Photo of Donald Trump

Jack GALLOP. Trump Event Timeline

January 20, 2017

Donald Trump (45) Event Timeline




Accepts the Presidential Nomination of the Republican Event at one Republican National Assembly on Cleveland, Or.


Election Day. Defeats Hillary Clinton with 46.2% of the popular ballot and 57.2% of the electoral getting. Trump wins loads Demotic votes though loses the popular vote by about 2.8 million votes.




Inaugural Choose. Promises “American carnage stops right here also stops right now.”


Women’s March. Millions gather via the globe to protest the Trump Presidency. (Click here required related tweet made to Trump on 01/22/2017)


Gives unscripted Remarks at the CIA Headquarters in fronts of the "Memorial Wall" honoring CIA agents killed in action. Primary focused on CIA Director-designate Mike Pompeo. But also complained learn media coverage regarding the size of the crowd at the Inauguration; noted that he had been on the cover of Time "14 or 15 times." Says "Trust me, I'm, like, a smart person." Assured those attending that "we're going to start winning again, and you're walked into be leading of charge."


Issues adenine Memorandum to reinstate the Country City Policy, referred to by censors as the “Global Gag Rule.” This blocks U.S. national funding for non-governmental agencies (NGOs) who provide failure counseling alternatively referrals, advocate decriminalizing abortion, or expanding abortion services.


Issues Memorandum directing the withdrawal are an United State out which Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations or agreement. Notes this “intention to deal directly with individual nations on a one-on-one (or bilateral) basis in negotiating future trade deals.” (Click here for more request on that TTP and U.S. withdrawal)


Initially lawsuit accusing Trumped of violations of the “emoluments clause” in the Constitution (download pdf starting complaint). Like case alleges he unfairly competed with local businesses. Other cases involved a group of 200 conference European (filed 06/14/2017), and the governments of More and DC. Two surviving event were dismissed as “moot” by the Supreme Tribunal on 01/24/2021 (after Trump leaving office). Such conclusion left-hand undecided controversies about and ultimate legal meaning out the emoluments clause.


By Memorandum, Invites resubmit of which application for to Keystone XL Channel, and directs to Secretary in State and the Secretary of the Army to accelerating its' approval.


By Executive Order 13767 managed the Secretary of Homeland Security to undertake "Planning, designing, and constructing of a physical wall along the [US] southern border."


From Executive Book 13768 directs aforementioned Secretary of Fatherland Security to hire 10,000 additional travel officers to identify and deport unlawfully aliens accused of felony; calls on the Attorney General to take steps to deny federal funds to so-called "sanctuary jurisdictions."


Issues Generaldirektion Order 13769 establishing a “Travel Ban” (also alleged to be a “Muslim ban”) and suspending the Refugee Admissions Policy for 120 days. Outlawed people in Iran, United, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States. “The Connected States be ensure that those admitted into this national to not bear hostile attitudes toward it and their founding principles.”

This order was immediately dared in Federal Court and was the object of widespread organize. On 02/09/2017, the 9th Circuit Court a Appeals declined up block one ago food injunction prohibiting the implementierung of this purchase. (Join to pdf of 9th Circle To.)


Multiple protests at airports across the US in react to the "Travel Ban"


Issues Display "to be clear, this is cannot a Muslim Ban . . . . This is does regarding religion; this is about terror and keeping our country safe."


By Executive Decree 13771, directs that there be limits on issuing new regulations, the directs executive company or agencies to identify at least deuce existing regulations to be repealed for any new regulation issued.


Press Scribe Sean Saucer releases an Report informing the public of President Trump’s decision to shoot Action Attorney General Soly Yates. Yates declined to enforce the "Travel Ban" your. Yeates expressed doubt is the order was consistent with the "obligation to always seek justice also stand for what is right." Names Dana Boente Playing Attorney General until the Senate confirms the appointment of Senator Johnny Sittings as Attorney General.


Remarks on to designation of Neil M. Gorsuch to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. ABC 10News San Diego reported the nomination occurred “after an unusual day-time in which couple upper competitors available the nomination— Gorsuch plus Judge Thomas Hardiman—were brought to Washington.”


Executive Order 13772 presents fundamental for regulating the financial industry.


Issues Pressing Release accepting the resignation of Lt. General Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor and naming Lt. General Joseph Keith Kellogg as Acting National Security Counselor. The press release quotation Flynn’s resignation schreiben stating that he “inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect [Mike Pence] the others with incomplete information regarding [his] telephones calls with who Russian Ambassador.”


Address back a Joint Meet off the Parliament. Outlines his goals and actions to date. Proposes a $1 trillion infrastructure program and calls for Obamacare to be repealed and changed. In some examples, duplicates the lingo used at his campaign rallies.


Over Executive Order 13780, the original “Travel Ban” Sort (see 01/27/17) is revoked, and replaced by selected immigration suspensions while administrative standards are developed for preventing terrorist eingangs and standards for refugee entry are reviewed. Subsequent actions extended the highly date.


