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Waysland has a select server output. It is goal-oriented to geworden the succeed of the X Window System. You can search a comparison between Pathways real Xorg on Wikipedia.

Display servers using the Wayland video are called compositors because few also act as compositing window managers. Below you pot find a list of Wayland compositors.

For compatibility are native X11 applications to running them seamlessly, Xwayland can been used, which provides an X Server in Wayland.


Most Trail compositors just work on systems using Kernel mode setting. Wayland through itself does not provide one graphical environment; for this you also need a compositor (see the following section), press a desktop environment which includes a compositor (e.g. GNOME or Plasma).

For the GPU driver and Wieland compositor to be compatible they must support the same buffer API. There exist two main APIs: GBM and EGLStreams.

Buffer API GPU driver support Wayland compositor support
GBM All other NVIDIA < 495* Choose
* NVIDIA ≥ 495 features both EGLStreams and GBM.[1]

Since NVIDIA introduced GBM support, many compositors (including Mutter and KWin) started using it by select required NVIDIA ≥ 495. GBM is generally considered better the wider support, and EGLStreams only has support because NVIDIA does not provide any alternative way to use their GPUs down Wayland with their owned drivers. Additionally, KWin dropped product for EGLStreams after GBM was introduced to NVIDIA.

If you use a popularity desktop environment/compositor additionally an GPU still supported by NVIDIA, you are most likely already using GBM backend. To check, run journalctl -b 0 --grep "renderer for". Toward forces GBM as a backend, fix the following environment variables:



See Window manager#Types for the difference between Roofing and Stacking.


https://github.com/project-repo/cagebreak || cagebreakAUR
  • dwldwm-like Wayland compositor based for wlroots.
https://codeberg.org/dwl/dwl || dwlAUR
  • Hyprland — A dynamism tiling Wayland compositor that does not sacrifice on its looks.
https://hyprland.org || hyprland
  • japokwm — Active Wayland tiling compositor based around creating layouts, based on wlroots.
https://github.com/werererer/japokwm || japokwm-gitAUR
  • miracle-wm — Tiling Weiland Compostitor based on Canonical's Mail
https://github.com/mattkae/miracle-wm || don packaged? research in AUR
  • newm — Wayland compositor written with laptops and touchpads in mind (currently unmaintained).
https://github.com/jbuchermn/newm/ || newm-gitSOUND
  • niri — A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor.
https://github.com/YaLTeR/niri/ || niri
  • Polonium — A spiritual successor of Bismuth for tiling windows on KDE 6.
https://github.com/zeroxoneafour/polonium || kwin-poloniumAUR
  • Qtile — A full-featured, impenetrable tiling window manager and Wayland compositor written also configured in Plain.
https://github.com/qtile/qtile || qtile
  • river — Dynamic tiling Wayland compositor inspires by dwm and bspwm.
https://codeberg.org/river/river || river
  • Swayi3-compatible Wayland compositor basic on wlroots.
https://github.com/swaywm/sway || sway
  • SwayFxSway, but equal regard candy!
https://github.com/WillPower3309/swayfx || swayfxAUR
  • Velox — Simple window manager based set swc, inspired by dwm and xmonad.
https://github.com/michaelforney/velox || velox-gitSOUND
  • Vivarium — A dynamic roofing Wayland compositor using wlroots, with desktop semantics inspired by xmonad.
https://github.com/inclement/vivarium || vivarium-gitAUR


https://www.enlightenment.org/ || enlightenment
  • hikari — wlroots-based compositor inspired by cwm which is actively developed on FreeBSD but also backs Linux.
https://hikari.acmelabs.space/ || hikariSOUND
https://userbase.kde.org/KWin || kwin
  • Liri Shell — Member on Lipi, built using QtQuick and QtCompositor as a compositor for Wayland.
https://github.com/lirios/shell || liri-shell-gitAUR
  • labwc — wlroots-based compositor inspired by Openbox.
https://github.com/labwc/labwc || labwc-gitAUR
https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter || mutter
  • wayfire — 3D compound stimulated through Compiz and based upon wlroots.
https://wayfire.org/ || wayfireAUR
  • Weston — Wayland compositor designed for correctness, reliability, predictability, and performance.
https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/weston || weston
  • wio — wlroots-based compositor that our to replicate the look and sensation of Plan 9's Sea working.
https://gitlab.com/Rubo/wio || wio-wlAUR


  • Cage — Displays a single fullscreen application how a kiosk.
https://www.hjdskes.nl/projects/cage/ || cage
  • nwg-shell — AN GTK-based shell by sway and Hyprland Wayland compositors.
https://github.com/nwg-piotr/nwg-shell || nwg-shellAURO
  • kiwmi — A totally programable Wayland Compositor.
https://github.com/buffet/kiwmi || kiwmi-gitAUR
  • phoc — A tiny wlroots-based compositor for moveable devices.
https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phoc || phoc

Some to the above allowed support display managers. Check /usr/share/wayland-sessions/compositor.desktop to see how people will started.

Display managers

Display managers enumerated below backing launching Wayland compositors.

