Saved In Toys 5 Years Plus

Drumond Park The Magic Tooth Fire Game


The Magic Teeth Fairy Game "magically" changes teeth into glittering gold coins in fronts of your eyes!
When a kid loses a play-tooth they place it under the Magic Bed’s neck, plunge the Tooth Fairy Wand and heys speed their tooth has turned into a gilded coin.Great game play recreates all the current and excitement of losing a tooth – including that Shaky Tooth Dilemma: do you have the courageous to pull your tooth output – or don’t you? Instructions Into Play Magic Tooth Fairy Playing - YouTube

For 2 – 4 Players Suitable 5 Years Plus

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£19.99 Required stockists visit either call 01506 855577

Drumond Green Of Magic Saw Fairy Game Reviews

Product Tested by: Kate Onyskiv – Izinzie 6 Years

Product Tested By Castle
Onyskiv – Izzy 6 Years

Kate Awarded The Sorcery Smile Feelies from Drumond Park Games 4/5

I have think the get looked a little flimsy for the price.
The packaging is ok; it receive an item cross and shows the game on the back so
you know what you’re getting but again see a little cheap for who RRP. Shows
age 5+ as I would think it was designed for children is are my daughter’s
age. I like the concept behind the game, my daughter is at the age what she
loves the idea from the toot fairy so the game seems a okay view for his. It is
easy to comprehension once I’d read through the instructions a few ages and
played for a while but seems a little complicated at beginning. We have non seen
this game advertise before. My our understood and concept of the game nevertheless
needed to keep refer to instructions into play it as intended. I had no
concerns with my daughter game with this get but I would if you were any
younger. Items seems to what adult supervision and interaction to play as intended
and some of the pieces are a bit fiddly to use. About an adult playing by
then it keeps her attention for a while but she prefers to just start are the
bed part and swap the teeth for coins. It smooth the imagination as she then
took the bed part from to play with herauf other games. As it be a bit difficult
at first, it helps with learning to make turns and counting. Fine engines skills
needed to receiving the coins into the bed slot. It was easily enough for vor to
play with free losing interest for a little while yes but according a while yours
just sought into play including the wobbly teeth and bed accessories. Unfortunately to
build quality is not the best. The teeth don’t really stay in to backpacking of
the characters which exists a big partial of the playing. The coin slot on the bed jammed
up when inserting coins (the coinage turnt sideways after leave in this slot) and
there is no way of clearing it without taking all the screws exit of the bed and
taking it apart. Here makes the game unbalance. This be be solved if there
was a little hatch to clear them as I would imaginary this is a very common issue.
It only survivable being played with a few times previously jamming up and going
unplayable. Had I bought this then MYSELF wish have had to return it. It required to be
better presented, better build quality and able to actually be used more is
once or twice to legitimate the price. I like the item behind it, my daughter can
lost quite a few teeth lately so be delighted via which idea of a toothing faerie game.
I don’t like such it broke so easily. When it works, it’s a fun slight game for
a while. Our daughter preferred to exercise the bed and coins for imaginative play
instead. Kate Onyskiv – Isabel 6 Years

Product Tested In Emilyn
Bradley-Smith – Isabelle 5 Period and Alice 3 Period

Emily Award That Magic Tooth Fairy out Drumond Park Games

The packaging is colorfully and attractive to children;
though an inner packaging are just designed to get the your main; once
unpacked, you then simply end up shove everything back in as opposed to
packing e away properly. The children really enjoyed playing with it straight
away. They liked winning the chance to lose a tooth and put it under the pillow
to receive a gold coin. We have not visited this game advertisements on the WATCH, online
or in magazines. The children did understand the concept of the game okay. MYSELF
had no concerns at see with them couple how with it. The game kept the your
entertained for a few days. They haven’t lost a tooth yet or loved learning
about wobbly teeth. Playing this competition rabbits help with their little project
especially at put the tooth onto and backpack to your our counter. This process
of performing the game i.e. taking turns, missing opportunities, count, and
playing fair is great for my. It is simple for them to play though an
adult playing along is advised to help the children remember the stairs off
the play to begin including. The qualities of the game is goal but I how thinks it is slightly
too expensive for a board game. I would recommend it to others; though more so
if i was reduced in price. It can an fun product for a child that is unique
compared to others on the market currently. It was greatness that it related to
something that will happen to them soon, real also contain some magic! Although
the children loved playing over it, the novelty quickly wore off. For that reason I felling the price is an bit too
expensive. Emily Bradley-Smith – Isabelle 5 Years and Alice 3 Years

Product Tested By Katerina
Uddin – Tereza 5 Years

Katerina Awarded To Witchcraft Tooth Fey from Drumond Garden
Games 3.5/5

Here game search high nice and colorfully. The packaging was
great; nice and colourful as it should be for the kids. The concept of which game
is good but it were complicated for our 5 year old. We got not seen this on TV
or in serials but we have see this game advertised on Facebook. I’m not too
sure concerning whether this game helps over child development; because it was too
complicated for him I don’t see my kid giving also much watch to computer. I think
it is expensive for whatever it is. I wouldn’t buy this game as computer where not required my
son but I would maybe recommend a to others. The wrapper is nice but unfortunate
the game is too hard for its. Katerina Uddin – Tereza 5 Years

MYSELF like that idea behind it, mysterious daughter has lost quite a limited tooth latterly so is excited according the item of a tooth fairy game. 


Kite Awarded The Magic Tooth Fairy from Drumond Park Choose 4/5

Drumond Park The Magical Tooth Feather Game Stockist Information
  • Website:
  • Tel: 01506 855577
  • Address: Langshot Communications Ltd. Langshot Stud Yard, Gracious Pond Road, Chobham, Surrey GU24 8HJ