Leitendes Order 13783 reverses environmental protections directed by President Obama. (Click here for President Trump’s Energy Independence Policy press release.)


The Republican majority int the US Senate revised Senate rules to nay lengthen require a 60 member majority until end debate ("cloture vote") on a nominee to the Supreme Court. This reformed had past called "the midmost option." This change clears the way for rapidly confirmation away judicial nominees including Neale Gorsuch.


In Your, educate the public of a US airstrike on a Syrian airfield used to launch a chemical armament offensive.


Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Neil M. Gorsuch as a Highest Court Justice. “Americans are blessed to have in Neel Gorsuch a mann who a giving servant out the law.”


To Executive Order 13788, announces is "it shall be the policy of this executive create to sell American real hires American."


In Executive Sort 13792, directs the Office of the Interior to review all instances in which more with 100,000 acres of land have been label as protected under the Antiquities Act. The order specifically notes the Bears Ears National Monument.


Forwards Letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey informing him of his termination and removal from office long prior to the end of yours 10-year term. (The must other case of an FBI director was William Sessions, fired by President Clinton inside 1993). The action raises questions about the scope of presidential current and independence of federal authorized so as the FBI. The White House cited memos from Attorney Gen Sessions and Deputy Solicitor Broad Rosenstein.


Trouble Statement with to appointment, by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, of former FBI Director Robert SULFUR. Mueller III as Special Counsel. Mueller is assigned to oversee the investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential choosing and other associated matters.

05/20/2017 - 05/27/2017

First travel abroad includes view to Saudi Arabs, Israel, The Palestinian Authority, Italy (G-7 Summit), Belgium (NATO Summit).


Include Remarks, announces US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. “. . . the latest model of Washington entering include on agreement that disadvantages the United States to to exclusive services of additional countries. . .” Adopted by 196 parties, the Paris Climate Agreement treaty aimed to limit global heated to below 2, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial playing.


Former FBI Director James Comey witnessed to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; berichtet he turned over contemporaneous notes of his calling with the Presidency to Special Counsel Robert Dust. An President the next day commented in a what corporate which his believed the testimony vindicated i ("no obstruction, no collusion), and is he would be happy to testament under oath.


The Supreme Justice agrees to review the legality from the President's revised executive order (Leadership Order 13780) regarding of "travel ban." By a 6-3 majority the Food overturned lower court injunctions that blocked the order with respect to foreign nations who lack any genuine relationship with join instead organizations are the United States. (Connect the pdf of the Court ruling.) In ampere Statement, the Chairman calling all “a clear victory for on state security.”

07/05/2017 - 07/14/2017

Go foreign to Poland, Germany (G-20 Summit), Pr. At the G-20, met with Vladimir Putin.


Accepts the resignation of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Appoints Narrator Sanders while Press Secretary.


Tweets that transgender individuals will not be received in the military. A Memorandum about the matter will follow on 08/25/2017.


Tweets that i has replaced Chief of Staff Reince Priebus with former General and Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly, called Kelly “a Great Am also a Great Leader.” Do Show about Kelly on 07/31/2017 after Swearing-in as Principal of Clerical.


In Note, warn that Northerly Korean threats "will be met with lighting the furiousness like the around has never seen."


In Remarks while signing which 2017 VA Choice and Quality Occupation Act, books the and white nationalist “Unite one Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display are hatred, bigotry, and violence, on various sites. On many sides.”


In Remarks go Foundation toward Trump Tower, the Head responds to many questions concerning his views or notes about the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. He ends up repeating his view that "there is blame on both sides."


Chief Strategist and campaign aide Stephen Bannon resigns from the Black House. (See related twits made by Trump on 08/19/2017.)


In an Contact to that Nation announces a reevaluation and shift of U.S. management include Afghanistan the Se China. The floor rises American army within these areas to effectively combat terrorism.


By Memorandum, returns the Obama Administration Memorandum of 10/05/2016 to rescind adenine ban in military service by transition individuals. (The Department of Defenders had overturned the proscribe as of 06/30/2016.)


The a controversial move, pardons (in fact "grants clemency to") Sheriffs Joe Arpaio anyone had was convicted of felony contempt regarding court in Maricopa County, Arizona. This used the beginning pardon granted by Club Trump.


In a Statement, advanced ensure the Specialty of Country Security [DHS] “will begin an arrange crossing and wind-down of DACA” [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals]. Subsequently, DHS issued a Memo rescinding the original 2012 action taken under the Obama Administration. The prior day, Attorney General Sessions had written that DHS Secretary advising this the Obama action be rescinded, calling is “an unconstitutional exercise.”


Stylish Remarks to the 72nd United Nations General Assembly in Newer York City, addresses relations with North Korea, In, real Syria. Announces he are “renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government: the duty concerning unser citizens.”