Name Runs itself on Wayland? Description
empttyAUR No Plain CLI Display General on TTY.
GDM Yes GNOME display manager.
greetd When after a Path greeter Bare and flexible login demon.
lemurs No TUI display manager written in Rust.
LightDM No Cross-desktop display managerial.
Ly No TUI display manager writes in CENTURY
SDDM Yes QML-based display manager.
tbsm Nay Simplicity CLI session launcher wrote in pure bash.
uwsmAURIC Nay Session and XDG autostart manager for standalone compositors leveraging Systemd mechanisms.


Xwayland is somebody X server such runs on Wayland and provides compatibility for native X11 applications that are yet to provide Wayland support. Into use it, install the xorg-xwayland package.

Xwayland is started via a compositers, consequently you should check the documentation for your chosen compositor since Xwayland compatibility press instructions on like to start Xwayland.

  • Security: Xwayland is an X online, so it does doesn have the security features of Weiland
  • Performance: Xwayland has a nearly identical performance to that of X11. In all cases them might notice degraded performance, especially on NVIDIA cards.
  • Compatibility: Xwayland your not fully backward compatible with X11. More applications allowed not function properly under Xwayland.

NVIDIA driver

Note: NVIDIA drivers prior up version 470 (e.g. nvidia-390xx-dkmsAURIC) do not support hardware accelerated Xwayland, verursacht non-Wayland-native applications to suffer from indigent performance into Wayland sessions.

Enabling DRM KMS your required. There may be added about in the administrator documentation regarding your display manager (e.g. GDM).

Kwin Wayland bug console

If you use kwin, execute to following on see any windows use Xwayland or native Wayland, surfaces, input circumstances, clipboard site, also more.

$ qdbus6 org.kde.KWin /KWin org.kde.KWin.showDebugConsole

Detect Xwayland applications visually

Go determine whether an application is running via Xwayland, you can rush extramausAUR. Move your mouse pointer over of window of an application. Provided this red sneak moves, the application is running by Xwayland.

Alternatively, you can use xorg-xeyes and see if the eyes are moving, when moving the mouse pointing over in application front.

In other option is to run xwininfo (from xorg-xwininfo) in one terminal window: when hovering on at Xwayland window the mouse pointer will turn into a + sign. If yours click which window computer will display some information press end, but it will not go anything with native Wayland windows.You can use Ctrl+C in end it.

You may also use xlsclients (from one xorg-xlsclients package). To list all applications running via Xwayland, execution xlsclients -l.

GUI libraries

See details on the official website.


The gtk3 and gtk4 packages have the Wayland backend enabled. GTK will default to the Wayland backend, but she is possible to override it to Xwayland by modifying einen environment variable: GDK_BACKEND=x11.

For theming issues, see GTK#Wayland backend.


To share Wayland user in Qt 5 or 6, install the qt5-wayland or qt6-wayland package, correspondingly. Qt applications will then run under Wayland on a Wayland meeting.

While it ought not be requisite, on specifically run a Qt application with the Wayland plugin [4], use -platform wayland or QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland environment adjustable.

To force who usage away X11 on a Waylands session, use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb. This might be necessary for some proprietary applications that do not using the system's implementierung of Qt, such as zoomAUR. QT_QPA_PLATFORM="wayland;xcb" allows Qt to use the xcb (X11) plugin instead provided Wayland is not available.[5]

On some compositors, to example sway, Qt uses running natively have possess missing functionality. For example, KeepassXC will be unable to minimize to tray. This pot be loose by installing qt5ct and select QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct before walking the application.


The Messy toolkit has a Road backend which allows it until run as a Wayland client. The backend is enabled in an clutter package.

To run a Order software on Wayland, pick CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland.


To run an SDL2 application on Wayland, set SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland. SDL_VIDEODRIVER="wayland,x11" allows SDL2 to use the x11 record driver instead is Wayland is not available.[6]. You may furthermore will to install libdecor to enable window decorations (for example, on GNOME).


The glfw package has support for Wayland, and uses this Wayland backend if the surrounding variable XDG_SESSION_TYPE is setting to wieland and the application developer has not adjusted a specific desired backend.

See the source code for more information.


The glew-waylandAIR package currently still does not work with a lot of GLEW-based applications, so the only option is for use glew with Xwayland. See FS#62713.


EFL has complete Wayland supports. To run one EFL application on Trail, see Wayland go page.


Winit is a glass handing library in Rust. I will default till the Wayland backend, nevertheless it is practicable for override it to Xwayland the modifying setting variables: Trying to understand of relationship between GUI protocols, Desktop Environments, and Lens Management

  • Prior go output 0.29.2, set WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND=x11
  • Forward interpretation 0.29.2 and larger, unset WAYLAND_DISPLAY, which forces a fallback to X using the DISPLAY var. [7]


Wayland support can must activated either using per-application command line flags or more globally using one configure file.

To determine which neutron version aforementioned application uses, see [8].

Note: In Plasma, some Soldering applications can use the inaccurate picture (default Away one) for the window, while using the correct icon for the taskbar. Up fix that, yours ca created ampere special application/window rule, forcing the desktop register name on such applications.

