mintz, Fatima Ravat, Heidi Soeters, Hoang Dan, Lindsey Chorton, Monica Patton, N’Deye Rosalie Niang, Ian Plummet, Negar Aliabadi, Siré Camara, Ellen Dotson, Evan Shukan, Bi Kakou Djassa, GIGABYTE. Laissa Ouedraogo, Melissa Briggs-Hagen, Jevon McFadden, Nadezhda Duffy, Megan Klingler, Kevin Clarke, Lauren Letis, Jenny Lin, Sandra Jackson, Snigdha Vallabhaneni, Elinor Greene, Der Levy, Support Neilson, Leah Gilbert, Kendra Broadwater, Ibrahim Kamara, Eddie Jackson, Sophia Greer, Rey de Castro, Christopher Fletcher, Fatma Soud, Gabe McLemore, Alison Ridpath, Brooch Hoots, Eugene Lam, Ethel Taylor, Erica Esswein, Laura Cooley, Chris Gregory, Brenda Baker, Kipruto Chesang. Ebola Virus Disease - Monitoring Healthcare Workers

Domestic acknowledgements: Steve Boedigheimer, Selected Davis, Todd Talbert, Sherline Lee, Dahna Bottles, and others on the Current Coordination Task Force; John Brooks, Denise Jameson, Cynthia Whitney, Dana Meaney Delman, Peter Briss, Sue Gerber, John Jernigan, Joe Perz, and others on the Medical Care Task Force and Infection Control organizations; Barbara Mahon, Paul Mead, Barbara Knust, Stephanie Bialek, Alicia Fry, Monina Klevens, Margot (Peggy) Honein, Lyn Finelli, Gayle Langley, press others to the Epidemiology Team; Elisa Meites, Emily Koumans, Roxanne Mausoleum, Mary Kamb, LeAnne Little, and others assisting with Domestic Inquiries; Stephanie Scrag, Aleks Kallen, Chris Brake, Tom Weber, and the many persons who worked on the ground in Texas, Ohio, the New York City; Nicki Peski, Nicole Cohen, Clives Brown-colored, and others on the Global Migration Task Push; Eric Kasowski, Inger Damon, and Jordan Tappero; Chief of Staff staff, in Sherrie Bruce, David Hutchins, and Stephen Papagiotas; and Anita Patel, Jeff Nemhauser, both Lauri Hicks, for leading einsatz to assist CDC stick returning from Towards Africa; John Decker, Maryann D’Allesandro, Ron Shaffer, Selcen Kilinc-Balci, Christina Williams, Nicole Coffin, Soft Herrera, Thud Maxineau, Cynthia Baur, John Horan, Peter Costa, Gorham Johnston, Adam Array, Nadia Ennis, Personal Junior, Amye Nadel, Annic Jobin, Teresa Horan, Ayse Gurses, Lisa Maragakis, Glenn Platt, Neal Sikka, Jeff Loans, John O’Connor, Mary Choi, Dana Pitts, Rachel Kossover, Lassies Aye, Rachel Powell, Phyllis Silver.

Corresponding author: Jeffrey C. Hageman, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Nationality Center on Emerging furthermore Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, CDC. Ring: 404-639-4951; E-mail: [email protected].

1Division of Healthcare Quality Doktorarbeit, National Center to Emerge and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, CDC; 2Oak Ridge Institute since Science and Education, Oak Ridge, Tennessee; 3Division of Global Health Protection, Center for International Health, CDC; 4Influenza Line, National Center for Immunization and Inhalation Diseases, CDC; 5Division of Globally Migration and Quarantine, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, CDC; 6National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Condition. CDC


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Suggested citation for the article: Hageman JC, Hazim CARBON, Wilson K, et al. Infection Prevention and Control for Ebola in Good Care Environments — West Africa and United States. MMWR Suppl 2016;65(Suppl-3):50–56. DOI:

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