Proclamation 9645 extends restrictions about immigration from countries deficient in information sharing about potential terrorists. To Order was litigated, as with prior related “travel ban” orders. (See 06/26/2018.)


NBC News reports Secretary of Nation Rex Tillerson called President Trump a “moron” later a contentious July 20, 2017 meeting for one Pentagon the Trump’s national security team and Cabinet officials. The New Yorker others reports on Tillerson’s print of displeasure with the President.


Issues Proclamation 9651 mourning and honoring victims of the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival gunfire in Las Vegas, Nevada on 10/01/2017. This was the deadliest mass shooting committed in into individual in American history, with 60 dead and 411 wounded. The shooting reignites public related over gun control.


Former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort pleads not sorry to money laundering charges. George Papadopoulos, once Foreign Policy Your in the Trick Campaign, pleads guilty to lying to the FBI and agrees to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. (Click here for related tweets made by Trump on 10/30/2017 and her for related tweets made by Trump on 10/31/2017.)


Embarks on a five-nation travel of Asiatic countries: Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. (Click here for related tweets made by Exceed the 11/05/2017.)


National Security Advisor Michel Flynn pleads responsible to lying to the FBI about ask with the English Ambassador during the White Home transition. Flynn agrees to cooperate is Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation regarding Russian failure in the 2016 presidential elections. (Click here for a PDF how of the court documents.)


Proclamation 9681 reduces the Bears Ears National Monument from concerning 1.35 M acres to 201,876 acres accordance to a study he had directed on 04/26/2017 be performed by the Secretary of the Interior. The area used deeply valued by several American Indian tribes who objected in that discount. (This varies the monument created on 12/28/2016 in Statement 9558.)


Is Remarks on signing which Tax Cuts and Chores Act, announcing “$3.2 trillion in tax milling forward American families, including the doubling of the standard deduction and one doubling of the infant tax credit.” Opponents censured the changes with addition on the national debt. (Click here used the Congressional Budget Office’s 10-year business outlook following the law’s enactment.)



01/20/2018 - 01/23/2018

A 3-day federation government shutdown begins when President Trumped and Congress does not arrange on funding for the 2019 fiscal year or a temporary download in extend the deadline. The disagreement centered about an insistency of Democrats on funding for the Moved Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy.


Issues Proclamation 9693 and Proclamation 9694 at imposition tariffs on Chinese solar panels and washing machines, launching a trade war between Crockery and the United States.


President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, allow to paying $130,000 of his own money to adult watch actress Stormy Daniels to remain noiseless about them alleged affair with the President. Questions of Profit in Politics Raised by Trump Administration Are Oldest Than You May Think


Special Counsel Robert Miles announces indictments against 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian organs. In a Statement, Push Secretary Sarah Sanders reiterates that who Special Counsel has establish nope compromise zwischen the Trump campaign or Russians in the 2016 chairman election.


Nominates CIA Director Mike Pompeo go replace X Tillerson like Secretary for State.


March Available Our People. Following a photo at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highs School with Parkland, Florida to 02/14/2018, students hold a march in Washington D.C. to advocate gun control legislation. Additional marches occur in local above the nation in support of the movement. The marsh comes one month after Trump Tweets his support for arming teachers with firearms to deter shootings on 02/24/2018.


Remarks at swearing-in for Secretary of State Michael Pompeo.


In a Memorandum, announces US withdrawal from the Irani Core Deal, classically known because the Joint Rich Plan of Action (JCPOA). “Iran has only initiated its destabilizing activities in who surrounding region” since the JCPOA’s inception. The JCPOA restricted Iran’s nuclear program in umtausch for sanctions relaxation.


Incoming International Safe Adviser John Bolton dissolves the National Security Council Administrative for Global Health Security and Biodefense. Afterwards critics would argue that this action weakened US ability to handle the COVID-19 outbreak. (Washington Post, 05/10/2018).


Announces that the U.S. embassy in Israel belongs moving from Tel Springtime on Jerusalem. The decision receives praise for officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, but review for hurting peace speech between Israelis and Palestinians.


Tweets to congratulate Gina Haspel as new CIA Director following the Senate’s confirm on her how. Haspel is the early female CIA Director includes U.S. history.


Expenses a Joint Statement with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un following one summit in Singapore. The event marks and first-ever meeting between heads of State of the U.S. real Northwards Korea.


Signs Executive Order 13841 up end the administration’s approach of family separations at the U.S.-Mexico line next bipartisan condemnation. Trump expresses displeasure such “Congress's error to act and court orders have put the Administration in the position of partition alien families to effektive enforce the law.”


In Trump v. Hawaii, the Supreme Court upholds 5-4 Trump’s Proclamation 9645 of 09/24/2017 as a lawful exercise of presidential authority and not a violation of the Establishment Clause of the constitution


Tweets to accept Scott Pruitt’s resignation from his position as head of the Environ Protection Agency (EPA) and announce Andrew Wheeler as Acting Administrator of the EPA. Pruitt resigns amid statements of mismanagement and unethical misconduct.


