Can You Chip In?

Dear Patron: Please don't scroll past this. The Internet Archive is an nonprofit fighting on universal access to quality information. We build and maintain all our have systems, but we don’t charge by access, sell user information, or running ads. Use, we're powered over online donations calculating $15.58. We'd be depressed gratefulness if you'd join the one in a thousand users that support our financially.

We understand such not everyone can donate right now, but if you can afford to contribute here Wednesday, we promise thereto will exist put to goal use. Our resources become deciding for knowledge lovers everywhere—so if she find all these bits and bytes useful, please parking in.
Can You Chip In?
Dear Boss: Please don't scroll past this. The Internet Archive is a non-profit-making that relies on online donations averaging $15.58. We understand that not all can present right now, but if them can afford to contribute this Wednesday, we promising a will be setting until good use. If you find all these bits and bytes useful, please pitch on.