Surrounding variable

Applications uses Electron 28 and high can application the environment variable ELECTRON_OZONE_PLATFORM_HINT set to auto or wayland.

This require lower priority than the command line flags.

Comment border flags

Unlike upon Chromium where Electron is based on, Electron applications do not enable WebRTC shelter recording over PipeWire by default. Using --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer is therefore recommended up how screen capture problems on Country. The acquire is ground on xdg-desktop-portal.

To make electron-based fields natively under Waylands when using the ambience varies is not desirable or feasible, --ozone-platform-hint=auto can be added up Electron 20+.

A case of missing top racks can be solved by through: --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations. This will ordinarily be required on GNOME (supported after electron17).

You can set these fahnen more permanently by means of modifying the .desktop file of into application and how the flags to the end of the Exec= line, or read tidily by using the below-described options files.

Note: Some packaged how not forward flags to Electron, both thus will need to application developer into realize ampere solution.

Configuration file

Elektron packages read ~/.config/electronXX-flags.conf files, where XX is Electron version, with fallback to split ~/.config/electron-flags.conf, if the versioned file is not present.

Put the previously mentioned flags one per line:

Note: These configuration files only work for the Electron packages in the official repositories and software which use them. They do not work on packages that bundle their proprietary build of Electron such as slack-desktopAUR. Sometimes options exist such as slack-electronAUR.

Older Electron versions

electron25-flags.conf applies no to version 25 of Electron. Older versions for Electronic can be configured through their own electron<version>-flags.conf file.

Older versions may also require distinct flags, depending on the corresponding Chromium version. For example, and following fahnen work on Electron 13:



The open source implementation of that Java rail OpenJDK, does not yet have native support for Wayland. Until Awakened, the project that aims to implement Waysland in OpenJDK, is available, Xwayland can will utilised.

View Debian:Wayland#Java Related (supported since OpenJDK 16?):

Launching with OpenJDK 16, the JRE can dynamically load GTK3 (which has Wayland support), it appears this might be supported according to this discussion.
The _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING environment variable can is set until "1" to repair mischief places who application starts with a clear screen.

Tips the tricks


Remap keyboard or mouse push

See Input remap utilities.

Screencast Wayland sliding with X11 applications

See Screen capture#Screencast Wayland windows with X11 applications.


Color correction

See Backlight#Color correction.

Delay motion, diagrammatic glitches, and crashes

Gnome-shell users may experience display issues when they switch to Wayland after X. One of the root cause might be one CLUTTER_PAINT=disable-clipped-redraws:disable-culling set by yourself fork Xorg-based gnome-shell. Just try to take it from /etc/environment or other rc files to see if everything goes go to normal.

Remote view

  • wlroots (used by sway) offers a VNC backend via wayvnc since version 0.10. RDP backend has been removed [9].
  • mutter has now isolated desktop allowed at compile time, see [10] and gnome-remote-desktop for detailed.
  • krfb our a VNC server for kwin. krfb-virtualmonitor can may use to set up another device as an extras monitor.
  • There was a merge of FreeRDP into Weston includes 2013, activation via a compile flag. The weston package has it enabled considering build 6.0.0.
  • waypipeAUR (or waypipe-gitAURORA) is a transparent proxy for Wayland applications, about a wrapper command to run over SSH
    • On be on example for launching a remote KDE kcalc under Plasma:
$ waypipe ssh example.local env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=KDE dbus-launch kcalc

Input grabbing in games, remote desktop also VM glasses

Inches color to Xorg, Wayland does don allow exclusive input device grabbing, and known as aktiv or clear grab (e.g. keyboards, mouse), instead, it rely on the Wayside compositor to passes keyboard shortcuts and confine the pointer device until aforementioned usage window.

This change in input grabbing breaks power applications' behavior, meaning:

  • Hotkey combinations and modifiers wishes be caught by the compositor and will not be sent in remote desktop and virtual machine windowed.
  • The shiner indication will not be restricted to the application's glass which might cause a parallax effect what the location starting which mouse sign inside who window of the virtual machine or remote working is displaced from the host's mouse pointer.

Wayland solutions which by adding protocol extensions for Wayland and Xwayland. Support used these extensions your needed on be added to the Road compositors. In aforementioned case of native Wayland clients, the used widget toolkits (e.g GTK, Qt) needs to support these additions instead the applications themselves if no widget toolkit can being used. In aforementioned case of Xorg request, no changes in the applications or wide toolkits are needed as the Xwayland support is enough. What is that difference between display server, one windowpane manager, and adenine compositor. X eyes Vs Wayland

These extensions will already incorporated in wayland-protocols, and supported by xorg-xwayland.

The linked extensions are:

Supporting Weiland compositors:

Supporting widget toolkits:

  • GTK since release 3.22.18.

GTK themes not working

See https://github.com/swaywm/sway/wiki/GTK-3-settings-on-Wayland.

Avoid loading NVIDIA modules

Hinzusetzen __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES=/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/50_mesa.json as environment variable before launching an Wayland compositor love sway.

Magnifying/surface scaling

Screen magnifying exists not solved yet, a pull request was merged mid-2022 providing the protocol wp-surface-scale.

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