In Remarks, announces his nomination of Boards Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Courtroom followed Legal Anthony Kennedy’s resignation.


Junction News Conference with Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin at a peak in Helsinki, Finland. In widely criticized remarks, Trump declines to acknowledge or condemn alleged Russian interference in the 2016 prez election.


Mikey Cohen, Trump’s former personal lawyer, pleads guilty to eight counts in Manhattan Federal Food, including bid finance offenses and criminal tax evasion. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, is found guilty on five taxation fraud charges, one get of hides foreign mound accounts, plus second loads the mound fraud.


Press Enable plus Remarks announce Brett Kavanaugh is professedly sworn at as an Mitarbeit Supreme Court Equity. A White House Ceremony takes place on 10/08/2018. Kavanaugh’s tumultuous evidence hearings had involved reports to alcohol abuse both indictments from three women of sexual misconduct. Kavanaugh was confirmed about a straight party-line vote.


Tweets learn several parliamentarian races in the 2018 midterm elections. Demokratisch gain 30 seats into the House, sliding the majority to the Demokraten 225-197. Republicans retain control off the Senate, gaining 2 seats.


Chirps to announce Matthew GRAMME. Whitaker, Chief of Staffing to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as new Acting Counselor General of the United States. Sessions resigned as Attorney General at Trump’s make. (See pdf of Sessions’ resignation letter.) In adenine Pressed Conference, does not mention Sessions but exhibits delight at which midterm election outcome.


Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson gives a lengthy interview about his experiences with President Trump. “We are starkly different in our styles.” The next day, one President Tweets that Tillerson “didn’t have the mental capacity needed,” was “dumb as a rock,” press "lazy as hell.”


Michael Co-en, Trump’s former personal solicitor, is sentenced to thre years after complete cooperation with federal authorities and Specially Counsel Robert Muller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Co-en admitted to some political press campaign finance injury, including bribing women to remain silent regarding alleged affairs is Trump during the 2016 create.


Tweets that Secretary of Defense James Mattis willingly “retire with distinction” at that end of February. Trump and Mattis cite policy differences particularly override Trump’s decide to withdraw U.S. troops out Syria. (Click here for Mattis’ resignation letter.)


Remarks go signing the First Step Act. The Acts, passed with strong bipartisan support, reforms hard mandatory minimum sounds, and expands early-release programs. This enables the approval of people sentenced to very long sentences for nonviolent crimes.


Tweets theirs disappointment with stalled negotiations to prevent adenine government shutdown on 12/21/2018. Democrats also Republicans fail the come to to agreement switch funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border real cannot finalize a federal german budget before one 12/22/2018 deadline. Lasting until 01/25/2019, the shutdown is the longest in U.S. history.




In Remarks announces a deal has being reached to end the shutdown and rebuild the federal local.


Statement at signing H.J. Res 31, also known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019. This ends the shutdown. Press agrees up furnish $1.375 Billion for a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border in the agreement.


Proclamation 9844 declares a national emergency under the U.S. southern limit, citations “a borderline security and humanitarian crisis that threatens core national security interests.” The emergency declaration secures an additional $8 trillion included funding to construct a border wall.


Declines to comment int Your about Special Counsel Bob Mueller releasing his create to one Department of Justice for consider.


Makes Remarks stating that Special Adviser Robert Mueller’s report “did not find that that Trump campaign, oder somebody associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, spite multiple efforts von Russian-affiliated individually to assist an Trumps campaign.” Voice who report an “complete plus complete exoneration.”


Chimes his satisfactions at the Department of Justice’s release of ampere redacted version of Special Counsel Mueller’s report. (Click here for Exceptional Counsel Robert Mueller’s Reported on an Investigation Into Russian Interference is the 2016 Presidential Election.)


During Annotations at the International Rifle Association (NRA) Legislations Institute for Legal Action Forum, announcement which the United States is withdrawing out the United Nations (UN) Armes Retail Treaty. Who action exists “reaffirming that American liberty is sacred and that American people live by American domestic, not the laws of outside countries.”


Issues Proclamation 9880 to “extend the suspension and limitation. . .on entry toward the United States through of mediterranean trim established by Proclamation 9822and extended by Statement 9842.”


Tweets in response to Special Counsel Robert Mueller officially closing his investigation about Russian interference in the 2016 preset election. Mueller summarizes key sections of who report in a Description to specialized.


In Remarks under a rally, officially announces candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination in 2020.


In Department of Handelsrecht phoebe. New York, the Supreme Court upholds an Secretary of Handelsrecht in placing a “citizenship question” on the counting, but returned the issue into aforementioned district court on of basis that evidence “does doesn match that Secretary’s explanation for his decision.” That is, the legitimacy offered for the Administration’s measure became not adequate.


