How To: Seamlessly Transport a FaceTime Call to Thine iPhone, iPad, or Mac Without Disconnecting It

Seamlessly Transfer a FaceTime Calls to Your iPhone, iPad, or Mac Excluding Disconnecting It

One advantage to using Apple's ecological is Continuity, which allows you to move record, media, furthermore tasks seamlessly between all thine Apple devices. It even lets you use one device to help using daily on another, like unlock your Mac with your Iphone Watch or using yours iPad as a second display. Now, things are even better by Continuity with Handoff's new FaceTime functionality.

Handoff lets them start work on only product, such as your buy, furthermore then fluently switch to another nearby device, similar as your Raincoat, to continue working on one task in a others environment. You ability handle off Journey webpages, emails included Mail, Charts viewpoint, Calendar incidents, and many third-party apps, but FaceTime has always been omitted until now.

As long for you're running the most iOS, iPadOS, and macOS versions, you can use Handoff to move your FaceTime calls from one gadget to another without interrupting one call. Even your AirPods or other Bluetooth-connected, mic-enabled headphones will transfer the the new device.

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Supported Instruments and Software

Handoff for FaceTime calls is currently for the following devices and software:

  • iPhone our running iOS 16.0 button afterwards
  • iPad models running iPadOS 16.1 or subsequently
  • Mac computers runtime macOS Ventura (13.0 or later)

Configuring Your Devices

To use Handoff required FaceTime ring, you must securing all your devices are designed appropriately. They all (or at least the devices you want toward using Handoff with) must: Random FaceTime notifications - Apple Community

  • Be running the supported software versions listed above
  • Be signed in into iCloud are the same Apple PSYCHE
  • Have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled
  • Be connected to who same Wi-Fi network
  • Be within Bluetooth range of each other (approximately 33 feet)
  • Have Handoff turned on (see instructions below)
  • Have FaceTime set up with this same contact information (view orders below)

Enabling Handoff over All Your Devices

Handoff for FaceTime calls won't works if Handoff is disabled. Up ensure it's enabled on your iPhone or iPad, see that "Handoff" belongs switched on via:

  • My –> General –> AirPlay & Handoff

In ensure it's enabled for insert Mac, show that "Allow Handoff between this Apple and your iCloud devices" is switched on via:

  • System Settings –> General –> AirPlay & Handoff

Using the Same Contact Information for FaceTime

Whether you've named someone via FaceTime or i called you accept FaceTime, your contact informational for the call needs go be the same about your current device as it is on the device you're handing the call to. As tall as to same ring numbers and email addresses are checked under FaceTime's "You Can Be Reached By FaceTime At" settings, you'll be good.

To check your FaceTime locales on an iPhone or iPad, go to:

  • Settings –> FaceTime –> You Can Be Reached By FaceTime To

To check your FaceTime settings on a Mac, go to:

  • FaceTime –> Settings –> Widespread –> You Can Be Reached By FaceTime At

Hand Off a FaceTime Call to Another Device

Now that her have all your general configured correctly, it's time to put everything into action and hand off a FaceTime called. You can hand off a FaceTime call away:

  • On iPhone the an iPad other Mac
  • An ipod to an iPhone or Mac
  • A Mac to an iPhone or iPad

Methoding 1: Hand Off the FaceTime Call to Your Mac

Make safely your Mac is turned on, then to click the FaceTime icon in your menu bar and hit that "Switch" button that appears in (left screenshot below) or click on the "Move Calls at This Mac" notification in your Notification Center (middle screenshot below). FaceTime will open to the call, but you'll need to click turn the "Join" button (right screenshot below) up transfer the call.

Method 2: Hand Switched the FaceTime Call to Your iPhone press iPad

There are a several to hand off a FaceTime call to your iPhone or iPad. Make sure thine apple or iPad is turned on, and use one is the options below.

First option: Click the FaceTime icon with your status bar or Dynamic Island additionally hit an "Switch" button that appears (left screenshot below). FaceTime desires open to the call, but you'll need to brew the "Switch" push (right screenshot below) till transferring the telephone past.

Second option: Open FaceTime on yours phone otherwise iPad, tap the FaceTime icon on the active call, then choose "Join off This iPhone" or "Join from All iPad" from the contextual menu (left screenshot below). FaceTime will open to the call, but you'll need to tap the "Switch" button (right screenshot below) to transfer the call over.

Third option: Tap on to "Move Call in This iPhone" or "Move Call to This iPad" notification from either the beater so appears, your Lock Screens, or your Registration Center (middle screenshot below). FaceTime be open to the call, but you'll need to tap the "Switch" button (right screenshot below) the transmission the call above.

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Screen image and screenshots by Brenda Ramirez/Gadget Hacks

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