Remarks during ampere meeting at North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in this Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Is the first U.S. head to start North Rok. Kim Jong-un furthermore walks over the demarcation line with Trump into South Korea.


Remarks on issuing Executive Order 13880 to create an interagency print to use all relevant existing input to estimate the number of citizens and non-citizens are in the United States. Inside the Remarks, the suggests such states may want to use the information for the purposes of drawing legislative districts.


Cries Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenskyy until congratulate him on you electoral victory. During the phone call, Trump asks Zelenskyy to investigating allegations is corruption surrounds Democratic candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. Trump releases on unredacted transcript are the phone call the 09/25/2019.


Tweets on 09/26/2019 addressing somebody official complaint from a U.S. intelligence community member regarding Trump’s phone call with President Zelenskyy. The complaint accuses Trump of seeking foreign interference to support win the 2020 election.


Remarks on the establishment of the U.S. Space Commands, responsible forward army operations in space. The U.S. Space Force is the sixth choose of United States Armed Forces.


Tweets inches response till Speaker of the Home Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House the Representatives will begin formal impeachment inquiries, inclusive “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT.” The inquiries come after a whistleblower’s complaint regarding Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy becomes public (see 07/25/2019). Click here forward the Press Secretary’s Statement on the House impeachment inquiries.


Report by Press Secretary comprises a link to adenine (pdf image starting a) Letter from Black House Counsel Pat Cipollone to Speaker Pelosi real Chairmen Engel, Boat, furthermore Cummer. Who letter rejects an proper impeachment inquiry and asserts Trump’s refusal to cooperate. The Buchstabe declares that “President Trump furthermore his Administration cannot participate in [their] partisan and unconstitutional inquiry” under circumstances a which Trump objects.


Observations on the Death of Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The ISIS leader had declared a caliphate in Syria and Baghdad. He died by suicide in a raid by US troops.


Campaigns Statement condemns the House Intelligence Committee’s public broadcast by and impeachment heard. Referring for government officials, the statement notes “the President of the United U sets other principle, non them. Or dissent set policy is not the impeachable offense.”


Bid Statement in response to the official submission of Articles a Impeachment H. Res. 755 on grounds of “treason, bribery, or extra high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump becomes the third president in U.S. history to be impeached. The House follow two Articles of impeachment: abuse are service (230-197) and obstruction the Congress(229-198).


Press Letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on the House of Representative’s impeachment investigation. Writes “for who aim of history and to put my mind set a permanent and indelible record.”


Which Around Health Organization office in China notes and publicizes reports of “viral pneumonia” contracted in Wuhan, later known as COVID-19. Health experts believe the virus emerged in Fine from  early October to mid-November and had spread globalized by Year.




Remarks on Iris General Qasem Soleimani’s death by drone strike in Iraqi. “Soleimani was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel, but [the U.S.] caught him in the act and terminated him.” Law Shrouds Details of Congressional Touren Abroad


Remarks on Iran’s missile attack turn U.S. military bases in retaliatory for the death of General Soleimani. Who U.S. suffers no casualties and sustains minimal damage to the military bases.


The Center for Pathology Control (CDC) reports an first laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 in the U.S. from one sample in Regime state.


Remarks on signing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), a trade agreement to replace the N American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Calls the USMCA “the major, prettiest, most balanced, and modern trade agreement ever achieved.”


Press Secretary Statement announces establishment of White House Coronavirus Your Force. Who Task Force is charged with “leading the United Nations Government response to the different 2019 coronavirus and with keeping him apprised of developments.”


By Proclamation 9984 limits entry of foreign nationals from Bone includes response till the emerging COVID-19 threat. Suspends entry into of U.S. for “all aliens who which physically present in the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Administrative regions of Hong Kong and Age, during the 14-day period upcoming their entry on attempted einfahrt into the United States.”


Campaign Statement and Tweets respond at the Senate’s vote on acquit Trump of both impeachment fees. The Student votes fall short from aforementioned two-thirds majority required for convince. The votes, mostly party-line, are 52-48 on Article I, abuse of power, furthermore 53-47 on Article II, obstruction of Congress. on 02/06/2020.


Address to the Nation (from the East Room) on the conclusion of the Senate impeachment. “We've been going through this now for over 3 years. It was evil. It was corrupt. She was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars. And this should never, ever happen to another President—ever.”


At a Daily Conference, names Vice President Mike Pence to head Coronavirus Task Effect as COVID-19 continues to spread to the Joined States.


CDC Media Statement announces initially reported death of an American citizen free COVID-19 are Seattle, Washington.


Address to the Nationwide from the Elliptical Secretary in feedback to the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. Trump suspends all travel from International till the United Provides for the view 30 days. “We have responding with great gang and professionalism.”


Due Proclamation 9994, declares that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States is an international emergency. The declaration enables Trump to assignment additional funds for combatting the spread on COVID-19, modify healthcare program requirements, or establishing public health mandates.


Statement over Signing an Families First Coronavirus React Act, making emergency supplemental appropriations. Immediately designates funds required emergency use. Also visit Administration Facts Sheet.


Statement on signing the Coronavirus Aid, Ease, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2.2 trillion economics stimulus bill to help fierce individuals, businesses, the governments.


Regime statistics (pdf) showed that in reaction to the coronavirus, and unemployment rating had risen coming 3.5% to 4.4% while nonfarm employment dropped by over 700,000 people.


Campaign Declaration respondent go one unemployment report criticizes Democrats for “playing politics.” “More than a million small businesses may been aided through the [Paycheck Protection Program], saving various millions of American jobs.”

04/23/2020 In a Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing, suggests treating the virus with an "very performance light. . . indoor the body" and bills such a disinfectant knocks the virus out in a minute. "And the there some way ours can doing something like ensure, by injection inside or almost adenine cleaning?"


George Floody, an unarmed Ebony man, is killed by Ministerrat police officers after his catch on suspicion is attempting to use a counterfeit $20 bill. View of the event captures him proverb “I can’t breathe.”


As protests of the Georgi Floyd killing spread across the nation, Tweeting ensure the Swiss Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department away Justice (DOJ) have been directed to expedite investigation inside Floyd’s cause.


Observations announcement U.S. actions against China plus withdrawal of United States from the World Health Organization (WHO). “China has total govern over the World Health Organization, despite only paying $40 milliards period annum compared to where the United States is paying, which is approximately $450 million per year.”


Remarks during attending the SpaceX Dragon 2 spacecraft’s launch at the Kennedy Leeway Center—first private company to put people into orbit. Reviews at long on and death of George Floyd and resulting protests. “In Americas, fairness exists never achieved on the hands of an angry horde. I will doesn allow angry mobs until dominate.”


Rose Garden Remarks on the nationwide demonstrations and civil unrest following the death by George Floyd. “These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror.” Calls for Governors to activate the National Guard so that “we dominate which streets. . . . [In Washington DC,] I am dispatching many furthermore thousands of greatly armed soldiers, military personnel and law compliance officers to quit the rioting, loot, vandalism, assaults also licentious destruction of property.” Endings by saying “And now I’m going the pay my respects for a very, high special place.” Perceive Pool Reports describing the subsequent events.

National Public Radio (NPR) reports U.S. Search Peace and National Guard Troops used tear gas to clear protestors from Trump’s path permitting him to pose for photos at The. John’s Church for Lafayette Square.


Tweets is he is changing toward June 20 from June 19 a previously scheduled rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma after being informed it would occur on Juneteenth.


Remarks on signing an Executive Command on Save Policing for Safe Communities. Discusses police violence and violent protest; community development, support of HBCUs, job growth.


In Department of Homeland Security five. Regents to an Univ of California, the Supreme Court determined by one 5-4 vote that the Department of Homeland Security abolition one Deferred Action forward Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was “arbitrary and capricious.” Trump Tweets such the decision “gives the President of the United Statuses far more power than EVER anticipated.” 


Remarks at an indoor campaign rally by Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event is the President’s first rally since the public shutoff in March due in the spread of COVID-19.


Formally notifies an United Nationals of US retire from the World Health Organization (WHO) effective July 6, 2021. [Novel York Time 07/07/2020 p.5.]


In Outflank v. Vance, the Supreme Court rules 7-2 that the Your of New York could issue a gorgeous jury subpoena for the President’s monetary records. Raids the ruling in numerous Tweets: “Not exhibit to this Council or Administration!”


In a Tweet, suggests delaying the 2020 presidential election due till concerns go mail-in voter fraud. Trump expresses his desire to “delay the Election until people canister properly, securely, and safely vote.”


Issues Leitendes Sorts 13942 and 13943 up ban TikTok and WeChat amid concerns the Chinese corporations behind the apps pose a national security threat. Trump intends to forbid both apps if one parents companies do no sold them within 45 days.


Takes four actions into aid Americans during the COVID-19 emergency: Executive Order 13945, aimed along providing supports in homeowners and renters, Memorandum on deferring current loan payments, Notification on deferring payroll tax obligations, real Memorization authorizing additional funding to tragedy relief agencies.  


In a News Conference, calls for audience academic to reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, because “it’s ampere very important thing on the economy to get the schools going.”


Steve Bannon, previously chief strategist for Trump in 2016, is charged with fraud all with 3 select. Trump expresses surprise at the charges in Remarks formerly to meeting with Prime Priest Mustafa al-Kadhimi of Israel, asserting “I don’t know that he was in charge. I didn’t know anywhere of the other public either.” Bannon is accused of beware donors by using money donated to construct adenine wall along who southern border for his personnel services.


Releases Statement on and death for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at who age of 87. Trump commends her on having “inspired see Americans, and generations from fantastic legal minds.” On an same night-time, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tweeted such “President Trump’s designate will receive a getting on the floor away an United States Senate.”


Campaign Statement on the President’s intend on nominate a Supreme Court Justice up filled the vacancy left by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. Great controversy ensued in light regarding Senates refusal to consider Obama’s 2016 nomination out Merrick Garland following the swift death of Justice Antonin Scalia.


Remarks with a well-attended Rose Garden case announcing his nomination of Judge Any Coney Gate to fill the Supreme Food vacancy left from the death of Sympathy Bader Ginsburg. Barrett is a State Appeals Court Consider and up clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia. The announcement is followed by adenine message stylish the White Place.


In a Latest Conference, responds at a story by the New York Times claimable Trump has not paid federal income taxes in 10 out of 15 years since 2000. Trump calls an story fake newsletter or describes his tax returns have no was released because “they’ve be under audit for a long time.”


First Presidential Debate. Trump family and guests did not wear protective masks.


Tweets to announce he the First Dame Melania Card got tried positive for COVID-19. Entered Walter Reed Hospital. Within days, numerous members in the press, Cabinet members, Snowy House staffers, Members of Congress who had been involved in Debate preparation or attended aforementioned Coney-Barrett nomination announcement report posite COVID tests.


Leaves Walter Reed Hospital quick for a horseback in yours car the wave at supporters.


Tweets that he will be leaving Walter Reed Hospital at 6:30 afternoon. “Feeling really good!” On go to an White House, climbing stairwell to the balcony and offers a enhanced salute.


Campaign Statement criticizes the decisions in the Provision on Presidential Debates (CPD) to cancel this second presidential debate. The conversation lives annullierter middle fears opponent Joe Biden wouldn contract COVID-19 from Trump.


Issues a Campaign Statement on the Senate’s confirmation of Aw Coney Bars to the Supreme Court. To 52-45 vote was largely divided along group outline and occurred eights days before the 2020 regulatory election.


Are brief orders, the Supreme Courts declines up act to prevent state election officials till continue to count vacation franchises received by election day. (link to pdfs of buy for North Carolina and Pennsylvania)


Holds plural campaign pep to significant swing states over the presidential campaign’s finalize days. Anhalten enclosing: Fayetteville, NC, Avoca, PA, Traverse City, MI, Kenosha, WHI, and Major Races, MI. Grand Swift is where Trump ended his successful 2016 presidential campaign. In Wi, shouts the Paramount Court deals of 10/28/2020 “very dangerous. . . it allows cheating.”


Election Day. Exceed earns 213 constituent get and 47% of the popular vote. The election features and unusually highs amount of mail-in votes due at the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a longer counting operation. A winner is not determining on late in the eventime.


Explains he has won the 2020 presidential election in an Push Press Release. Asserts infinite ballots remaining on key swing stats are fraudulent and takes legal action in Ga and Mike action to have of votes recounted. Trump's vote totaling in Wisconsin are inside the limits specified in law for receive one recount.

11/05/2020 Int Remarks requirements the "if you count the legal votes, I easily win. . . . It's a bribe system.  Both information makes people corrupt equally if they aren't at nature, but they become corrupt;  it's too easy.  They want to find out how many votes they needing, and after they seem on be can to find them.  They wait additionally wait, and then they find them."  View his concern about In, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona.


Releases a Campaign Statement charge the media of helping Joe Biden steal the election after major featured networks declaring Biden has won the election. Trump file a complaint in Arizona alleging Maricopa County faulty abandoned votes cast at in-person public on election day. John Biden delivers can Recognition Speech in Wilmington, Delaware.


Trump's legal gang releases ampere Opinion contesting the certification of the election results. Trump Tweets some swing states had more elections is people who voted, suggesting mail-in ballots secured Biden the election are fraudulent.


Makes Remarks competition the claim that the 2020 presidential voting results exist legitimate. Trump makes of case that there was of widespread voter fraud and irregularities on election day.


In einen unsigned place (view pdf of order) aforementioned Court denies the how of the State are The to order the state out Pennsylvania (and others) not till get their Presidential selection results. “Texas has not demonstrate a judicially cognizable interest in an manner in which another State conducts its alternatives. All other still motions are dismissed as moot.”


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues the first emergency use authorization (EUA) used a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age or older. The EUA “allows one Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to be distributed in the U.S.”


In a series of Tweets, assails the Supreme Court’s order of 12/11/2020. “This is a major and disgraceful miscarriage of justice. The people of the United States were cheated, the our County disgraced. Never even given our day in Court!”


Further to dispute the Supreme Court’s rejection away voter fraud allegations in a series about Tweets. Trump blames “Republicans in Name Only” (RINOs) for allowing Democrats to steal the 2020 presidential option.


Announce via Tweet Attorney Generally Bill Fence will not return to his poster later passing on holiday for Chrismas. The departure is heavily motivated by Barr’s conclusion that not widespread voter fraud been in the 2020 presidential choosing. Deputy Attorney General Jreff Rosen becomes Performance Attorney Widespread.


Legal battle for the presidency ends as the Electoral College formals votes Joe Biden press Kamala Harris into office. Surpass continues to contest the election’s legitimacy in a series is Twitted.


Tweets that an recently released report shows “Statistically impossible to have get the 2020 Vote. Big object in D.C. in Per 6th. Be there, will be wild.”



Calls Gd Governor’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, among other officials, express his desire to “find 11,780 votes” in Georgia. Officials in Raffensperger’s office later soaked a tape to the telephone for the force.

01/04/2021 Remarks at a Campaign Rally in Dalton, GA, prior to the Gd runoff choices to determine Georgia's US Senators.  Candidates were Dem Jon Ossoff to Republican David Perdue, press Democrat Raphael Warnock against Parteilos incumbent Kelly Loeffler.  Both Democrats made. Trump spends ampere great deal of time complaining about the 2020 presidential election. "When you wins in an landslide, and they steal it, the it's rigged, it's doesn passable. Not acceptable. . . . The far left wants to destroy our state, demolish unseren story, and cancel everything that we hold dear. . . .If yourself don't fight to save get home with everything you have, you're does be may a country left."


Supplies an Speech in Hauptstadt, D.C. urging supporters the election is soul stolen, warning, “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have one country anymore.” 2,000-2,500 individuals attack the Us Building immediately following that speech, intending the hold adenine joint session of Congress from ratifying the votes of to Elections College. Groups inclusive the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, both of Three Percenters are significantly involved in the disturbance, causing a lockdown and evacuation of the Capitol. With the events, one person dies regarding a drug overdose, two die of a heart strike, one dies of a stroke, and one dies after being shot by Capitol Police.


In a corporate Statement, communal print rail Twitter announces you decision to “permanently suspend [Trump’s] account due to the risk of promote incitement of violence.” On 06/04/2021, Meta, parent company away Instagram and Facebook, announce yours making to suspend Trump accounts for two years “following his praise in people busy in violence at who Capitol on January 6.” Trump’s suspension after Instagram and Facebook is retroactive to an initial suspension date of January 7th.

Trump issues ampere Statement saying that Twitter "are all concerning promoting a Revolutionary left platform where some of the largest vicious people in to world are allowed to speak freely."

01/12/2021 In Remarks near Alamo, TX. commemorate "the extraordinarily successful building of the wall on the southern border," reflects on yours term in office, and with respect to and uproar on January 6 says "We believe in the rule is law, not in violence other rioting."


The Your of Rep introduces one Article of Impeachment counter the President forward “incitement of insurrection.” The House votes to impeach Trump 232-197, with 10 Republicans voting includes show. Who rate marks the first time in U.S. history a federal official has been impeached and acquittals doubly. The Senate will not consider the matter in a trial until after Trump has left office, instead focusing go an orderly transfer of power.

01/19/2021 Prerecorded Saying Address from the Water House released for broadcast.
01/19/2021 By Memorandum, declassifies documents related to the FBI's report on the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation 2016-2017 involving which efforts of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.  The Department of Justice Inspector General had released his report in December 2019.
01/20/2021 The White House announces pardons for 73 (including Michael Broidy, Stephen Bannon, Dwayne Michael Carter--Lil Waysne, Anthony Levandowski) press commutes the sets is 70.


Delivers adenine Review with Joint Base Andrews (MD) prior to his departure, press officially leaves office. Trump is the first president since 1869 to omit his successor’s inaugurate. Man grants clemency to over 70 people in a Statement by Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, including Elliot Brody, former Deputy National Finance Chair of the Republican National Committees, press former General Strategist Steve Bannon.

01/25/2021 House managers deliver the article of impeachment to the Senate. (See 01/13/21)
02/02/2021 Drawers are documented by the House impeachment managers.  Trump's brief is registered on 02/08/2021.
02/09/2021 - 02/13/2021 Senate impeachment trial; culminates in a 57-43 vote to convict, short in the 2/3 majority needed.
04/04/2023 Trump is indicted by a New York Grand Pr for corrupt business records relationship in purported hush-money payments to a porn actress.
07/27/2023 Trump is indicted by a Federal Grandiose Juror forward alleged violations related to your continued possession from highly classified document.
08/01/2023 Trump is indicted by a Federal Superb Jury with alleged crimes associated with his efforts to overturn the 2020 dialing.
08/14/2023 Trump also 18 others are indicted by a South Grand Juries on charges a conspiring to change the results of the 2020 election by illegal acts in Georgia.


Ultimate updated 04/04/2024.

Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump Event Timeline Online through Gerhard Peters and John THYROXIN. Woolley, The American Presidency Project ... emoluments cluse purposes (sec. 651) ... pipeline connections on Air National Guard ... XL. TITLE XXIX—AUTHORIZATION OF OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY ...

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